Tag Archives: Lauren Drain

“You have been kicked out of the church…” ‘Banished’ by Lauren Drain and Lisa Pulitzer (Video)

These words landed heavy on Lauren Drain as her father spoke. Lauren had been a part of the Westboro Baptist Church for seven years. It was her life, her connection to her immediate family, to her friends and until that night- to her future. On December 14, 2007- that all changed. The membership had voted her out. The angst she felt had exploded inside her as she listened to a voice mail from her best friend, Jael. The message included the statement that “no one (in the church) wanted anything to do with..” Lauren. After years of sharing the fears, the adventures of picketing and life inside the closed culture of Westboro, her best friend acted as if Lauren had the plague.

‘Banished- Surviving My Years in the Westboro Baptist Church’- (Copyright © 2013) by Lauren Drain and Lisa Pulitzer is a gripping account of Lauren’s years inside this closed culture. You have seen them in the news over the years picketing at funerals, national events. You may have seen members being interviewed in the national media. Whatever you have heard or seen, don’t finalize your opinion until you read this book. I suspected there was darkness behind the doors of this group, but until I read this survivor’s account my opinion had no factual basis. Now, I have a better understanding of the control dynamics employed there.

So, John, how does this group compare to Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF)? Thought you would never ask. There are stark differences and eerie similarities. Westboro purposed to be informed on news making events and thus allowed their members almost unfettered access to the media. They basked in media attention even if it portrayed them in a negative light. The latest electronic gadgets were used to produce videos, support websites and record their picketing misadventures. The members had access to movies, recreational activities and were encouraged to dress modestly – but with much room for interpretation. These were some of the glaring differences.
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