Tag Archives: Sam Whaley

WOFF Members Get New Identity – Part 1

    During one service at Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF) Sam Whaley was up in front receiving the offering. He began to tell about God dealing with him and about his work before starting WOFF. He said it was all worthless; “well some of it was good”. I suppose he was talking about his many trips to other countries for Rhema Ministries under Kenneth Hagin. Later in the service, Jane spoke up to correct him. She told him that all he had done before getting deliverance and getting truly born again was WICKED! Everything he did before “knowing Jesus” was pure wickedness. Of course, he said “You are right, Jane.”  This event seemed to pass as one of the many times that Jane had rebuked Sam publically. It was “normal” at WOFF. No one except Jane “heard God at such a high level.”

     While reading Janis Hutchinson’s “Out of the Cults and Into the Church” (copyright 1994 Kregel Resources) I found her insights very helpful. In chapter 5, she explains how ex-cultists may seem disoriented as when they come out; they lose “their roots, their story, and their identity”. It should be obvious; you can’t lose something you never had. In order to lose a “cult identity it had to be created in that person. She explains how a cult member needs the roots and stories to arrive at the new identity.

      I will not attempt to recite all that she gives as reasons for sharing these observations. In short, she explains “roots, spiritual or physical, tell an individual or a group where they came from, why they’re here, how they started, why they do the things they do, and why they are who they are.” (pg 98) Cults or other groups use myths or sacred stories to give its members roots.

   She goes on:  “Stories are three kinds. First myths and history of a culture’s heritage…these confirm and perpetuate the roots…. Secondly, there is the story of individual community itself- how members relate to that culture with their common problems and how they overcome them… Thirdly, there is one’s own individual story within the culture. This generally consists of accumulated childhood experiences containing the negative and positive, the triumphs and tragedies. It also includes a vast array of input from people, places and situations.” (page 98)

    And finishing her explanation:  “Identity, on the other hand, is the assurance individuals, culture, or nations gain as a result of having both roots and story. .. It promotes self-esteem and a positive self-image, collectively or individually. Without it, individuals are strangers to themselves and to others.” (page 98) Her work deals with folks after they leave cults.

     Continue reading WOFF Members Get New Identity – Part 1

Who is the Enemy?

    During my time at Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF), there were many “enemies” depending on the season of time. A short list would include ex-members, ex-members who tell their WOFF experiences to others, “unrighteous” judges who rule against Jane Whaley or members in child custody cases, Faith Freedom Fund, anyone who supports the Faith Freedom Fund, Police or Sheriffs who carry out judges orders against WOFF members, Charlotte Observer reporters who tell “whoppers” about Jane or the church, the Daily Courier has had some reporters in the past, in this category. Shall we forget politicians who support abortion? How could I leave out the local DSS or attorneys that help them or ex-members?

     There would always be a type of “devil” to combat either in you, in the world, in the “heavens”, in your non-WOFF neighbor, in your non-WOFF relatives, in your employer (if not working for a church member owned company). Well, then there would be “devils” attacking your children, like the “math devil” or “know it all devil”, “haughty devil” or “sassy mouthed devil”, “telephone devil”, “lazy devil”, “unclean devil”, “back-talking, sassy mouthed devil”, “driving devil”, “intellectual devil”, “perversion devil”, “music devil”.  I think you get the picture. While I was attending WOFF, I heard each one of these phrases; though rarely ever grouped together as I have done. In order to support the “us versus them” attitude, there was always a devil-related crisis of some type to manage at WOFF. The many crises served as the building blocks for the fear-based message as mentioned in a previous post (http://religiouscultsinfo.com/?p=1310 )

    During the court case against the local DSS, I remember saying the DSS were like Nazis. Another member heard me say it and let it stand. In fact, he acted like he agreed. At that time, they were the “enemy”. Since I left and have read more about mind control and how it works; my assessment of the local DSS is much different. Now, I would say they did not know the strength of the mind control system operating in WOFF. They were trying to change the results, [children] and not the cause molding the children; that would be the parents and church leadership. Because of their outside position, it would have been difficult to change the circumstances for the children unless you somehow change the circumstances and thinking of the parents and other adults. DSS was apparently not prepared for the battle they were trying to wage. Mistakes were made on both sides. Therefore the results were negative for all parties.

