Jane Whaley Gets a New Dog- You Need One!

     Seeing pictures of Jane Whaley and her dogs brings back memories from a service at Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF). Jane had acquired a new tiny dog. She already had THE Great Dane. That dog had caused quite a stir. Not only did it have tremendous size, but, it would bark loudly at children, occasionally. It worried some parents. The Great Dane had issues with a sore on its leg and had to be watched. This dog was kept in a church office and did not take to being startled.  Even in its muzzle, the dog was ominous and deserved anyone keeping a distance.

     But, we shall get back to the first small dog. Word got out in the hallway that Jane had a new very tiny dog. Now, the exact breed escapes me, but it may have been a miniature, tea-cup chihuahua. I will not remember all the story in order but, here goes. Before the pending church service Jane brought the dog out and held him up while on the platform. She said he was too fragile to put on the carpet. This dog was scared and shaking. (See this video of one similar to Jane’s http://tiny.cc/p7t3t )   Jane’s first dog was much more fragile and weighed only a few  ounces. The one in the video was a hardy dog compared to the tiny dog that Jane bought.

     Somewhere in the process she mentioned that she and some others drove all night to Louisiana and picked him (?) out. They had seen the advertisement on the Internet.  He cost $700. I thought that was strange since she only made $600 a month and gave Sam $200 a month to “squirrel away”.  (see post here.. http://tiny.cc/sfeub ) Can you imagine paying more than a month’s salary for a dog? But, when “God says” and you want it- the money will “just be there”.. Amazing how that works…


      So, the dog updates kept coming. The dog had an adventure at the veterinarians office. The dog had physical issues and was apparently high maintenance. But, Jane loved that dog! She had so much enjoyment, she told a certain minister he NEEDED one. She wanted to share her fun. He at first hesitated to commit to another dog. After all he had told God that if he never had another dog after the last one- it would be okay. Jane kept urging him and laughing- in front of other folks. Later, not right away, this minister said “God spoke to him to get a dog”.  This was the same fellow who Jane told to throw away his shampoo and of course – he did. ( see link here.. http://tiny.cc/lwrpv ) He had a military background and knew what to do with “suggestive commands..”

     If memory serves, he did not get a “tea-cup” anything. He got a little bigger dog. I think it was a “poma-schiza-ranian”. Named the dog after a car! Oh, that dog loved to run and play. When someone would “bark” like him, he would search so fast, in circles, for his new playmate?? I know, I enjoyed “talking” to the dog. I don’t think this minister paid a month’s salary for his dog.

     Within months, others in leadership “heard God” to get a dog. Most were smaller dogs, but not the high maintenance as Jane’s dog… The first small dog of Jane’s, struggled and may have had a birth defect. He died and as you can see- he was replaced with twice as much fun. Oh, Jane does love her dogs.

     Please, consume the information on this site responsibly. Be sure to tell every member that you know at WOFF about this blog. It could very well save their life. There are readers at WOFF. Comments are invited from all readers, including present or former members.  

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      (Please, take time to read the Terms of Use for this personal blog. As mentioned, the information about WOFF is from my memories and recollections as perfect as that may be or not be. ) This is post number 80.

6 thoughts on “Jane Whaley Gets a New Dog- You Need One!”

  1. How about Mighty Dog — that dog was sosoo afraid of Jane that he kept running away. Us bible students were happy when that happened cuz it was the ONLY reason we didn’t have school. We had to go looking for might dog. Think about if you were a dog that got screamed at to get doggie devils out, wouldn’t you run away

  2. Yes, I remember hearing about Mighty Dog. Not being there on a regular basis until 2002, I am not sure of the end of Mighty Dog. So, you agree? Jane does love her dogs? Thank you, for the comment.

  3. Hi. You know I don’t have a problem with responsible people having pets. I am an animal lover. Mighty Dog. I think ran away one time too many and was not found. I think. But the only reason to have a pet is because you want one and can commit to take care of one. Who takes care of Jane’s pets? I mean she travels so much and is so busy. I love so many people at WOFF. I wish they would realize how off base things have gotten. I habor no bitterness at them. The biggest problem I have is that I did not realize what the fellowship had become. When I saw the web page and all the pictures the only thought I had was THANK YOU JESUS THAT I AM NOT THERE. THAT YOU GOT ME OUT AND I AM BEING SET FREE FROM ALL THAT MIND CONTROL(which is abuse) But I have a question. How and who from WOFF is reading this blog? I did not think that this would be allowed. Do they have permission to read this? I worry about the children being under such deception and control. take care and God bless. Pray for our mutual friend. She is having some problems with this situation. She misses some things. She was not held as “accountable” as some of us. So there are somethings she was not subjected to. Like asking for permission to go see family members, things like that. Love you John. God bless!!

  4. Hey, I was told by a couple of WOFF members that they had been reading the blog. That is how they knew what I was saying..:) Sure they got permission from the powers that be.. But, I feel sure they have someone monitoring these posts…. Free access for all members? Not hardly. Yes, the level of control varies according to certain seemingly inconsistent standards. But, the closer you want to be to the top, the more control you must endure. (in most cases.. for non-family members..) The more interest you show- it is kind of like a light going off…. Thank you, for the encouragement.

  5. John I love your posts. I would give anything to write the way you do. I have some stories to tell about my experiences at W.O.F.F Anyway about Jane and her pets. Mighty Dog was an apricot toy poodle. If someone left the door open he would bolt like a W.O.F.F member in full on defect mode. I remember the day he found his freedom, The bible school class spent the day combing the fields and surrounding grounds for that “lucky dog”, no pun intended. Needless to say he was never found. The thing that always struck me as odd, there was never any public rebuke for the poor soul who left the door open and let Mighty Dog out. No public rebuke could only mean one thing… The person who did it could only have been Robin, Brooke or God forbid Jane herself.

  6. KT,
    Thank you for the compliment. I did not know the end of “Mighty Dog”. He set such a good example for others to follow. I do appreciate you adding your insights to this blog. Please, comment or email me direct with more such experiences. They would help round out the material here as I do value the input of others…

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