Brave Enough to Doubt?

These last few days have been enlightening. I have been reflecting on the necessity for the experience in a high demand faith group to be seamless. What do I mean? For a faithful member of such a group, the experience must include all answers for all supposed problems; be the problems real or imaginary, new or old. Which high demand faith group fails to present itself as the all encompassing answer to all of life’s ills? My idea is that every one of them presents their ways, their ideas, and their lifestyle as the answer- period. It was that way during my time at Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF). Let me explain.

My time under the WOFF influence spanned 16 years. Since we started in Greenville and not in Spindale, it was a growing and gradual absorption into the WOFF vacuum. For some, they don’t get the luxury or time to be gradually sucked in. Some are lured into the intake program much quicker. Some stay and some don’t stay. But, for all, the program is sold as the only true way to walk with God and God’s people. The WOFF-life is sold as the way to know the call of God and fulfill your call and go to the Nations and have any hope to make it into the Kingdom of God. Word has been shared with me that recently Jane Whaley has teaching more on the End Times. If this is true, then I reckon it follows that those in her group will be able to make it through to wherever they need to be- if they will just submit to God and God’s authority through Jane and her message, her wisdom, her direction, her gift.

So, John, what does the term “seamless” have to do with WOFF-life? In this discussion I use the term “seamless” to mean without interruption, without alternate views, without a counter-balancing perspective or without what some in WOFF call– lies. A seamless experience is one where your environment provides all the resources to accomplish anything you need to do. This keeps the faithful members chugging right along doing the work, earning the money, giving the tithes and offerings and providing the adulation that Jane so desperately needs. Yes, anything that brings a bump in the road, a bend in the path or a time of doubt that Jane has all answers to all problems would disrupt the seamless WOFF experience.

There are certain tools which are used to make the ride for faithful, hardworking WOFF members as smooth as it can be. One such tool is the control of information into and out of the group. Total free access to media sources does not exist inside WOFF. Cell phones are subject to impromptu searches. Newspapers are screened and read to the congregation. Members who express a desire to travel the information highway unchecked are told they have a devil and need to submit to authority. They are told they may “come under attack” which means learn something that was not told them inside the group which may cause them to doubt the honesty and thus interrupt the seamlessness of the WOFF experience.

WOFF members are coached as to just what and how to tell their family members the happenings inside the group. “Those not walking with us and with God as we do would not understand the things we do or why we do them. We have to guard what we share with them so they don’t come under attack.” I know it is hard to believe that such a large group of folks could be exhorted, coached and compelled to keep secrets from outsiders, but it happens. And the reason it happens is because WOFF members desire to keep their experience as seamless as possible. Friction free, drama free and thus much of what goes on inside is euphemistically shared with outsiders. If members told everything that went on inside of WOFF, there would be no peaceful living for them. Their life would be full of drama and correction to bring their tongue back into submission to the will of God- right?

Face it, relatives of WOFF members DO NOT get the real truth of how things are run on the inside. Why should they expect that they are being told truth? WOFF operates and dispenses information on a need to know basis. As dear and loved as outside family members feel they are to their family inside WOFF, WOFF members think they can’t be told the entire truth. Why? I believe the true doings inside WOFF would be shocking and disturb many people.

Recently, I saw the expression on a new survivor’s face as he was told the facts around a WOFF drama. He was shocked to learn the entire sequence of events. And likewise I have been shocked to learn “the rest of the story” about many WOFF dramas while I was inside. I was not in the habit of thinking we were not being told the whole “truth” while inside. To get out and learn otherwise has been disappointing, but helpful. Now, I know we were “information managed.” Why? So, our experience would be seamless and without doubt.

This week I stumbled upon some note cards from WOFF days. These cards included only Scripture references, no dates, no names of speakers, and no additional words- just chapter and verse. Why? Somewhere along the way, Jane declared that to add anything else to the notes during a meeting was distracting and useless. I understand now this was an important step in transforming the Scriptures from divine inspiration to thought-stopping clichés. Jane’s background and her methods included using a Scripture reference to justify everything she wanted to do. If you doubt, look at the tons of Scripture references on their website. The list of that many Scripture references serves two main purposes. First, they are there as a wall to stop critical thinking of outsiders. After all, WOFF is saying- we have God’s word to justify what we do!

Jane’s use of the Scriptures and the freedom to quote them has become a fence to keep others out as a practice of “freedom of religion”; while at the same time a fence to keep members in the group and under Jane’s authority. Which faithful WOFF member would dare call Jane out when she uses a Scripture to rebuke them? Not many and if they did – not for long. How many times has Jane or someone else in leadership publically rebuked a member for doing something or thinking something by quoting a Scripture? “Where were you when God told us such and such? Why would you do that when we were told not to do it?” So, what was meant for divine good has now been turned into a tool for control. WOFF members are not allowed to freely ponder Scripture. Jane has the final word on what the WORD means- for all members. As a WOFF member, you are literally stopped from the free exercise of religion as a requirement to stay in the group which supposedly fights for your freedom of religion!