     Continue reading Who is the Enemy?

My Experience on “Watch” at WOFF

This post will cover experiences on overnight “watch” at Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF). The methods and people participating may have changed over the years, but the stated purpose has been the same.  It was explained to the members by Sam Whaley on more than one occasion, that the property insurance was discounted if we had 24/7 security or a “watch” on the property. There were three shifts at first, but that changed to two shifts of two folks on each shift. First shift started at 10:00PM and ended at 2:45AM. The second crew would come then and watch until 7:00AM. Many times folks would need to leave early to be at their jobs on time. So, the time between 6:00AM and 7:00AM – sometimes was not covered. There really was no coverage until the first office worker for the church showed up at 7:45AM or so. Some nights, second shift was not covered at all.

Many times, the person who was in charge of getting folks to sign up for watch would come in at the end of the Sunday evening service and announce how many spots were still open for watch. He would ask folks to volunteer. When that did not fill the schedule, he would start calling names and asking folks in front of everyone, which slot they could do. Occasionally,  he would ask why certain folks could not do watch? There may be the question – When were you last on watch?  This was definitely one of the most undesired tasks at WOFF. The young folks would be used the most. Married men with children or physical issues would often not be required to do watch every week. Some men NEVER did watch – for whatever reason. Many times the same core group of folks did the watch every week. Jane Whaley would sometimes stand up and “help” get folks for the slots still open. Funny, when she stepped up to get help filling the schedule, it did not take near as long. She had the “touch“. After all, who wanted Jane to single them out for not helping with watch? There could be “fallout” from that–right?

As mentioned, when I first came in 2002, I started volunteering for watch. At that time,  the second shift was required to sleep at the church in the school building. There would be mats or mattresses available to move to the classroom. Sometimes, it was hard to sleep in the school and that meant a long second shift. At some point, people were allowed to go home and sleep before second shift.  It was in later years, that married couples were allowed to do watch together. That actually was a pretty good chance to catch-up and talk to each other. A few couples would use this time slot for that purpose. Life at WOFF did not provide much time for adult conversation- including talking to your spouse. In more recent years, two ladies could do watch on first shift. (Occasionally, second..)  Some folks on watch would study for their classes. It was depending on the weather, for the position of the watch folks. Some would be in the school building in years past. Others would move to the breezeway between the sanctuary and office/fellowship building. Still others park in the church parking lot, on the road or across the street at a WOFF owned house.

Continue reading My Experience on “Watch” at WOFF

Former WOFF Member Charged with Trespassing

     Recently, I learned about a former member being charged with trespassing, resulting from a visit to Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF).  He went for a meeting with Jane Whaley. The events took place in the fall of 2009. The person charged with the trespassing said that he had called ahead of time to tell one of the leadership that he was coming. Since she did not tell him not to come; he pursued his plans.

