Why Should Others Outside of WOFF Care? Part 4

     Again, we are continuing our series as an answer to the question from our title- “Why Should Others Outside of WOFF Care? Our direction is still with the list of unalienable rights which members of Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF) must surrender in order to continue with the group.  Our source for the list of unalienable rights is listed in the book, “The Five Thousand Year Leap” by W. Cleon Skousen (copyright C&J Investments, ISBN 0-9815596-6-2). There are 22 rights listed, we are only reviewing a few of them that are obvious ones which WOFF members surrender. A more complete discussion of each right and how controlling groups violate these rights would be a topic taken up in a different forum.  I recommend that readers obtain a copy of the book in order to read and study the entire work of the author.

    Skousen’s list on page 95 continues:

     “The right to privacy” This was considered an unalienable right by our Founding Fathers. From what I can tell, there are two ditches, so to speak in this discussion. One ditch or extreme view would be to de-regulate the activities of citizens, to allow that an act done in the privacy of the home that crosses good moral bounds should be excused, in the name of privacy. The other extreme would be to over-regulate the personal lives of citizens as to deny even the simple and obvious rights to privacy that would be confirmed by common sense and reason.

    It is odd that for a religious group such as WOFF, that demands privacy during their services by not allowing video, pictures or recording of any kind (unless determined by Jane Whaley to be appropriate for the specific occasion); they trample and destroy the right to privacy of their members in many areas. Members who live in WOFF households give up and surrender their privacy as a general rule. Some rights are given up, some are “taken” by those exercising leadership or “authority”.

     As a member, you must first understand that any “sin” found in your room, personal space, on your computer, on your phone, in your thoughts or discovered in your daily lifestyle is subject to public exposure and correction during a service- for the “learning” of all other members. Every member is responsible to expose sin in every other member. If you don’t then you are just as guilty of that sin. If you don’t realize this going in, you will soon learn by watching some other member as an example or becoming an example – yourself.


     During one seminar, members having post office boxes were subjected to questioning and told they did not need a post office box. (if you have a business, the post office box was allowed) Why no boxes for individuals? No one else could check their mail. They were encouraged to get all their mail at the residence as this would subject the mail to the viewing of “someone in authority”. I did not comply with this one.

     Telephone calls between certain members or members and their relatives were regularly subject to another member listening in to monitor the conversation. I know this to be true as I participated in this. Conversations and time with relatives outside of WOFF was subject to coaching and then review. This was to make sure the member was “taking hold” during their time with others outside of WOFF. Did the member in question compromise and “give over to devils” with their relatives? If so, what needed to be done to “help them be restored”?

     One previous member recounted to me a time when he was in a van with Jane Whaley and another person in main leadership. This person in leadership was using a “listening device” outside of a member’s home in an attempt to listen to the conversations going on inside the home. This person in leadership turned to the now former member as said, “You are not seeing this.” I have not confirmed this with WOFF or Jane Whaley- yet.   

      Shall I forget? In more recent years, Jane Whaley admitted to checking behind folks to make sure they were tithing and giving offerings. There was no privacy in the area of giving. When there were personal or household wedding showers; envelopes were passed out to each household. You were to write your name and your gift amount to each person and put the cash in the envelope. Cash was preferred and if you had to write a check, make it out to “cash” or concerning the pay to the order of section “leave it blank”.

    In the bookstore/snack bar; they used to take “IOU’s” for the candy and drinks. So, when the IOU’s would start adding up, a person from the church office would start reading the names of the folks who owed money to the snack bar. Soon after that, they stopped taking IOU’s.

    Who can forget or should miss the post about Jane Whaley acting as a medical debt collector? Several folks had their name called after a Sunday night service in December of 2007 and were required to attend a meeting in which the purpose was to collect medical debts. The debt amount of some folks was discussed – openly. See that post here.. https://religiouscultsinfo.com/?p=235   

    Shall we leave out the way married couples are “coached” in their personal relationship times and when “sin” is uncovered- it is fair game for the subject of any meeting?

     I hear the excuses coming in now from WOFF leadership. If we don’t closely follow-up after folks, they will “give to sin” or “hide sin” and they may not even know it, or expose it. Translate: if we allow members time to be alone, they may “come under attack” with a thought “from the devil” and end up “attacking” and God forbid- leave…!!! Second translation: We at WOFF have no confidence or faith in the Holy Spirit and must “help” Him in order to teach people how to walk in “holy righteous living”. Third translation: BEWARE! There is no right to privacy when you join WOFF! ANYTHING said or done is subject to being included in “sermon material” for Jane Whaley.

    The sad reality is that many folks at WOFF believe what is taught by word, deed or implication; that in order to “walk with God”, “fulfill your call”, “hear Jesus”, “come into your place”, (pick one – they all are interchangeable, mantra for the day…) that these unalienable rights have to be surrendered or else “you will not make to heaven”. How do we know this? I saw from experience that the very foundation of membership at WOFF depends on Jane Whaley dictating the choices made by members. The only way for this to happen is for “faithful” members to submit to her control, all the while expecting to  “walk in a higher place in God.” The spiritual carrot of someday coming into that place in God and walking with Him is continually put out in front of WOFF members by Jane Whaley and her minions. No one ever seems to be able to obtain to Jane’s expectations and fully “walk with God”, independent of her. “Faith” in a person or “cause” can replace the ability to think rationally.   

     Yes, there are more unalienable rights that are mangled, trampled, stifled, stomped or just plain denied at WOFF. The next post shares more along this line. Remember, if it were not so important, I would not spend so much time on it. These posts all help answer the question posed in the title of this series. Citizens of this country and others should be concerned because Jane Whaley and WOFF require its members to surrender, give up or allow to be modified beyond recognition, certain rights which are unalienable. WOFF is not the only group where these rights are trampled, but WOFF is the one I am most familiar with at this time.

    Former WOFF members: What have I missed or misrepresented?

    Present WOFF members of WOFF: What have I missed or misrepresented? Have things changed? Do you have “the right to privacy”, now? If so, I would appreciate an update. Email me “author@religiouscultsinfo.com” or call me. My cell phone number hasn’t changed since 2002.

    Please, consume the information on this site responsibly. The author is not a licensed mental health professional and encourages those that need professional help to seek it. The intent of the material is to inform and be a resource. Be sure to tell every member that you know at WOFF about this blog. There are readers at WOFF. Comments are invited from all readers, including present or former members. Polls are not scientific and no private information is gathered.

    Look on the right side of any post for the option to subscribe by email for notifications or RSS feeds notifying of new postings. It is a great feature. Also, find more posts by selecting “Categories”.

      (Please, take time to read the Terms of Use for this personal blog. As mentioned, the information about WOFF is from my memories and recollections as perfect as that may be or not be. ) Scripture references are Amplified Version unless otherwise noted. (Copyright © 1954, 1958, 1962, 1964, 1965, 1987 by The Lockman Foundation ) This is post number 141.

One thought on “Why Should Others Outside of WOFF Care? Part 4”

  1. At one time, night services would have whole households coming up front of the church. They would discuss problems or things that were not right between the people in the house before the whole group. This is one way to get those in the household “in line”. Of course many households could include up to 10 people, so there would be a lot to discuss. As you mentioned, anything of yours could be searched at anytime. There never was any privacy. If you were in the shower too long, you were giving to the “unclean” and had to get out quickly. Bathroom doors were never locked. No personal space or freedoms.

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