Survivors of NTCC Share Concerning Blind Zeal

    Don and Angela Tumioli are survivors of the New Testament Christian Church (NTCC). We have mentioned their work and their blog in previous posts. (blog is here: )

As a comment to the post- “Not “If”, But “When”?”, Don and Angela wrote the following about blind zeal. The piece contained  honest observations and encouragement so, I have reprinted it for the foundation of this post. Don, Angela and I have been shocked at the similarities between their former group and Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF). Here is their comment:   

 Submitted on 2011/06/06 at 12:59 am

“Just because you may be a part of a “non-denominational, Protestant church” as WOFF bills themselves, does not mean it requires blind zeal to be in that church.”

The similarities between the NTCC and WOFF are alarming. The blind zeal is definitely prevalent in our former church. Zeal was almost an understatement. We would raise our hands and work ourselves into a frenzy during many of the services. I’m not saying that the raising of hands is wrong but we really took zeal to a whole new level. Most of our members were young male soldiers in their teens and twenties that were already trained to follow orders and were motivated to be all that we could be. We opened our services in prayer which consisted of “holy hands being uplifted to God”. This would include a very loud offering of voices at maximum decibels in addition to the pastor’s amplified voice often enhanced by a sound system.

Then we would have our song service which many times would consist of singing loudly, clapping, dancing and sometimes running. I’ve seen folks doing somersaults around the altar on occasion. The preaching would usually be loud and in your face. Ultimatums would fly from the pulpit. The primary thrust was to create more tithe payers and to get folks to give more in offerings. There was an altar call that involved much pleading and the supposition that all non-members were lost. Those of us who worked the altars were taught to “make the people realize they are lost” so they could be saved. We were expected to hound them and be persistent to the point that many would walk out of service during the alter call. People were made to feel uncomfortable and uneasy. People that prayed were called brother or sister, but people who claimed salvation already were not called brother or sister. They must first receive NTCC style salvation. Some exceptions were made for tithe payers or givers.

There was definitely blind zeal in our former group. If we questioned anyone, we were rebellious. If we looked in our bibles to find references while the preacher was preaching we got blasted from the pulpit. If we did not act or think or live the way that we were expected, we were also castigated and demeaned. The only way to live a Christian life was to follow their non-biblical policies and doctrines with unwavering faith and blind zeal.

Blind zeal is what many cults require of their members. A cult is a religious group whose leaders desire wealth and power. To obtain that wealth and power, they seek out and embrace those that will follow them with blind zeal. They need people with blind zeal because they cannot gain wealth and power through people that have their eyes open and ask pointed questions. The reason they are a cult is because they have much to hide. There is little if any transparency. Blind zeal creates an atmosphere of euphoric hype and a worked-up emotional state of mind that makes people think that they are a part of God’s last move on earth and that they are special above all others.

When a person feels this way they will do anything and everything to please the leaders of their cult because they revere them as an extension of God’s voice. At this point in their life they are tender and believe they are an important part of God’s work. It is at this point in their lives when they are most vulnerable to manipulation and spiritual abuse. This is the precipice where true salvation becomes mixed with mind control. Blind zeal allows the person to continue blindly into this dark realm of abuse and control. They so want to please God. They so want to please those that they revere as God’s messengers and God’s shepherds.

Many people adapt to this new way of life that is supposed to be a life of freedom and liberty from sin. They get used to the abuse and they endure it. Blind zeal carries them through the mind control and the demanding requirements that take up all their time and financial resources. The life is slowly drained out of that person and they are still being driven by blind zeal. When a person is completely used up and there is nothing left inside for that individual to contribute to the abusive group or cult, they are kicked to the curb. They are thrown away like rotted trash and then they are talked about as evil and wicked sinners that hate God and refused to live by God’s standards.

It’s a vicious cycle and if it hasn’t happened to you, it will if you let it. The WOFF and the NTCC are basically the same in so many ways. They are controlling groups that spiritually, emotionally and in some cases physically and sexually abuse it’s members and depend on blind zeal to keep people in the dark. If it swims like a duck and quacks like a duck it’s most likely a duck. Don’t be fooled by great swelling words, profound speeches and dynamic preaching. Ask questions. Don’t allow blind zeal to drive you into making a decision that will affect the rest of your life. If you think you are in a cult use the same scrutiny that your cult leaders use against you to determine if they are for real. Is there transparency? Are you truly free? Do things feel right? Are you told who to talk to and who not to talk to? Are you expected to cut ties with family and friends? Do they keep you too busy to think? There are many common sense questions that you can ask. If they rebuke you for asking these questions then run, walk or crawl as far away as you can from this group. You can’t get away soon enough. Redirect your blind zeal to escaping with anyone and everyone you can take with you. You will be doing yourself and your friends a huge favor.