     These next few paragraphs are from an email sent by Jerry Cooper, the former member at the center of these events. The paragraphs been edited to give the sequence of events and not reveal exact identities of those involved – other than Jerry, Jane Whaley and Sam Whaley.
     Jerry begins, “I called a couple weeks prior and talked with with B_____ and told her that I would like to come and visit  in a couple of weeks. (I don’t remember the exact month). Though I never got “permission”, B_____ never said I couldn’t. A side note: the Lord had been speaking to me for months that it was time for me to do my part take a chunk out of that stone wall. I’m in the ministry and did what I do best…I went with a word for the Lord. I heard God say, “Let My  people go so they can worship me.” Sounds a little crazy. That’s what I had to do.
     “A friend and I, with our two dogs in the backseat, pulled right in behind the “vans” near Jane’s office. We got out. Walked in the door and stood there. Silence. Not a soul in site. I remember kinda chuckling to myself thinking; “Whoever is on watch is gonna get it”. Out of the main office appeared R_______. (Big smile…soft voice.) He said, and I quote, “Hey Jerry, (hugged me) we were wondering if ya’ll were gonna make it or not.” He said “hello” to my friend and then walked us down the long pink hall towards the auditorium. Only one person (a lady I didn’t recognize) passed us. She staired straight at the floor. Never looked up. Never spoke.
     R_____ said, ” I think they’ve already started. Jane may be over there”. Through the atrium we went and bam…I was standing in the very front of WOFF in full praise and worship. It was so strange. Not one person looked at us. From all over the entire auditorium not one person was looking to see what was going on at the front door. They were singing, “I will sing praises to the Lord with all my heart…” R____ looked around. He said to me (yelling so I could hear over the noise), “Jane must still be next door. I’ll let her know you are here.” He walked out the door and left me and my friend standing there. Well, I know when opportunity knocks. I looked at my friend and said, “Pray.” I squirmed my way through several people congregated at the front, all singing loudly, hands raised, smiles, looking directly at the stage…” I stood right it front of where Jane usually sits and bent over beside me was Sam Whaley. He stood up. Looked at me. I yelled, “Hey Sam.” (had to yell to be heard). He said, “Jerry, I don’t think Jane would want you in the sanctuary without meeting with her first.” I said, “R____ brought me over.”  Instantly, I was floating. Two guys had come in behind me, lifted me off the floor and walked toward the door. Insanely enough, not one person moved, stopped singing, took there eyes off the stage…strange.

A Dream About a WOFF Member

     Recently, I had a dream about a leader of WOFF. Why even mention it? Though it was “only a dream”, it helped answer some questions for me. So, I will share it. Others may be helped.
     The person in the dream was doubting his course. I felt compassion for him and was encouraging him. He was reflective, not telling me how to think or act or “chewing me like a dog on a bone”. He was not rushing back to the church to find his next Jane Whaley assigned task. We rode in his pick-up truck through a corn field. We pulled over and as I was talking,  he just sat looking dejected.  I was letting him know that by my leaving WOFF, I rejected the message and method he had come to cherish.  As mentioned in a previous post; it is possible to reject the methods, the message and not the members of a religious group.
      I knew a little of his personal background. He had moved on from the message of his father’s holiness church in which he grew up. Next he attended a Southern Baptist Church. He had moved on from there.  He moved on from being a support minster for another traveling minister. Eventually, he founded his own ministry. Many of the beginning teachings were reflective of the original “Word of Faith” message of Kenneth Hagin.  He attended conferences for that group at the same time as Jane and Sam. Later, he reconnected with Jane and Sam Whaley (mid 1980’s) with their message of deliverance. This man had moved “forward in God” several times that I was aware of. His journey was not unlike many other WOFF members. Many had come to WOFF through spirtual steps on a journey.  Could he be considering he next move? Was there a struggle raging inside of him? Having gone through the struggle that he may be walking through, it only made sense I would be there to encourage him, in the dream. Much of his journey I learned from his preaching. So, in this dream, it seemed he was facing another decision point to stay or “move forward” again in God.
     Before my departure from WOFF, the long deliverance sessions of loud prayer were not as frequent as in years past. So, besides the long list of “don’ts”- what is the message of WOFF? In wedding programs, they publish “What We Believe”. In that program they give their beliefs with supporting scripture references. Without pretending to remember them all, I will give a partial list. WOFF believes in Jesus as the Son of God and the Way to Salvation, the Trinity, The Gifts of the Spirit, Laying on of Hands, Raising of Hands, Singing Praises from Scripture, Holy Communion, Intercessory Prayer, Baptism for Believers.. I am not sure if this next one is listed, but it are practiced- Foot-washing. Again, I don’t pretend that this list is complete. But, it gives a general idea where WOFF stands doctrinally.
     As with any church that may or may not have similar doctrinal beliefs, the most vital assessment of a group lies in what they practice as a result of their beliefs and interpretation of Scripture. Another church may have similar doctrinal positions, but they could celebrate Christmas and Easter as well as allow their members freedom to make decisions on their own. So, in looking at what sets WOFF apart from other churches, it is obvious there are many more rules (don’ts) with WOFF than other churches with similar doctrines. ( I know, I have been in several before WOFF.) The “Freedom in Christ” mentioned in scriptures for the New Testament believer does not exist at WOFF. In light of this, why defend or continue this set of heavily enforced rules and don’ts? This method of controlling others is doomed for failure. When you cut off by hell-threatening edicts a member’s personal choices and attempt to program their total environment; that attempt stifles a basic human component- the need for Freedom of Choice! We, as humans -ESPECIALLY in this country- are guaranteed choices! Remember? Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness! 

