Families Are Destroyed at WOFF- Update

  Recently, I was asked to put in a few paragraphs how the Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF) and Jane Whaley manipulate or cause family members to take a stand against one another. Let me say this is a brief explanation. The subject is vast and the process is not easily detected at first. Why do I say that? That is because the foundation for causing family members to divide over WOFF practices and beliefs begins when the family first comes into the “church”. As you enter and see other families dividing over “who will serve God (Jane) and who will not?” It is portrayed as normal to shun family members either inside or outside the church that do not “go with God” or “go in God’s ways”. After all, they are “in discipleship”. I witnessed the way the McGee children treated their father who had left the church and NEVER considered I would be in his place one day. I witnessed the reaction of the congregation as the Muse children told of their ‘fight for God’s ways” as they dealt with their mother. I heard the cheers and laughter as the children told how they “stood for God” and their mother went away.

   Each individual situation is different, but, the results are pretty much all the same. Most EVERY time a spouse decides for whatever reason to leave WOFF and the other stays, the family becomes divided. There is strife. There is emotional upheaval and turmoil. There are hurts, questions and tears. And the reason is? Some will leave all family members and follow Jane to the very end- where ever that will be. Who knows but God Himself? “Standing for God” and denying contact with a parent or child who has left WOFF is seen as a badge of honor. It is rewarded with some sort of additional perverted “respect”. Why? It is perverted because the ones who remain have no idea how easily they could be the one being shunned or cut off from their families.


  On April 9, 2008, the intense shunning began as I was fired from a job I had with a company owned by church members. (see link here to post about this day: What Thoughts Helped Me Leave WOFF?? Part 1- https://religiouscultsinfo.com/?p=1396 ). My children withdrew from regular contact with me and I believe from what I had seen previously, this withdrawal was expected and encouraged. My wife could only talk to me about repenting and how wicked I was and how I needed to “turn back to God”. I have no doubt that GS and LS were coaching her as to how to handle the situation. How do I know? I checked her cell phone calls and noted how many calls were to GS and LS and how long they were. After about eight weeks of shunning and eventually being “put out of the church” on June 6, 2008 for telling two thoughts I had; I left and moved to a town about 30 minutes away. Three days later I returned for more of my personal items. These items were placed in a pile in the middle of the garage floor. The children had been sent away from the house. Only my wife was there and I was not allowed back into the house where we had lived. Early in the separation, my children did write me a letter telling me to repent and come back to God. It was the same words other children had recited to their parent who had left WOFF. It all seemed like it was coached- from whom? Yes, that was from WOFF leadership.

   That was only the beginning of the end for our family. I had to get an attorney and fight for joint custody of my son.  My wife filed for divorce earlier this year and it is now final as of May 23, 2011. The same way I had seen other families experience emotional problems and separation when one spouse would leave is the same pattern my family has experienced. Today, my children do not respond to my notes or letters. My children refuse to talk to me on the telephone. It has been months since I have seen them except for a brief moment during one of the Spring Missions projects. They turned from me and pretended not to see me. That was an expected response since to contact me and or to show any desire to do so would jeopardize their perceived allegiance to WOFF or more specifically to Jane. This is what they have been taught to do. Does this sound like Christian conduct being taught to them?

   So, when does the destruction of families begin? It begins the minute you agree to become a part of WOFF and believe all you are told from Jane Whaley. If you doubt, just count the broken families/divorces for yourself. How many families have been split? How many relatives are denied visits with their grandchildren or nieces and nephews? If you doubt, then just watch as the months and years pass. More families will split; more children will run away, more spouses will walk away from a spouse and children that have shunned them. Why do the family members who stay shun their own family members? They do this because it is what they are taught as “God’s ways”. Jane Whaley teaches the destruction of families as normal and the price to pay to follow God. Does this sound like a Christian church? For certain, religious cults like WOFF destroy lives.  

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God Bless America!

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       (Please, take time to read the Terms of Use for this personal blog. As mentioned, the information about WOFF is from my memories and recollections as perfect as that may be or not be. ) Scripture references are Amplified Version unless otherwise noted. (Copyright © 1954, 1958, 1962, 1964, 1965, 1987 by The Lockman Foundation ) This is post number 313.