Tag Archives: David Platt

A Life Free of Discomfort…

   In the previous post, we were quoting from the book, “Why is it Always About You? The Seven Deadly Sins of Narcissism” (Copyright©2002, 2003 by Sandy Hotchkiss, LCSW, published by FREE PRESS, ISBN-13:978-0-7432-1428-5). In Chapter 5, the author was describing a narcissist and wrote this, ““Individuals who feel entitled to respect without giving it in return, or who expect rewards without effort, or a life free of discomfort, are forfeiting any power they might have to shape their own destiny.” (page 22) We mentioned expounding on the phrase – “a life free from discomfort” in a future post. I delayed writing about this phrase because it fit well with another book I have been reading.

    The book is titled, “Radical” by David Platt. (Copyright©2010 by David Platt, published by Multnomah Books –Colorado Springs, CO, ISBN-978-1-60142-221-7) The subtitle is “Taking Back Your Faith from the American Dream”. This is not a book on cults. The author does not name cults or pretend his message is directed toward or meant for cults or those studying them. However, I believe his message does apply to those getting free from a captivating message that has stifled and muffled many a desire to serve God. My perspective has been shaped by the many years I spent at Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF). What former member can deny that Jane Whaley and Sam Whaley preach a gospel laden with the prosperity message? I heard Sam say more than once, “If God is not blessing you- then something is wrong with you.” He then would go on about the nice clothes, fine cars and house that many WOFF members had and how that was evidence to him that God was “blessing them”. He also would spend time telling how proud he was when his car buddies would go through the church parking lot when it was full and tell Sam, “You all must be doing something right, there are some nice cars in that lot!” Even though Jane goes through periods where she will regress and not emphasize the “prosperity message”, who can deny she lives it, loves it and benefits from it?

   Frankly, I must admit that during the 80’s when I first became aware of certain preachers and the faith/prosperity message, I was attracted to it. At that time, I was young in “the faith” and could not see the traps that this type of message holds. I endeavored to learn it, live it and preach it. So, what I am about to share is not from a standpoint of never having been a part of the problem. In years past, I have attended other churches besides WOFF that preached the faith/prosperity message to one degree or another. All that being said; I did spend the years from 1992 until 2008 listening to Jane and others inside of WOFF and believe I have some ability to assess the gospel Jane preaches. More than what Jane says, we must take a gander at how Jane’s gospel is practiced at WOFF. I will compare the massage of “Radical” with the WOFF message that many of us have endured during our years in WOFF.

   Continue reading A Life Free of Discomfort…