The WOFF “Don’t” List – Part 5

      We move on to the fifth installment in the series titled, “The WOFF “Don’t” List”.  The subjects are varied. We will pick back up with games. There were/are so many “don’ts” in the area of entertainment.

      Steven Hassan in “Releasing the Bonds” (copyright 2000) explains the “B” in his “B.I.T.E.” model. The “B” stands for “Behavior control“. Defined as the “Regulation of individual’s physical reality… the list includes regulation of clothes, hairstyles worn, food the person eats, drinks, amount of sleep and financial dependence. This next part is a direct quote, “Little or no time spent on leisure, entertainment, vacations.” (page 42) During my time at WOFF, there was very little time for adults to spend on leisure or entertainment.

     One entire service was spent delving into what possessed several men and young boys to be taken over by the “ping pong devil”.The competition for the “King of Ping Pong” of course did not measure up to previous “don’ts” established at WOFF. The meeting ended as all participants were led to repent to Jesus and to the whole church as well as Jane Whaley personally. After that service, the pool table did not have a chance! Yet, another entry in the “don’t” column.

     Just a quick one, here. WOFF members don’t whistle. Jane said “It was better to sing the words and not loose confusion”. Besides, whistling in mixed company could be mis-understood.

      One service several years ago, Jane Whaley stood up and held up a set of camping toys. They had been left on the previous Friday night in one of the classrooms. She was using this to make a point. “Who did this?” She went on, not waiting for someone to admit the “sin” and explained we “don’t” allow these toys. “It teaches our children that playing with fire is okay”. The person who felt responsible stood up and interupted Jane to admit their gross sin. Jane is all her loving caring attitude snapped back and told the person that she already knew who did it. She was not going to reveal it in front of everyone. (She obviously was using the scene to further establish her power as sole authority on children and toys…) The person sat back down and finished taking their scalding in the privacy of their own thoughts. Similar scenes were played out with play tools. “We don’t let our children have those. They will confuse them with real tools and could get cut or hurt handling a real tool when no one is looking.” When would that happen? WOFF children are not left alone at any point. Well, that is the way things were years ago. “Don’t leave them alone, the devil is waiting to attack them.”

     At one point before my time at WOFF ended, there were 34 children under 5 years old. (as far as I can remember..) I saw several playing with toy musical instruments. Cute. But, also another “don’t” from previous years that changed to a “do”. Reason: “We have ahold of these children at a higher level. They don’t have the systems in them that your children did. God can trust them with more.”  Another example, years ago a “don’t” was concerning children’s Bibles. “We don’t give them the ones with pictures. After all, those pictures don’t show Jesus as he really was…” Before my departure, that “don’t” switched to a “do”. I saw many children’s Bibles with pictures and shortened stories. Years ago, another don’t was not allowing children to make noises like animals. Well, that changed. I heard certain ones quacking like ducks and mooing like cows. Cute. But, some “don’ts” seem to be relative. It depends on who your relatives are as to exactly how many don’ts are placed on you…                  (see quote from Steven Hassan in part 4 http://religiouscultsinfo.com/?p=750   )    

      Don’t be late going anywhere if you are a member of WOFF. One called prayer service during the week, in March of 2008; Jane announced that the doors would be locked at 7:00PM. She was tired of people dragging in late. So, promptly at 7:00PM those “on watch” locked the doors and that was it. I know a man that was locked out and he went back to his car to “fellowship with Jesus” and had a “grand time”. Sure he had to answer to someone about his tardiness.  Several times, Jane would complain to the congregation about Sam not being ready when it was time to leave their house and go to the services. Not sure if she ever left him, but it sounded like she would in order to “get ahold of Sam”.

