Category Archives: WOFF Updates

WLOS- News 13 – “Students Claim Harrassment”

Source: “Updated: Wednesday, June 5 2013, 09:40 PM EDT Former students of a mountain college have filed complaints claiming they were harassed on campus by members of a controversial church. The two students are former members of the Rutherford County’s Word of Faith church and both say the harassment at Isothermal Community College began when they left the church.

Ashlea Surles put together a great report documenting the complaints of harassment from former members of Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF) by present group members. The incidents happened over a period of time and were a prime example of the treatment former members receive when encountering present members. Read more here: (the link may change; I will attempt to update it when it does.)

A few of the behaviors noted in the complaints are outlined this post.

“There have been two complaints filed orally,” said Isothermal Community College Director of Marketing Mike Gavin. “The alleged harasser was not a student at the college and not an employee at the college – just come to campus.”– Allow me to translate into WOFF-speak- the adult was a “guard” to watch members and make sure they don’t talk to non-members for too long, ask too many questions or seek freedom and try to leave the church. In this case, they got to torment and bully ex-members as well.

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More Bathroom Controls at Word of Faith Fellowship

February of 2010 on this blog, I wrote about Jane Whaley’s Toilet Paper Revelation. I was in that service when the “revelation” was introduced to the members of Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF). Yes, some went overboard and it got out of hand. Jane actually tried to moderate the exuberance with which some began to monitor the bathroom habits of their fellow members. It was in reality a fiasco. But, at the time, I did not understand the lasting detrimental effects. During my stay at WOFF, I witnessed CH get publically rebuked by Mark Doyle for using a urinal in an airport bathroom. It was not God’s will for WOFF members to use urinals. This was just a hint of the controls yet to come. During my years there, the urinals were partitioned off so you could not view the person beside of you. Apparently, this is not the end of the controls of personal bathroom habits. Allow me continue. 

Fast forward to this year and yet more bathroom controls have been explained to me. Recently, I have been told that the urinals were totally removed from the bathroom s at WOFF. For recent visitors- is this true? I have no reason to doubt it. If that were the end of the controls, I would not be writing this post. Reports coming out of this group have gone into more detail. I will try to be as tasteful as possible in explaining the restraints that I understand to be in place at WOFF.

Continue reading More Bathroom Controls at Word of Faith Fellowship

Eighteen Years Ago Today- March 13, 1995

Has it been that long? For many reasons, some known and some unknown; the months and years that have passed since March 13, 1995 seem as a blur. As the song says; “Don’t Blink!” Where were you? What do you remember about that time period? For me, it is filled with loving joyful memories as my son was born at the St. Francis Women’s and Family Hospital in Greenville, SC on that wonderful day. (The hospital is now called – St Francis eastside.) We referred to it as the hospital with the green roof! It was a very exciting day amidst a series of events that would change the lives of many in Greenville, SC and Spindale, NC.

First, let me share what I remember about that day for our family. We lived on Central Ave. in Mauldin, SC with another member of Grace and Truth Fellowship. We had moved to Greenville in March of 1992 from Summerville, SC. When we moved, our daughter was sixteen months old. During the three years since we arrived, we had integrated into the Fellowship and settled into the routine of attending services several times a week, while my wife taught in the church run school that my daughter attended. During those years, I worked several part-time jobs in order to attend the “Training Center” at Grace and Truth. That subject is for another day.

If my memory serves me correctly, when we checked into the hospital,we were on the second floor in the maternity ward in a spacious delivery room. Several ladies from the church surrounded us as we witnessed the miracle of birth of our son. Medically, the process seemed to go smoothly, as smoothly as it does, I reckon. (Easy for me to say, I was a coach and supporter, my wife did all the hard work …) Our son was healthy and had no apparent medical alarms. We both stayed the night as I remember. I slept on a chair that pulled out into a sleeper. Before the evening was done, the lady we lived with brought our daughter to the hospital to see her new brother. Many smiles were on everyone that night!

