Category Archives: Criteria for Cults

What critieria should one use to determine if a group is a cult?

“… a special spiritual class…”

This is the second post in review of the book,   “One Last Kiss” written by Michael Cuneo. (Copyright©2012 by Michael Cuneo, St. Martin’s Press, ISBN 978-0-312053972-6) The subtitle reads “The True-Story of a Minister’s Bodyguard, His Beautiful Mistress, and a Brutal Triple Homicide.”  The first post is found here: “One Last Kiss” by Michael Cuneo

The book outlines the story of Chris Coleman who grew up in a home where the father was a pastor. After a career in the military, this young man landed a job with a very prominent ministry.  Chris would later be convicted of murdering his wife and two sons apparently in hopes of taking up with his new girl friend. We ended the previous post describing Chris Coleman, the convicted murderer, and his attitude: “He believed he occupied a special spiritual class. That what counted for sin for other people didn’t count as such for him. And as far as disabusing him of these delusions over the years, his parents likely only would have strengthened them.” (page 318 emphasis added) This post will review the author’s ideas on the development of this attitude of being in “a special spiritual class” and its consequences.

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The Present Drama(s) (video links)

It is certain that these last few weeks and months have been filled with events bringing Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF) into the national spotlight. Monday, December 10, 2012 will serve as another chapter in the ongoing saga. An honest observer of WOFF life would be hard pressed not to admit that DRAMA is the norm in Spindale. Let’s review the drama that is in the public eye right now…

Monday, Michael Lowry was supposed to testify in front of a grand jury in Rutherford County. Just before the proceedings were to begin, Michael was standing in the hallway and noticed a WOFF church member walking in as part of the jury. The member was RM. It was reported to me that RM was clean shaven and had been decked out in a fine leather coat. Former members also noted that his wife had served in the church office and was charged with counting the offerings. What were the odds of that? A WOFF member, who has a spouse working in the church office, (or did at one time…) was picked and allowed to serve on the grand jury which was scheduled to hear a case about a former member of WOFF?

Yes, it would be a tricky maneuver to screen potential jurors based on religious affiliation. Since the influence of Jane Whaley and her group is felt far and wide in Rutherford County, does this not require a change of venue for Michael’s case in order for him to receive due process in the hearing of his complaint? The process could be moved to another county- similar to Jane’s situation a few years ago when her trial for simple assault was moved to Polk County. After the inherent weaknesses were made evident on Monday- this appears as the only option. Do you agree? If it is not moved, the next hearing will be January 9th in Rutherford County for Michael.

Here is the video link for today and one previous —–

Continue reading The Present Drama(s) (video links)

“Chasing the Devil” by Sheriff David Reichert

Sunday night, I finished reading the book, “Chasing the Devil” by Sheriff David Reichert, subtitled- “My Twenty-Year Quest to Capture the Green River Killer”, (Copyright©2004 by David Reichert, Little, Brown and Company, ISBN 0-316-15632-9 ). In a previous post, I have made comparisons between the Green River Killer, Gary Ridgeway, and Jane Whaley. The post is titled – Does the Green River Run Through Spindale?  Click here to read – . The main comparison in that post was not that Jane Whaley of Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF) had physically killed people as Ridgeway confessed to doing. My comparison referenced Jane as a “serial relationship killer” and included these questions:

So, does the Green River run through Spindale? Where then does Jane dump her memories of those who did not “walk in God’s ways”, follow her dictates and believe her calling was true? Does she cast those people aside as Ridgeway cast his victims considering them worthless trash? Are the banks of this river littered with the lost years, lost family relationships, hurts, emotions and the anguish of those who have passed through WOFF’s doors? Can she even remember all those who have been vexed by her “religion?” Does she even care that so many have been traumatized by her demands for allegiance resulting in damage to their souls?

That is where I planned to leave the comparison– until I read this book. As I neared the end of the narrative, Sheriff Reichert began to share his thoughts and insight on how a person could become the “machine” that Ridgeway had become — a killing machine, as it were. I will quote the passages which include these insights and then share my thoughts on how they apply to Jane Whaley.