Consider the faithful WOFF member living in a church using Scriptures to back up everything they do. This lends itself to quite a solid foundation in the minds of many who revere the Scriptures as the Word of God. Normal Christians revere God’s word –right? Add to this the fine homes, nice cars and nice clothes that most members enjoy. Forget for a minute the day to day drama. The drama of WOFF life is “the devil attacking God’s people…” right? Or can we remember at least part of the constant tension and drama? Is it all – “the devil?” Is everything going on inside WOFF that causes a supposedly seamless experience to not be seamless “the devil?” Or is it possible that many of the rules for WOFF life are only Jane’s rules and her contrivance to make her life easier? She has said that the sin of her members makes her sick and keeps her up all night sending texts messages. Who would not want to get rid of all sin so Jane could live a better life? For Jane, more rules, less sin. That makes total “legal sense.”

After all doesn’t the friction inside of WOFF spew when Jane’s seamless life is interrupted? Isn’t it drama when Jane does not have what she needs and has to pass the plates until she gets her needs met? When Jane hears of “attackers” spreading “lies”, does her life have drama and she must pass that drama onto others?

Is her anger like water that flows down the sides of the pyramid structure of WOFF until all have tasted her displeasure? What price do WOFF members pay for her seamless existence? Are any of them brave enough to doubt that everything they are being told to do for Jane is necessary to be a Christian and make it to heaven? How about the poor souls who lived before Jane and the misfortunate who will live after her and never have the chance to know her? Will she and her gift transcend time and space and lead others into the kingdom after she dies?

John, you are being totally silly! WOFF members don’t think that way! Well, maybe or maybe not consciously, but many act that way. Over the years, many have taken their love and adulation for Jane and confused it for truly loving God. A few have been brave enough to doubt and seek true religious freedom outside the thick walls of WOFF. Some have left just because they began to doubt. Doubting Jane’s authority, absolute holiness and perfection can lead to the freedom to truly know God.

Thank you, for taking time to visit and read this blog. Please, consume the information on this site responsibly. The author is not a licensed mental health professional and encourages those that need professional help to seek it. The intent of the material is to inform and be a resource. Be sure to tell every member that you know at WOFF about this blog. There are readers at WOFF. Jane told me and Josh confirmed it.

Comments are invited from all readers, including present or former members. Polls are not scientific and no private information is gathered.

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Guest posts reflect the opinions of the writers. Their opinions do not necessarily reflect the opinions of John Huddle or any other persons affiliated with this blog.

Please, take time to read the Terms of Use for this personal blog. As mentioned, for posts written by John Huddle, any information about WOFF is from his memories and recollections as perfect as that may be or not be.

Scripture references are Amplified Version unless otherwise noted. (Copyright © 1954, 1958, 1962, 1964, 1965, 1987 by The Lockman Foundation ) This is post number 482.

4 thoughts on “Brave Enough to Doubt?”

  1. I just read this beautifully well-written and all-encompassing post – brings tears to my eyes because you are so on-point. Our family is in there, and I am so frustrated and angry beyond words at Jane Whaley. She has destroyed so many innocent lives…all while living like a Queen at the members’ expense. My greatest wish, John, is that enough WOFF members are reading your posts and beginning to have their eyes opened and realizing THEY hold the power and that she is simply a normal, albeit sick, human being. She is not God nor is she a vessel for God. Power in numbers…without them, she has nothing. She should probably actually be getting very worried…and perhaps be a bit wary of who in her upper circle of confidants she can truly trust. So much bad press and shocking videos that are being revealed about Jane – I would not want to be associated with her if I were them. One would think they would all be distancing themselves quite a bit. But…thank you, again, John for this very informative post as well as all the work you and others are continuing to do on this front – especially for the children in WOFF. I pray that authorities will begin paying some attention to this soon.

  2. John, You are right on. All of your comments express what I felt after I left WOFF. Many times during my 15 plus years there, I would think, I can think for myself and sort out bad from good, why does it have to be forced down my throat. I always resented the censoring of news, and outside contact with the “world.” When 9-11 happened, I think someone called the church and said, “you need to watch this and see what is happening to the United States.” What if that call had not been made? What if Charlotte had been targeted and there was outpouring into Rutherford County? Would Jane allow that information to get out or would the church people be told it was “end times” happening? We could not even check the weather!!! We had to hear about it from the church. The inner drama was always kept quiet and behind closed doors. As a member of the congregation, I always thought everyone was doing well. Surprise! After leaving the church, I began to hear the stories from others about what went on that was “hidden” from the general congregation. If someone had a problem and left, you never heard about the problem, just that they had come against the will of God or Jane or the church. The people who left were always talked bad about. Nothing good is ever said about someone who left. You could never mention their name again or ever wonder about them. I remember a person left and Jane said if you want to know why they left come ask me and I will tell you. So, down at Jane’s door before a service, I overheard another church member come to ask Jane that question, “why did that person leave?” Jane furiously rebuked that person and said, “why do you want to know, you do not need to know!” and just days before Jane had said, “come ask me!”
    Nothing ever made sense to what was said and how things were handled to me. I would hear the “leadership” talking bad about people in the church and even telling lies to Jane about the people. There was always drama, because they made drama!!

  3. Randall,

    Information was dispensed on a “if Jane thinks you need to know” basis. I remember Jane making the exact statements you referenced about “asking her if you want to know why so and so left’… I had no confidence I would be told the exact reasons, so I never asked. Plus, it was personal “drama control” – the less you acted like you wanted to know about certain subjects… the less drama you had. This also helped the illusion that you were still in control of your life. BUT- you were not, once you were inside. Only leaving and telling the family secrets has brought back the control over my life. Even that has come in stages.

    Thank you for reading and adding your memories to this blog.


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