More on the Exclusive Brethren

    In a previous post, I shared information about a group called the Exclusive Brethren. In that post found here… I made some comparisons between Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF) and the Exclusive Brethren group. One main point of that post was how similar the folks who leave each group are treated. Here is a quote from the first post on this subject:

    –For the most part, members who have left the Raven/Taylor/Hales group (of Exclusive Brethren) are completely ostracized. Members are not permitted to live with those who have left and this causes families to break up; in fact, remaining members do not even speak, eat or otherwise socialize with those who have left the group’s membership. To leave the group, either voluntarily or to be excommunicated, means to be asked to leave one’s home, and the subsequent breaking of all normal family relationships with those who remain within the group.[7]   

  This sounded so much like what I had seen and been a part of with WOFF; I felt the need to learn more. When the survivor from this group contacted me, I asked him about any similarities and here is a quote from an email he sent: (used by permission- from “Paul”)


    “But of interest is control of members finances. Over the last few years they have allowed computers, but only if they are computers hired (purchased or leased) from a company the leaders set up called National Office Assist .These computers will be programmed certain ways and only allow members access to certain uses. For instance certain places on the web will be banned. This is not just to stop people going to porn sites, no it’s more about censoring information, and for instance information about the “Aberdeen Incident” about the truth of the scandal of “James Taylor” which was discussed in some of the links I posted in the last comments on your blog. They have been hiding these truths from members for years. Plus this “National Office Assist” is aimed at ways to see how much money people businesses are making. So the leaders will know if they are holding back too much money and not putting enough money in collection plates. Not so unlike Jane and the WOFF when they send the collection plate around again. Except in the Exclusive Brethren the heavies- “leaders” will just quietly pull people aside and grill them and remind them that God’s prophet, the “head leader” of the cult needs money to further his ministry etc. They often publically ridicule anyone who they think isn’t towing the line in front of the whole assembly. And of course “gossip” is ripe. And there are those who like to feel like they are special within the cult kind of like “semi-leaders”, so this breeds many folk who will gladly tittle-tattle on somebody to get them in trouble! Thus allowing themselves to feel special and climb the ladder of fame! – within the cult hierarchy.” 

      After reading these comments, I found several similarities. Some interesting ones he stated here. In my opinion, both groups were interested in the finances of members. Jane Whaley admitted to checking the records to see if members were tithing. We will go over other ways that WOFF raised money besides passing the plates in another post. Yes, for a while there was a wireless network at the school on the church property. Teachers and students had access until some were caught visiting sites that were not acceptable. I was told the access was shut down for a while and then later opened back to certain teachers and others in college. Since there is a new building as part of the WOFF School, I feel relatively certain the wireless access has been opened back to students for their use for school work. But, if any student was caught “giving over to the computer devil” or touching any button not allowed or not following computer class instructions to the letter, they were subject to being put out of the class and/or suspended from any future access to computers. From what I saw it was a common occurrence for some.  

  From the email, “They often publically ridicule anyone who they think isn’t towing the line in front of the whole assembly. And of course “gossip” is ripe.” Yes, we have discussed this before as common at WOFF. Public ridicule even to children and youth was common at WOFF. See the post here about Jane Whaley calling teenage female students- “homely”… For sure, Jane did not leave out the adults. She would scald adults as well as youth and children. See this post about an elderly lady being rebuked harshly in a service… .  The open rebuke for members was a common occurrence at WOFF. If you survived and were still in the church, you were expected to accept it as part of “learning God’s ways…” or was it learning god’s ways?     

     Odd that “Paul” should mention those that sought to climb the “ladder of fame – within the cult hierarchy”. This was a common phenomenon in WOFF also. It was called “finding your place in God” or “taking hold of others”. The more folks you were taking hold of, then the higher in the eyes of Jane you could rise. Often it was said from the pulpit by Jane and other leaders that “You will never find your place in God until you help someone else find their place in God”.  Basically, it meant finding someone you could control and teach them how to submit to the rules and ways of WOFF. (hearing god) Was this really the blind leading the blind? At a minimum, it was the inexperienced leading other people into their inexperience, right?  It sounded so spiritual when I first heard it… I suppose you have those types of folks in just about any group. But, odd that this shows up in both of these religious cult groups- right?