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Word of Fear Fellowship? (WOFF)

During a recent conversation with a friend about life after my time inside of Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF), we began to discuss the fear that follows a survivor of a cult. At first, I called it a “fear orientation”, one that permeates every aspect of a survivor’s life. I related to this person that many decisions were made based on a fear of something or someone or something that would happen in the future if you did or did not do a particular thing. Some of the fears were easily seen, but many were not. This discussion was several days ago and the subject has been rolling over and over in my mind since that day. In this post, I will share my continuing thoughts on the subject of fear in the life during and after one’s time in a religious cult.

First off, this subject is not new to this blog. Several previous posts have dealt with the subject. Here is a couple for reference:

Does a “Fear-Based” Message Really Work?

Two Good Questions, Two Good Answers

Continue reading Word of Fear Fellowship? (WOFF)

Do You Have the WOFF-Virus? (Video- Warning: Graphic Images)

During my research on the Moonies, I came across a survivor of that group who explained her understanding of how people think inside a cult. Her name is Diane Benscoter. The adventure she describes started in 1974 and she joined a peace walk- not knowing that the majority of the others in the group were Moonies. Within a week inside that group, she had come to believe that the second coming of Christ had occurred and that person was Sun Myong Moon. In her thinking, she had been specially chosen by God to be a disciple of Moon who claimed to be the Christ.

Continue reading Do You Have the WOFF-Virus? (Video- Warning: Graphic Images)

Why Do Members Stay? (video)

Over the last few years since leaving Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF), several folks at different times have asked this question or one similar. Why do people stay inside WOFF? For many, the idea behind the question is: John, if things are as bad as you say, why don’t folks just leave? For those being more inquisitive, they are asking me: John, if it was that bad, why did you stay for so long? These are very fair questions. In this post, I will share an answer from a cult expert and add my reflections to help complete the answer for my situation.

During my research, I came across a video put out by Steven Hassan. This video is an informal conversation filmed in a hotel room about 2 years ago. The participants were Steven Hassan a leading cult expert, Attorney Paul Grosswald, ex-Scientologist, and Karen Pressley also a former high ranking ex-Scientologist. Much of the content does center on Karen’s experiences and her successes since leaving the group. During the discourse, there are several notable quotes which include answers to why folks stay in controlling groups, as well as other points of interests for those trying to understand the cult experience.

Before we begin, let me explain that I have no experience with Scientology or the Moonies. The purpose of this video is only as an aide to help answer the question: Why do members stay? The video is over fifty (50) minutes long and there is no way I can review the full content here. For this post, we will just hit on some major keys for understanding given by the participants. Some of the terms describing the rules or actions within Scientology were foreign to me and can only be explained by context.

Continue reading Why Do Members Stay? (video)

Is “Surfing” Allowed Inside of WOFF?

What triggers memories for you? Do you remember things best from sights or sounds? When you come across a particular aroma, does that aroma trigger memories? Tonight, for me it was a particular sound. The sound was the plethora of often indistinguishable noises that come out of an AM radio at night time. Let me explain the path of memories this “noise” took me on this evening.

Many years ago as a child, I was given a small handheld AM radio. Maybe there was an FM band, but, I doubt it. This would have been in the mid 1960’s. As far as I remember, my grandfather gave me this electronic treasure. It was probably a Christmas present purchased from Sears and Roebuck. The radio was battery powered and one that could be easily held while drifting off to sleep. That is what I remember doing for some years as a young boy. Music, sports and news filled the airwaves then. Talk radio as we know it today was non-existent. I would slowly push the tuner to catch the next strong station from states far away… It was a fascinating hobby for me at that age.

Tonight, as I drove home from work, I continued this habit begun many years ago. I turned the car radio to the AM band and began to surf the stronger stations that my car antenna would receive. To my dismay, I could not find a particular sporting event which I knew would be broadcast from somewhere… it just happened not anywhere I could hear. But, that did not stop me, as I still found it a challenge to listen to a radio show and try to figure out what state the radio station was broadcasting from. Now, for those fellow radio surfers, you know some of the larger AM stations. There is 1510 WLAC out of Nashville, 660 WFAN out of New York, 1120 KMOX out of St. Louis, 720 WGN which transmits out of Chicago and WSB 750 out of Atlanta. When it comes to talk show or interview show, not every time to I agree with the point of view being put forth; but, it is still fun to listen.

Continue reading Is “Surfing” Allowed Inside of WOFF?