Category Archives: WOFF Updates

“…try to love the questions themselves…”- Rainer Maria Rilke (1875-1926)

We continue with questions that would help us in the vetting process for Frank Webster. The process is needed since Mr. Webster has put his name on a list of potential candidates for appointment by the Governor of North Carolina to an open judgeship in District 29A. The meeting to determine the three names that will be forwarded to the Governor will take place on January 29th at 1:30PM.  If Mr. Webster secures enough votes, his name would go on the list. The Governor would select one person within sixty days from the list or the candidate with the most votes would automatically be appointed.

Why do I feel I am qualified to ask these questions? The answer contains two parts. First, I am a citizen of the District. How judges rule can affect all citizens of the District. Second, I am a survivor of Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF) and have spent time in the group where Mr. Webster is considered one of the leaders. Some of these questions are pertinent to any survivor of the group. Questions about why and how I allowed the teachings and doctrines of WOFF to affect my life are ones I have been asking myself since I left the group in July 2008. Answers to these questions can help process and put in perspective the events inside WOFF. When I reflect on the intense influence and yes, control, that Jane Whaley has over members of WOFF- it is humbling to know how many years I spent there. Stepping back, I would suggest that it was my pursuit of religious enlightenment or fulfillment and subsequent trust of someone who I thought had acquired that, which brought me to WOFF doors. Was it the same for you, Frank?

Continue reading “…try to love the questions themselves…”- Rainer Maria Rilke (1875-1926)

Will the Next District Judge be influenced by Jane Whaley?

Who can dispute we are all influenced to one degree or another by the people we live around, the places we live, and the books and media we are exposed to, all of which gives us “help” in making the choices which fill our everyday existence. Life at Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF) took the seriousness of this “influence” to a whole new level. As many know, my time under the influence of that group was a total of sixteen years. For the first ten years, I traveled back and forth from Greenville, SC to special meetings, seminars and fellowships. I lived in Forest City, in a WOFF household from October 2002 until July 2008. All of that to say that my perspective on the effectiveness of Jane Whaley to influence her members is one I experienced for sure.

What areas of your life as a member of WOFF were influenced by the teachings, rules, edicts and opinions of Jane Whaley? It may be easier to say which areas were not subject to her power. For example, it was preached over and over you need to be careful the music you listen to. Listening to music that is “not of God” can take you away from God and eventually “out of the move of God.” This was translated – away from Jane and WOFF. Who can deny that music does stay with us for years? Do you still remember certain jingles or tunes from commercials you watched as a young person?

Continue reading Will the Next District Judge be influenced by Jane Whaley?

Courtroom Drama in Rutherford County (video link)

Rutherford County Courthouse Jan 2013
Courthouse Jan 4, 2013

On Friday, January 4, 2013, in the Rutherford County Courthouse; I was witness to the courtroom drama involving four Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF) members and a former member, Jerry Cooper. The case stems from warrants issued after incidents which took place October 16, 2012 in Rutherford County. This case has been reported on this blog. Here is a link to the most recent post about this drama- The Present Drama(s)

Let me first say I was not there for the first motion which the judge granted. That was to bar cameras from the courtroom. This stopped the local television reporter from filming what turned out to be a very long day. I did arrive in time to see several cases dispensed before getting to obviously the main case on the docket- North Carolina vs. Jason Gross, Gilbert Carmona, Chris Hall and Randy Fields. Also, I left at 2:45PM and was not able to stay for the entire proceedings, as it was sometime around 5:00PM when things were wrapped up, so I told. During my time there, I did see Jerry Cooper testify and be cross-examined. Michael Lowry testified for the State and then was crossed examined by Mark Morris with a very few questions. Now, that seemed odd since Mr. Morris was named in the initial complaint in February 2012 filed by Michael Lowry… I am no law scholar but, doesn’t that seem strange?

Continue reading Courtroom Drama in Rutherford County (video link)

The Present Drama(s) (video links)

It is certain that these last few weeks and months have been filled with events bringing Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF) into the national spotlight. Monday, December 10, 2012 will serve as another chapter in the ongoing saga. An honest observer of WOFF life would be hard pressed not to admit that DRAMA is the norm in Spindale. Let’s review the drama that is in the public eye right now…

Monday, Michael Lowry was supposed to testify in front of a grand jury in Rutherford County. Just before the proceedings were to begin, Michael was standing in the hallway and noticed a WOFF church member walking in as part of the jury. The member was RM. It was reported to me that RM was clean shaven and had been decked out in a fine leather coat. Former members also noted that his wife had served in the church office and was charged with counting the offerings. What were the odds of that? A WOFF member, who has a spouse working in the church office, (or did at one time…) was picked and allowed to serve on the grand jury which was scheduled to hear a case about a former member of WOFF?

