Why Did You Go Back? Answers from Present WOFF Member

     What a day! And what a night! We take a short break from our posts on the definition of “cults” to explain what happened this evening. As I made my way through Rutherford County, I stopped for gas. As I pulled up, so did a Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF) member. I recognized them as one who had left and returned to WOFF. At first, I was going to ignore the situation. Then I realized this was a great moment to ask this person face to face why they went back. So, I turned and called their name. This person obviously did not recognize me right away. They said “Where do I know you from?” I said WOFF. Then I said that I had heard they went back. They said – yes. I asked how long ago? This person said about a year.

     Then I said I would like to ask them a question, if it is not too personal, only answer if you feel comfortable doing so. They said, Okay. I asked them why did you go back. There was the momentary facial expression of “how do I answer this one…”? This person stopped and after a momentary reflection said these things. I may not remember them in the correct order. But, for sure I have the content right.

    Well, it is obvious. It (WOFF) is where the life of God is. After I saw how I was living when I left, wasting my life; I saw the will of God was for me to return.


    This person seemed to be searching for the “right answer”. There is no” right” answer. Whatever is the real reason is what I was looking for. However, I knew I would post about whatever they said.  

     I saw they were repeating the mantra and if they knew of a more accurate answer, they did not trust me enough to share it. Why? Because by that time, they realized I was a former member. And the click inside would have allowed them to give a feel-good answer. Who does not want the will of God? Who wants to waste their life? What did I really expect? They may not even know in absolute terms what one thought they had that led them back to WOFF. This person may not know the crisis or series of events that persuaded them to go back to the WOFF environment.

    So, why did I even open up the question? I really wanted to know. But, why should I expect that a person on the inside would tell a person on the outside the real reason(s). It is my experience that once you are out, the “love and affection” shown to you on the inside ceases. As mentioned before, the Love of God taught at WOFF by Jane Whaley is a conditional love. Contrary to scriptures, WOFF members are taught by example, to love only those who can be trusted not to “attack”.(or those who may be attracted in or back in…)  Attacking is defined as telling anything contrary to great, glorious, adoring comments about Jane Whaley, her leadership, her vision and her accomplishments. ( the noteworthy ones… not the list of families broken-up by her  “ministry”..)

    You may ask, did you tell him about your blog or why you left? He never asked. He did not seem interested. I did not go into a commercial about this blog. Should I have anyway? Time will tell and my thoughts on the whole deal may change as the “overwhelming love” from WOFF members continues to flow my way! I know when I was inside WOFF; I was not ready to consider that I might be in a cult or a controlling group. Outsiders were the problem. I did not call former members and ask why they left. It was not until Jane Whaley got in my face and screamed and pointed her finger that I considered another view of WOFF. (see post here about that https://religiouscultsinfo.com/?p=1819 …)

    As I left this fortuitous meeting, I visited a local grocery store. In the row for 2 liter drinks, I saw this drink and could not resist taking a picture! The phrase “take hold” has been a WOFF phrase for many years. Their influence is far reaching to say the least! (No, I did not buy a bottle- yet.)

The drink of every faithful WOFF member
Drink it, Live it, Love it!

     Please, consume the information on this site responsibly. The author is not a licensed mental health professional and encourages those that need professional help to seek it. The intent of the material is to inform and be a resource. There are readers at WOFF. Comments are invited from all readers, including present or former members. Polls are not scientific and no private information is gathered.

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      (Please, take time to read the Terms of Use for this personal blog. As mentioned, the information about WOFF is from my memories and recollections as perfect as that may be or not be. ) Scripture references are Amplified Version unless otherwise noted. (Copyright © 1954, 1958, 1962, 1964, 1965, 1987 by The Lockman Foundation ) This is post number 131.

5 thoughts on “Why Did You Go Back? Answers from Present WOFF Member”

  1. I have no desire to go back. I love the people but not the deceptive controlling message that is constantly delivered. I do not miss it.!! And I am not wasting my life. I feel more spiritually alive than I have in years. I feel as if my friends at church are supportive and happy for me and want me to succeed!!! NOT tearing me down and being judgemental. We dress for comfort, not for show. GOD loves me for who and what HE created me to be!!!!!Just give me JESUS!!!!!!

  2. Those who go back need money. When they left the church if they had no emotional support in the way of a family member of friend they miss the constant contact with people. Many go back because they are broke and need money. The skills they had were for a job within the church group, so when they leave they have no skills and cannot use the church as a reference! So, they get desperate and go back because they are broke.

  3. Randall,
    Yes, having a car and a job outside the church certainly helped me to be able to leave. It does not work that way for many members.
    There are resources for those folks who want to leave, it is hard to make them aware of what is available. John

  4. So I have to ask over a year later…did you ever try this drink? Is it an energy drink? If so, I have to question if the WOFF would condone their members consuming energy drinks…maybe the phrase is not connected with their group and is only used in coincidence, but ironic and humorous either way!

    Seems to me like the medical community is questioning the long term effects of energy drinks and supplements on our bodies and functions, and I would be curious to know how the WOFF views their member’s consumption of anything that may be detrimental to overall health???

  5. Jennifer,

    Energy drinks are not allowed at WOFF. Are you surprised? “I would be curious to know how the WOFF views their member’s consumption of anything that may be detrimental to overall health???” Somethings are labeled as taboo. (diet or regular Cheerwine, ginger ale, root beer, “deviled eggs” and other such demonic “carcinogens”.) Other things such as “Carolina Pride” hot dogs are Jane’s favorite! (don’t burn them!) Last I checked hot dogs were made of “animal leftovers”… Though it causes confusion and destroys critical thinking, a constant diet of Jane-isms was/is required to be a faithful member of WOFF. Studies have proven Jane-isms are bad for one’s emotional, mental and spiritual health. So, no, the requirements at WOFF are not consistent. 🙂

    Take Hold! was a WOFF phrase, I never tried the drink. Not sure how I would benefit from drinking their words- again. 🙂

    Thank you for asking.


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