Who is the Enemy?

    During my time at Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF), there were many “enemies” depending on the season of time. A short list would include ex-members, ex-members who tell their WOFF experiences to others, “unrighteous” judges who rule against Jane Whaley or members in child custody cases, Faith Freedom Fund, anyone who supports the Faith Freedom Fund, Police or Sheriffs who carry out judges orders against WOFF members, Charlotte Observer reporters who tell “whoppers” about Jane or the church, the Daily Courier has had some reporters in the past, in this category. Shall we forget politicians who support abortion? How could I leave out the local DSS or attorneys that help them or ex-members?

     There would always be a type of “devil” to combat either in you, in the world, in the “heavens”, in your non-WOFF neighbor, in your non-WOFF relatives, in your employer (if not working for a church member owned company). Well, then there would be “devils” attacking your children, like the “math devil” or “know it all devil”, “haughty devil” or “sassy mouthed devil”, “telephone devil”, “lazy devil”, “unclean devil”, “back-talking, sassy mouthed devil”, “driving devil”, “intellectual devil”, “perversion devil”, “music devil”.  I think you get the picture. While I was attending WOFF, I heard each one of these phrases; though rarely ever grouped together as I have done. In order to support the “us versus them” attitude, there was always a devil-related crisis of some type to manage at WOFF. The many crises served as the building blocks for the fear-based message as mentioned in a previous post (https://religiouscultsinfo.com/?p=1310 )

    During the court case against the local DSS, I remember saying the DSS were like Nazis. Another member heard me say it and let it stand. In fact, he acted like he agreed. At that time, they were the “enemy”. Since I left and have read more about mind control and how it works; my assessment of the local DSS is much different. Now, I would say they did not know the strength of the mind control system operating in WOFF. They were trying to change the results, [children] and not the cause molding the children; that would be the parents and church leadership. Because of their outside position, it would have been difficult to change the circumstances for the children unless you somehow change the circumstances and thinking of the parents and other adults. DSS was apparently not prepared for the battle they were trying to wage. Mistakes were made on both sides. Therefore the results were negative for all parties.


     While at WOFF, we were told that the battle was a “spiritual” battle and that people were not the real enemies, but it was “The Devil” influencing people and circumstances.    

  12For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. (Eph 6:12 New International Version)

 However, during the heated rhetoric, loud prayer and considering the facial expressions of those praying; sometimes the definitive distinction between the devil and the person would be lost and it looked like people were truly the enemies. Maybe no other members ever got that confused; it could have been only me.

    The view from the outside is different from the inside of WOFF. I would suppose my view could be different from those who have never been on the inside WOFF. In reality, I have been on both sides of the fence. It is a tough fence to cross and not get snagged in some way. My perception of who the real enemy is differs greatly now, from 2008 and years previous.

    From this side of the road, I do not believe there are devils behind every WOFF member prompting them to act. My belief is that God is greater than the Devil. His love is more powerful than the devil. The members of WOFF who defend their beliefs and live their life as they see fit, under whatever prompts them to act, are NOT the enemies. For that matter, Jane Whaley and Sam Whaley are not the enemies in and of themselves. In my opinion, the deception that engulfs them and allows them to act in the manner they do, that deception is the enemy.    

     Nowhere in my experience at WOFF or my reading about other cult leaders, do I see that said leaders start out to form a religious cult or harmful group. At least in the groups I have studied, the leaders appeared to have begun with best of intentions and may have truly had a burden to help people. Therefore, let’s not assume that this deception, which developed the fluid collection of controlling behaviors at WOFF, was set on course purposefully beforehand each person knowing the outcome.  Each leader of religious cult groups arrives at their position through a myriad of steps, a number of missteps, seemingly unrelated circumstances meeting at a vortex and changing the course of their lives. Many cult leaders have been independent and un-submitted to other leadership, self-centered, building great numbers of doctrines and practices from unguided interpretation of scriptures. I believe that some or all of these characteristics were present to allow Jane Whaley to come under her deception and act as she does.

     If I am off base concerning the origins of the present deceptions – then we move forward, still searching for answers. If I am right – then we move forward, still searching for answers. Either way, we who are concerned still have to recognize the methods that are used against and between members of WOFF. Just knowing the how and why of the present reality will not excuse or change the present circumstances in anyway. I am not a mental health professional of any type; however in my personal search for answers- from being on both sides, I believe I see some of the problems with the group dynamics as they have played out and have been exercised at WOFF. I may not know the exact origin of Jane Whaley’s methods or actions; I may not know the exact solution. But, beyond any doubt in my mind, my life and the lives of others have definitely been affected severely by the behaviors, mind-control measures and hyper-religious “junk” that went on during the years inside of WOFF. I cannot deny the effects and the present lament for staying in that group for years.

    Can Christian folks truly hate the sin and love the sinner? So, I have been told. Thus, we can love the members and hate the control elements of the message and the destructive methods and behaviors used against them. We can pray- first of all.

1I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone— 2for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. 3This is good, and pleases God our Savior, (1 Tim. 2:1-3 New International Version)

 After that, I am of the opinion that whoever has a desire to leave WOFF or just ask questions- should be helped. Beyond that – it remains to be seen. Unless drastic changes have occurred since my time at WOFF ended in 2008, the deception, the methods, the controlling behaviors remain.

    Please, consume the information on this site responsibly. The author is not a licensed mental health professional and encourages those that need professional help to seek it. The intent of the material is to inform and be a resource. Be sure to tell every member that you know at WOFF about this blog. There are readers at WOFF. Comments are invited from all readers, including present or former members. Polls are not scientific and no private information is gathered.

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      (Please, take time to read the Terms of Use for this personal blog. As mentioned, the information about WOFF is from my memories and recollections as perfect as that may be or not be. ) This is post number 107.

2 thoughts on “Who is the Enemy?”

  1. I so agree with you!! I do believe tht Jane and Sam are in deception. I believe that they started with a heart to help others. In my studies, I too, have not found a situation where someone wanted to start a cult. It evolved into a cult thru deception coming on leaders. I pray that God gets to Jane and Sam and they will see what has come upon them. I am getting to the place in God to accept me as HE made me. I love this life that HE has given me. I am finding who I am thru JESUS. I am not a “pile of junk” as I was taught. But I am me, who HE created. I have a sense of humor, I love people easily, and deeply. Social status does not matter to me. To live life completely thru HIM is all that matters. I am not “better” than anyone, but neither is anyone “better” than me. FATHER created us equally in HIS image. Love you John. Continue your work!! ( how do I find the earliest entries of your blog? I would like to go back and read them all!!)

  2. Let me just say that you are an inspiration. I am so blown away by this WOFF thing. Let me start with one of your quotes, “My life and the lives of others have definitely been affected severely by the behaviors….” I can say that I do know you personally, and I do see the pain you feel. I can see it on your face everyday. The love you have for your family is unbelievable and the way you are treated is ungodly. I know you and your wife took a wedding vow, til death do us part…no church, church member, leader or anyone should dictate who you talk to or NOT talk to. I am a Christian and I do believe that in the home a family should put God first and family second. God, and not anything else pretending to be a god. You are not the bad guy in this situation. I think it is very clear who is….if there is any chance that your wife or kids might be reading this right now, may God touch them as they read and let them see that things are not as they seem. Keep the posts coming John, and I will keep praying that you may have your family back together again. Your children need you just as you need them. God bless you for knowing what is right and what is wrong……Much Love

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