Have things changed at WOFF?

Just today, I am being told that “things inside Word of Faith Fellowship have changed!”

Okay, let’s break this down. The answer to the question is either “yes” things have changed or “no” things have not changed. What did the person mean by “things”? One thing at time, John! Oh, the hopes of many may rise and fall on this news.

“Things” in the context as it was relayed to me meant the controls have lessened. IF that is a correct interpretation of the meaning, then we have mixed emotions. We have reason for concern and reason for joy. Joy because many of us still have relatives in the mind-bending clutch of the large sucking black hole known as WOFF. Concern because some may be duped to count the wisp of change as lasting or reaching down into the very foundation of the leader – Jane Whaley. Let me explain.

Anyone looking honestly into the subculture admits there are layers of control and they apply differently to different folks. The person exclaiming the changes was not fully connected into the daily doings and goings of the group, NOT a member for any length of time. This person had in fact been shunned by the group and is now in an “unshunned” position. So, the validity of their observation becomes suspect. But, for the sake of this post, let’s say their notions are evident in some fashion. Maybe the list of detailed controls and required behaviors has lessened or softened in enforcement.

Joy for those we love who still walk in the WOFF-zone. Maybe their daily torment will lessen.

Concern is raised because of the noted observation, “Outside pressures change inside dynamics, but not inside beliefs.” Therefore, when the pressures lessen the controls return to support the foundational beliefs that all members are “of their Father the Devil.” Who can forget the months that mantra was drilled into the skulls of WOFF members? Yes, those were encouraging sessions.

The outside pressures created by indictments in the Matthew Fenner case and the subsequent ORDER of disqualification of Josh Farmer and his crew are no doubt weighing very heavy on the bubble surrounding WOFF members. Add to this the gigantic pressures with the defection of Sarah Anderson from the ranks of leadership, and the load must be phenomenal. Let’s not forget the MANY additional defections over the last 20 months. Members who had been attending worship and submission training for over 20 years have decided to take steps for FREEDOM! That fact in itself has raised questions from others in leadership about their choices. (Trust me, I have been told of the doubts that some in leadership secretly express to others.)

Now take a step back. Even if you have never believed that life inside WOFF was physically or emotionally destructive; if suddenly things changed inside the group, doesn’t it make you wonder? Why would something totally beneficial or safe have to change? Is the illusion of change an admission of wrong doing in the past? If WOFF was never unsafe, why would changes be needed? If somewhere in the mind of Jane Whaley she agreed to take a step back from enforcing her rigid controls and loyalty requirements, does this not prove she thinks the levels on control were needed or “folks will go to hell!”? Does God ever change or does the administration of “God’s will” change according to the pressures on the group?

If in fact some are granted more freedoms, why are not all folks granted total freedom to come and go without guilt or retribution? Remember- “Throw open your doors!” Jane, throw open your doors and allow free access of outsiders to video and record your holy, righteous and wisdom filled sermons and services! Also, you could allow your members to come and go without having to “lock in.” Am I dreaming here? Can the wolf take her eyes of the sheep while she still requires their very life-blood, loyalty, adulation- and money?

In closing, if things have changed, does this excuse the emotional and physical abuses of many in years past? Is the present perception of change the “I’m sorry” from the perpetrator hoping and “preying” for a lighter sentence or total forgiveness? My friends, let’s hope that is not how justice is served in Rutherford County. We shall see. This summer is promising to be very hot. So, Michael and Mitchell, have things changed inside of WOFF?

2016 the Year for Changes!

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Please, take time to read the Terms of Use for this personal blog. As mentioned, for posts written by John Huddle, any information about WOFF is from his memories and recollections as perfect as that may be or not be.

Scripture references are Amplified Version unless otherwise noted. (Copyright © 1954, 1958, 1962, 1964, 1965, 1987 by The Lockman Foundation ) This is post number 569.

2 thoughts on “Have things changed at WOFF?”

  1. Jane Whaley is 77 years old, who is the successor? Jane is in the enf of her life.
    That is not different.

  2. The feckless leadership that not opposed Jane in anything.
    Brooke and Kent Covington, Karel and “poor” Toddy Reynolds, Robin and Frank Webster, Jane and David Calder, Douglas and Ann MacDonald, Ray Farmer, Joshua Farmer, Gerald and Linda.
    Every person cited above never opposed to Jane .
    There is no person to judge Jane’s acts, only Jane knows every thing.
    Jane corrected David Calder publicly, due David has a doubt to pay a law course of Elizabeth at University Law School.
    Jane screamed a lot and OBLIGATED Davis to humble in front of all church TO REPENT, DUE “LACK FAITH OF DAVID TO PAY THE LAW SCHOOL” FOR HIS DAUGHTER.
    It is incredible, but Jane and Sam Whaley comes from Word of Faith, Kenneth Hagin.
    I ask to you John Huddle. Do you know Jane and Sam Whaley left the Word of Faith, Kenneth Hagin?
    What is the true reason ?
    Jane allowed to some members carries guns?
    Many times I perceived that Jane allow some members thing that others is forbid. Members like Leigh Valentine, Ray Farmer, Cris Hall.
    Where is the temple that Sam and Jane will built for one thosand people?
    Many members are left and I know that members will do the same. In our churches in Brazil is not different.

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