     There may be a better place to put this quote, but I will put it here to bring some perspective….

  Luke 11:42 (Amplified Bible)

42But woe to you, Pharisees! For you tithe mint and rue and every [little] herb, but disregard and neglect justice and the love of God. These you ought to have done without leaving the others undone.(A)  

     Disregarding the “love of God”, certainly WOFF members don’t do that. (see previous post here… http://religiouscultsinfo.com/?p=498  )  As long as you don’t mess up my stay in “Don’t-dale”, I will show you “love”.  In short, you don’t talk to those who have left unless Jane gives the okay. That is the “love of god.”

     The list of “don’ts” is not finished. We will continue in future posts…

     Please, consume the information on this site responsibly. Be sure to tell every member that you know at WOFF about this blog. It could very well save their life. There are readers at WOFF. I hope this is a help to them. Use the comment section to let me know of any “don’ts” that I missed.

     Look on the right side of any post for the option to subscribe by email for notifications or RSS feeds notifying of new postings. It is a great feature.

      (Please, take time to read the Terms of Use for this personal blog. As mentioned, the information about WOFF is from my memories and recollections as perfect as that may be or not be. )

The WOFF “Don’t” List – Part 4

      This is the fourth installment in the series titled, “The WOFF “Don’t” List”.  The subjects matter has been far reaching as the “don’ts” for the members of WOFF are extensive to say the least.  As a short review; the purpose of this series is not to repeat every “don’t” at WOFF, but to show the scope and purposes of the “don’ts”. By now, it is safe to say the scope of “restraints” is evident in EVERY area of personal or public life for members. Behavior modification for “keeping people in their places” seems like the defined purpose. What would be considered “their places”? The answer is becoming more clear as we keep going.  For sure, the list continues to grow.

      For many years, it was understood that members of WOFF don’t go hunting or fishing. Who has time? Besides the “deer hunting devil”had been “hit” years ago. In more recent years, we heard of “leadership” surf-fishing and taking other men there to the “house” to help “get ahold of them”. I am not sure if that was to help them see they need to join WOFF or to prove that WOFFers weren’t THAT strange? In any case, if you did shoot or catch some animal or fish; it is always better to eat it. Don’t waste the meat! That would be killing for sport and “we don’t do that”.

     Since I have left WOFF, two different WOFF survivors who do not have regular contact with each other, have told me about the house at Isle of Palms,SC. One fellow had spent time there relaxing and “fellow-shipping”. Another fellow related the experience he was told by a third person stumbling upon the house while working. Why had this not come up in the services while I was at WOFF? “We don’t talk about things like that”. Besides, there was a houseboat and jet skis for attendees to enjoy. Why would there be jet skis for use when “we don’t do that.” What had changed? Boating and water recreation had been frowned on for years, at least for the regular members. “Would Jesus be out on a jet-ski?” Out of the mouths of two or more witnesses let a thing be established. How could someone who makes $600 a month and gives $200 to her husband, afford part ownership in a resort house on the Isle of Palms?  (see previous post here.. http://religiouscultsinfo.com/?p=277   ) The list of others who may own a part is of no regard to me. County records show the church approved realty company owner is a very active owner of property in Charleston County, SC.  But, when the “don’ts” change and a person has to go to the coast to find out; that seems a little fishy. Full financial disclosure on how church offerings are spent would help explain if indeed there is any part of the house owned by Jane Whaley or by WOFF. But, then again members of WOFF don’t talk about that idea of full financial disclosure.

     The information about the house in SC reminded me of this part in Hassan’s book.  In “Releasing the Bonds” (copyright 2000), