Keep Reading and Asking Questions

     While reviewing the comments today, I read the following from a reader. Here is a partial quote… “ I have a friend who was a part of a cult for years because her family was and that was all that she had known until she got older and began to question and (she) was sent out because she questioned those in charge.”  Though I know this reader from years past, I do not know her friend. It saddens me to learn of anyone who is or has been in a controlling group, religious or otherwise. However, the reader admits she can understand the scope of Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF). After writing these posts consistently for about five months, I still learn of folks who have a hard time believing that the events I tell about were real and actually happened. I believe some may go so far as to think that these events happened to him; but they can’t still be happening, can they? After all, wouldn’t Jane Whaley and her leadership change and stop controlling each other and the regular members after these posts expose their dealings and doings? I have no evidence to support that statement. This blog is not the first or the only place where former members share their testimony of the controlling measures used at WOFF. Still the control continues, month after month, year after life stealing year.


    What does it take for readers, those who live locally or even those who are relatives to WOFF members living in other states or nations, to believe that the control that I write about has happened AND unless things have changed 180 degrees, is still happening? I firmly believe if things were different from what I portray in these posts, SOMEONE would be kind enough to come forward and help me see the changes at WOFF! After all if WOFF had/has changed and folks were/are not being treated as I was, then that would be a good thing, right?  I did have two WOFF members come on February 15th of this year and tell me I posted “lies”. When I asked about them to point out what were the “lies”, one person did mention that I had wrongly stated the timing and setting of a conversation which we had. So, in the post here… I corrected the mistake.  I asked these two faithful WOFF members to tell me the facts that I had misquoted or was wrong about. They did not take up that discussion. I still wonder if they did not because they could not, or because they were told not to go down that road with me or just why the facts are not a subject of discussion with WOFF.

    So, for those who have read this blog and still doubt if the events I portray are truthful, here is a copy of the newspaper from Monday, May 5, 2008. 

Click here… Clinton Comes to Marion 5 08

 The copy is rough, but the main idea is clear. Bill Clinton had been in Marion, NC on May 4th. I saw this newspaper displayed at the post office in Marion, NC on May 5, 2008. These headlines, I repeated to a WOFF member on May 6th. That member told a person in leadership and on May7th, I was confronted in the hallway of the church before the Wednesday night service. (It may have been the next Sunday, but the point is clear…)  “Do you have any conviction about reading these headlines?” she asked.  I answered – “No”. This leadership person went on to say if I did not have a “heart change- you will lose your family”. All of my family was there to hear the expected response they were to take, if I did not “change”. Immediately, I was put in the discipleship room and separated from other members. (read more…

     These events were not fantasy and this account does not contain “lies”. Read here for a major coordinated effort of behavior control exercised against me for interviewing for a job outside of a church owned company..  These events were not special aberrations. I was not singled out and treated with “special love”. MANY other members have witnessed these events happening to themselves and others. I receive emails confirming the material in these posts- weekly. At the risk of retelling the material from every post contained here—let me say that life at WOFF under Jane Whaley’s regime was/is not peaches and cream. If you have no point of reference such as the reader who commented mentions about her friend, and that has hindered your belief that any group/ place could be as portrayed here – then keep reading. The methods Jane Whaley uses to control members are not unique to WOFF. Several other religious cult leaders have used the same methods and had the same “success” with their members.

Read here-   look on the Index for “W” then “Word of Faith Fellowship” and follow the links.

Read here-   look in “Resource Center”, then “Information on Groups”, then select the “W” to find information about Word of Faith Fellowship. Read the testimonies of former members. I have not submitted any material to this website- yet.  Please, if you have questions, doubts or comments send email to   

    Please, consume the information on this site responsibly. The author is not a licensed mental health professional and encourages those that need professional help to seek it. The intent of the material is to inform and be a resource. Be sure to tell every member that you know at WOFF about this blog. There are readers at WOFF. Comments are invited from all readers, including present or former members. Polls are not scientific and no private information is gathered.

    Look on the right side of any post for the option to subscribe by email for notifications or RSS feeds notifying of new postings. It is a great feature. Also, find more posts by selecting “Categories”.

      (Please, take time to read the Terms of Use for this personal blog. As mentioned, the information about WOFF is from my memories and recollections as perfect as that may be or not be. ) Scripture references are Amplified Version unless otherwise noted. (Copyright © 1954, 1958, 1962, 1964, 1965, 1987 by The Lockman Foundation ) This is post number 129.

One thought on “Keep Reading and Asking Questions”

  1. When you are in WOFF you are not to ARGUE about what you believe. That opens the doorway for ther devil to attack the move of GOD; This is a note from years past!!!! It was taught on a Thursday night service via tape from WOFF. Our midweek service was on Thursday, WOFF was on Wednesday. Then our leadership proceed to teach us what we “believed” to make sure everyone knew. They even asked what we thought of when we heard WORD OF FAITH. I remember you talking about a ministry of that name in New York state. I had listened to them on the radio, but couldn’t say anything as I wasn’t supposed to listen to the radio!! We were then “schooled” in how and what our responses were to be. Just say as little as possible, smile be polite, mention no names. Do you remember this? If we have to defend JW and her entourage then people that are doing the defending may actually think and realize that something is awry. A lot of the men in WOFF have been threatened with losing their families, if they leave. I could list names, but ‘THEY’ don’t like that. Yet, in the name of the LORD they will choose to LIE AND MALIGN some people when they are asked to leave. Only if you have no money or position do they do this. I have spoken to a lawyer about this. He is interested in breach of confidentiality and some other things, Some of the leadership that left were not exposed, but a young person could be!!! I would be afraid to sleep at night if I were them, I am not underhanded.

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