Continue reading Eighteen Years Ago Today- March 13, 1995

Confusion Around a Meeting at Word of Faith Fellowship (video)

On Wednesday, March 6, 2013, the confusion and conundrums around the controversial Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF) increased yet further. The controversy surrounded a meeting held Wednesday evening at the “campus”. This video link below from WLOS in Asheville, NC outlines the main points. Reporter Ashlea Surles gives a brief outline of the events. You may have to use your “back” button in order to return to this post.  Please, read on after viewing the video for the possible fallout from the confusion.

This was not surprise move from the WOFF playbook; they feel they are under “attack.” It appears that Brent Childers was trying to warn Dr. Kokkonen about the group. Well, that seems fair, right? Per Josh, “All I know is that the email disturbed the speaker.”  “We absolutely have nothing to hide,” said Farmer. I found that frankly a surreal stretch of a representation of their actions in the past, both while I was inside and now that I am out. Nothing to hide? Laughable! The façade that exists when visitors attend the services is vibrant evidence that there are things to hide, actions and practices that others may find strange or abusive. Shall we list them?

Continue reading Confusion Around a Meeting at Word of Faith Fellowship (video)

Is Simple Assault a Vital Part of the Word of Faith Fellowship Practices? (1)

Recently, I obtained some very disturbing information about new discipline practices that have evolved at Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF). If my source is accurate, and I have no reason to think that their knowledge is less than up close and personal; then it appears that Simple Assault has become a consistent tool for “correction” inside WOFF.

Before I give the account, let me say that after I left in 2008, it took a while to decompress and as it were- begin to assimilate and process that experiences over the last 16 years. I was in denial for a long time as to the intensity with which Jane Whaley’s edicts were carried out. After all, didn’t she speak for “God?” While I was inside, I wrestled with that required basic belief which faces every WOFF member. Does Jane speak for God? For some to deny it would mean they would soon “meet the authority of God in Jane Whaley.” That translates into her making a show of how much she owns you and has the power to direct your life at ALL levels. Many times, this revelation was accompanied with loud shouting, shrills of “prayer” and in some cases- physical restraint until you bowed your knee to her. When it was happening to others, there was in me a disengagement and denial that I would ever be required to do that. Oh, I was wrong and therein was the beginning of my exit story- previously told on this blog.

Why do I insert these musings here? For this reason, for outsiders it is next to impossible to convey the level of power, influence, control and fear-hold that Jane has over her members. Honestly, not everyone is controlled to the exact same degree, but, everyone is controlled at some level or they don’t stay. As I tell of the new discipline measures which have developed, do not think for an instant that the intense interactions have not been allowed or even prompted – at the minimum – APRROVED by Jane Whaley herself. NOTHING happens twice inside that group without Jane’s approval. So, here we go…

Continue reading Is Simple Assault a Vital Part of the Word of Faith Fellowship Practices? (1)

WOFF Survivor Returns… No One Wins…

A life-long member of Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF) returned this past week. Many have followed the story of Michael Lowry on this blog. He was born 1990 and resided in WOFF until November 2011. It is with sadness I must bring to you the next chapter in this saga. Earlier this past week, Michael Lowry was picked up by his WOFF family and returned to Spindale, NC. Later in the week, he recanted his allegations and on Friday met with AP reporter Mitch Weiss. Please, continue reading for excerpts from the article.

Continue reading WOFF Survivor Returns… No One Wins…

A Day at The McDowell County Courthouse….

Historic McDowell County Courthouse
McDowell County Courthouse

On Tuesday, January 29, 2013, there was a meeting of the local District Bar to vote on nominees to refer to the Governor. He would then pick one person to fill the vacant judgeship in District 29A. Last I heard, there were ten names on the original ballot. As many readers know, Frank Webster was one of those names. In the previous two posts, I have voiced my questions and concerns. Today was the day when my concerns would either continue or they would be directed in other areas.

Continue reading A Day at The McDowell County Courthouse….