Don and Ange     (emphasis added)

   After reading over this comment for the third time, the weight of it has landed on me. In a previous post, I had put forth the idea that Jane Whaley is NOT a unique cult leader. See post found here- “How Unique is Jane Whaley?”   In fact, when considering religious cults as a whole , not only is Jane Whaley not unique, WOFF is not unique. How could that be? Does anyone know of a group EXACTLY like WOFF? After all, there is only ONE Jane Whaley- right?  In several previous posts we have compared the PRACTICES of Jane Whaley and WOFF to other known religious cults and their cult leaders. We have used Peoples Temple, FLDS, Strong City, Exclusive Brethren, Mormons, Jehovah Witnesses and NTCC; all as a comparison tool to known activities at WOFF. However, it is not just the outward characteristics that make WOFF a “common religious cult”.  Not all of these cult groups are exactly alike in every respect, but, one glaring common thread is the blind zeal needed to keep the groups running and the leaders accomplishing their personal goals.

   Consider the blind zeal and the glue, as the molding tool, the shaping tool for the cult leader to use on and require of the members of the group. By requiring an intense blind zeal to be a part of WOFF or other groups, then the behaviors needed to support the lifestyle-structure of the group, the wishes and desires of the leaders along with the fund raising needed to finance the goals of the leader; all “make sense” to the members of the group and become the new normal for them. Under the blind zeal of WOFF, pleasing God was accomplished when you pleased Jane because she represented God and in some ways was BIGGER than God. Giving tithes, offerings and supporting the fund raising projects WITHOUT question or complaint was in essence seen as pleasing to God- why, because Jane said so. Doing what you were told by leadership and keeping the rules and DOING it all the WOFF-way was equated with living the “Christian life”. If you did these things, “You were going to make it!” Also, when you see others outside of WOFF as less than yourself and that they “do not love Jesus”, this was NORMAL because the blindness of WOFF-zeal allowed it, required it, promoted and fed such thoughts. The blind zeal required you to see that you are special above all others. That is one reason it is called BLIND zeal, things that are absurd and unhealthy to others are considered NORMAL and even CHERISHED by those in a religious cult such as WOFF.      

     I have no doubt that present members of WOFF are at a loss as to exactly how I could go from a “faithful” member giving thousands of dollars a year into the offerings, spending a good amount of time supporting church functions and attending the required services to holding signs at the road going to the church. After all, I ate with them, I worked with them, I worshiped with them, I sat under Jane’s teachings as they did and still do. I even went on a trip to Brazil! What happened? To the faithful WOFF members, this change just does not make sense. Why should it, they are blinded to the cause of their blindness. I know of what I speak, I was also blinded for many years.

    Jane Whaley teaches “one thought can take you over”. The inference is that ONE thought can grow into other thoughts and soon you won’t “love God” and be “submitted to God”. How does that translate out at WOFF? Walking away from WOFF to her is not being “submitted to God” or “loving God”, why? That is because she acts as if she is God and thus wants to be god for her members. In Jane’s world, there is NO other place to “know god” than at her feet and giving into her offerings. Does this sound like a healthy place to live? Does this sound like a place where Truth and Light have free reign? At WOFF, if you have doubts and thoughts questioning your submission to Jane and her WOFF-ways, then you could decide that you have been blinded by your zeal for Jane and now you want to see the Truth. All of this could start with just one thought. What will be your one thought to lead you to freedom from the blind zeal at WOFF?  

   Thank you, Don and Angela for these very thought provoking comments on your life inside of NTCC and the blind zeal required to live there. Keep up the campaign to warn and help others be free from the captivating power of the evil influence known as blind zeal.     

      Thank you, for taking time to visit and read this blog. Please, consume the information on this site responsibly. The author is not a licensed mental health professional and encourages those that need professional help to seek it. The intent of the material is to inform and be a resource. Be sure to tell every member that you know at WOFF about this blog. There are readers at WOFF. Comments are invited from all readers, including present or former members. Polls are not scientific and no private information is gathered.

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       (Please, take time to read the Terms of Use for this personal blog. As mentioned, the information about WOFF is from my memories and recollections as perfect as that may be or not be. ) Scripture references are Amplified Version unless otherwise noted. (Copyright © 1954, 1958, 1962, 1964, 1965, 1987 by The Lockman Foundation ) This is post number 302.

One thought on “Survivors of NTCC Share Concerning Blind Zeal”

  1. John, you are most welcome. We feel honored to be a part of your effort to free your friends to the true liberty* of the gospel. Keep up the good fight =D
    I_Tim 5v24-25:
    Some men’s sins are open beforehand, going before to judgment; and some [men] they follow after.
    Likewise also the good works [of some] are manifest beforehand; and they that are otherwise cannot be hid.
    Ultimately, God knows all. Therein lies our strength and purpose to set at liberty the captives of blind zeal [like Saul before he was converted and called the Apostle Paul]:
    *John 8v32: And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.
    *John 8v36: If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.
    *II_Corinthians 3v17: Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord [is], there [is] liberty.

    Time to focus on Christ, not rules of men or women, and enjoy the liberty He purchased for us at His cross with His blood!

    Our prayers are with you!
    Don and Ange

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