WOFF Contradictions – Part 2

      As we continue with the contradictions witnessed at Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF), I will again state that I will not pretend to know each one or the depth of the contradictions or ironies that are present at WOFF. These statements are my opinions. Some contradictions are obvious and some need to be explained. While attending WOFF, I did not seek to understand or note these contradictions. If one happened across my path, I would excuse it or set it aside. Do the former members agree or disagree? Was I the only one who sought to keep as many as possible of the contradicting facts – in check?

     After all, dodging or hiding from “truth” can be a full-time job when you are inside such a controlling group as WOFF. Consider- does it take pages and pages of scripture references to validate a doctrine or practice? Is this an attempt to justify practices the Holy Spirit does not bear witness to, inside of other believers? Either a practice or doctrine serves the purpose of God or it does not? If that practice does not serve God’s purpose – what or whose purpose does it, serve?

    To WOFF members, the voice of truth could be coming as that little voice on the inside of your heart or as the blare of a fog horn resounding in circumstances and events too glaring to ignore! However the prompting comes concerning WOFF – listen. Do not spend years ignoring what seems obvious to some and hard to grasp for others. I denied the questions and spent years in the blinding fog bank, drifting in the group known as Word of Faith Fellowship.  


     One of the most intriguing, yet sad contradictions that I witnessed concerning WOFF and its practices involved the school. There have been many hours of planning and work surrounding the study of the Holocaust. Under the “Christian School” tab on the WOFF website, there is a page titled the “Holocaust Museum”. The projects are grouped and show the extensive effort of the students. This is obviously a point of pride for the school, teachers and students.  

   In a previous post, I mention my involvement in an online class about the Holocaust, taught through a local community college by one of the teacher/members of WOFF. (see post here http://religiouscultsinfo.com/?p=284  ..) I found the class very enlightening and informative. I was able to hear a Holocaust survivor speak. Gizella Abramson shared her testimony. (see this link.. from The Pilot.. http://archives.thepilot.com/November2006/20061122/news/local/20061122survivor.html )

    So, where in lies the contradiction? How can I put this? How can the leader, Jane Whaley and her teachers in the school, teach in such depth, the subjects surrounding the most horrific tragedy in recent history, with no conviction at all? Especially when the methods that Hitler used to control the German people are the EXACT same methods Jane Whaley presently uses to control WOFF member’s access to information? Jane Whaley uses severe suppression of all forms of media and access to outside information. She allows only filtered news to reach the majority of the regular members at WOFF. Does anyone else see the ironic tragedy in this whole scene?  Am I the only WOFF survivor that sees the absolute hypocrisy in the claiming to study an event, which in it’s beginning stages is mirrored in EVERYDAY practices at WOFF? When I consider these events in their totality, it takes my breath at the utter unabashed gall and pride for WOFF to teach this part of history, as if nothing is amiss. How did I not see this clearly when I was inside the group?

      This is an excerpt from a slideshow I found online…

“How did Hitler and the Nazi Party control Germany? PROPAGANDA AND CENSORSHIP OF NEWSPAPERS The German people were subjected to continual propaganda, under the control of Josef Goebbels…. The Nazis took control of Radio stations – the SS took over Radio Berlin…. The Nazis heavily censored German newspapers. This meant that they removed any information that they did not agree with… Censorship allowed Hitler to control the information that the ‘Long live Germany’ German public received..”

See the entire slideshow here… http://www.slideshare.net/mrjportman/nazi-control-p-d-f

    Could it be clearer? Here is a previous post about the censorship practiced at WOFF.. http://religiouscultsinfo.com/?p=318      If you have the understanding how this could continue and no one inside WOFF see the utter fallacy of the whole charade, then help me. Yet, we will continue with the contradictions found at WOFF, in future posts.

     Please, consume the information on this site responsibly. The author is not a licensed mental health professional and encourages those that need professional help to seek it. The intent of the material is to inform and be a resource. Be sure to tell every member that you know at WOFF about this blog. There are readers at WOFF. Comments are invited from all readers, including present or former members. Polls are not scientific and no private information is gathered.

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      (Please, take time to read the Terms of Use for this personal blog. As mentioned, the information about WOFF is from my memories and recollections as perfect as that may be or not be. ) This is post number 125.

One thought on “WOFF Contradictions – Part 2”

  1. It is mindblowing to realize this. One of my older brothers brought this to my attention shortly before I was told I was no longer WOFF material!!!! Of course I didn’t want to see it at that time but have since come to the revelation that he is right. You know I am so glad that GOD decided that I was no longer WOFF material!!!! But I am material for HIM very suitable!!! It is scary what deception can do to people!! Hugs and Prayers!!!

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