Tag Archives: Jenny Kutner

Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF) Women cast as misogynist voters

Let’s admit we are glad the voting cycle of the presidential election is over. We wait for the electors to cast their votes on December 19th to make it official. This was by far the most vicious political season of my lifetime. I don’t recall the numbers of controversies, accusations and mud-slinging which the voters and non-voters witnessed this year.

The results left several experts scratching their heads in total bewilderment. In order to make sense of the results of the presidential race, pundits, reporters and politicians have given their assessments. Tonight, my phone was pounded by text after text of friends making sure I saw the following article. The picture told the story, but not the one the reporter wrote.

Jenny Kutner opinion piece on mic.com titled, “Female misogynists were Trump’s most crucial ally” includes a picture of several WOFF women in front of the crowd at a Trump rally. The trance-like look on their faces told part of the story to Ms. Kutner. I will recap her opinion piece and give “the rest of the story.”

Trump captivates voters
Trump captivates voters

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