   From a website provided by “Paul”, these quotes are from an interview with present Exclusive Brethren members and former members as well as some others. The moderator was Wendy Carlisle. The link to the entire interview is found here..

    When a present member was describing one of their priests, Bruce Hale… he said this: “None of us would have known Mr. Hales currently was going to be the next man of God. It’s something that you might say is God-given, his gift is undeniable, his grasp of the truth, his grasp of mankind, his deportment, is one of a magnanimous, benevolent spirit.”  Such adulation sounded familiar from what I remember being said about Jane Whaley. She had a “gift” for sure and her superior, self-acclaimed grasp of truth was indisputable at WOFF. How do we know? She would tell us by her words and actions.

     Wendy Carlisle summarizes the Exclusive Brethren: “There are 15,000 members of the Exclusive Brethren in Australia, 40,000 world-wide. According to the principles of their faith they shun contact with those not in the Brethren, people they call ‘worldlies’. They don’t have friends outside the Brethren, or share meals with ‘worldlies’, or go to the beach, watch television, listen to the radio or recorded music. They are not allowed to have mobile phones, faxes or computers. Women must wear headscarves and long skirts. Marriages must be approved of by the leadership. Breaking the rules risks excommunication.”

   Okay, these rules are not just like WOFF, but can you see the similarities? These things are true in each group – no friends outside the group and shun contact with those outside the group. Well, most regular members of WOFF don’t go to the beach. Jane and her leadership can go, in fact there was/is a house owned in SC by several in leadership- near the beach. And in both groups, faithful members do not “watch television; listen to the radio or recorded music”. Jane Whaley watches television “when God tells her to”. Does this next excerpt sound like WOFF or what? “Marriages must be approved of by the leadership. Breaking the rules risks excommunication”. Yes. That was true at WOFF! So, WOFF is much smaller but still had/has many of the same characteristics and practices. Why? What are the results?  

  Before we close this post, we will review one more excerpt from the interview posted by Wendy Carlisle. She is quoting Trevor Hill a former member, “According to Trevor, the Brethren have departed from the teachings of the Bible, and one of the key departures is the very idea of one person having ultimate power.” Does this sound familiar to present or former WOFF members? Ultimate Power? Who has that inside of WOFF? Trevor Hill explains, “By that I mean he has complete control over whatever he chooses to control. It doesn’t mean that everybody necessarily has to ask him everything, but anything that seems to be important is all directed to him, and his word is final and absolute. If he is fed wrong information, and therefore makes a wrong judgment, history shows often that people just have to wear that. You cannot contradict what he says, having said it.”  Who has the final and absolute word at WOFF? Does this sound similar to what I have written about Jane Whaley and WOFF? We will come back to this interview for some additional similarities between WOFF and Exclusive Brethren. Groups such and these need to be explained or exposed or both.   

    Here is a link to a website explain the “Aberdeen Incident” and more.  .  I have not read all the material nor can I give a blanket endorsement to the content of this website. I provide the link for background information.

    Thank you, for taking time to visit and read this blog.  Please, consume the information on this site responsibly. The author is not a licensed mental health professional and encourages those that need professional help to seek it. The intent of the material is to inform and be a resource. Be sure to tell every member that you know at WOFF about this blog. There are readers at WOFF. Comments are invited from all readers, including present or former members. Polls are not scientific and no private information is gathered.

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      (Please, take time to read the Terms of Use for this personal blog. As mentioned, the information about WOFF is from my memories and recollections as perfect as that may be or not be. ) Scripture references are Amplified Version unless otherwise noted. (Copyright © 1954, 1958, 1962, 1964, 1965, 1987 by The Lockman Foundation ) This is post number 220.

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