Yes, it would be a tricky maneuver to screen potential jurors based on religious affiliation. Since the influence of Jane Whaley and her group is felt far and wide in Rutherford County, does this not require a change of venue for Michael’s case in order for him to receive due process in the hearing of his complaint? The process could be moved to another county- similar to Jane’s situation a few years ago when her trial for simple assault was moved to Polk County. After the inherent weaknesses were made evident on Monday- this appears as the only option. Do you agree? If it is not moved, the next hearing will be January 9th in Rutherford County for Michael.

Here is the video link for today and one previous —–

Continue reading The Present Drama(s) (video links)

“Your Signs are Stupid!” (Pictures)

   Spring Missions Project 2012 continued this past Sunday along Oakland Road. The weather was perfect and the immediate results were shall we say “encouraging”. We arrived just before noon and literally within a minute JC drove by in full security team mode. (Remember, he was the car chaser last time, see the previous post on this event for a picture…) He drove by with walkie-talkie in hand and acting very WOFF-ish (Word of Faith Fellowship-like). However, we were not surprised and waited for the fun to continue. Soon, possibly by 12:10PM, the cars started trickling out down Old Flynn Road. Immediately, we noted a switch. WOFF members were purposely looking at the signs rather than doing the heard jerk –which always did look painful. RS and LS were the first members I noted to obviously stare at the signs. He was actually gawking.

Well, soon the floodgates opened and slowly but surely, the cars kept coming and coming and coming- just as we had hoped. Oh, there were the obvious Security Team passes and activities. People set-up with cameras and who knows what other electronic listening equipment, taking their pictures and being real obvious. Still we noted WOFF members freely staring at our signs and at first it seemed strange. Later we would find out why this had switched.

Continue reading “Your Signs are Stupid!” (Pictures)

Findings of Fact….

During many years of the history of Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF), there have been several drawn out custody battles in which church practices became a main focus. In 2000, there was the McGee custody battle, Ben McGee- plaintiff; in which an eleven page “Findings of Fact” was rendered on or about December 5, 2000 by Judge Randy Poole. The case was heard in Rutherford County General District Court – case #FILE NO. : 00 CVD 0686. Included in this ruling from the court were definitive statements about church practices and their danger to children. I will include a few here. After each one, I will offer my opinion about the “fact”. Remember, during this hearing, I lived in Greenville, SC and only attended special meetings. For certain, this material was shared on a “need to know” basis. Let me also point out that when/if some or all of these “facts” had been shared with regular WOFF members, there would have been major spin presented and a dare put out there to question or voice any agreement with the “facts”. Does that sound plausible? If you showed or expressed questions or doubts– that was your invitation for an open rebuke and/or church discipline.

16. There is a hierarchy of control and authority within the WOFF organization. Subordinate members are encouraged to report any perceived aberrant behaviors of other subordinate members to higher authorities within the organization.

This was such a common occurrence at WOFF, who would dispute the validity of this “fact”? We were all required to tell the sins of others or “that sin was in you!” and you were as guilty as if you had committed the act. Yes, this could be a reason it is hard for present and former members to trust – ANYONE.

Continue reading Findings of Fact….

Additional Memories Leading to Exit Drama- Ben McGee

The following material was provided by Ben McGee. He pulls back the curtain of self-protection and reveals his innermost concerns and thoughts leading up to the previously posted exit drama. Please, do not miss the transparency and the honesty with which he tells his story. These reflections should be a help to us all in managing our own host of memories- however painful they may be.



In order to set the time frame, let me say that these memories are from the period just two weeks before I was forced to leave.  I removed myself from the church, and would not attend regular services, but stayed in the church discipline room because I struggled with a conversation between Jane Whaley and myself.  The one statement that troubled me the most was when Jane stated that if I decided to move off church property- I would do so alone, as she began poking her finger into my chest.  I took this to mean that she was going to keep my family from me, if I attempted to move away from the church property. (I must ask- would Jesus make a threat like this?)

I struggled with this threat for some time. Pam was not present for this event.  I knew we could not afford to leave, but desired to do so and decided money or no money we were not going to stay trapped.  I wanted to discuss with my ex-wife how I felt but, she was alienated from me completely.  She would not listen to me and would go straight to the church leadership and tell them everything I had said which was a pattern already well established in our marriage.  This probably became extremely important for her after the confrontation with Jane.  I must confess I did likewise to her when she would get out of control and abusive in the past. I was afraid of her past use and abuse of drugs.

Continue reading Additional Memories Leading to Exit Drama- Ben McGee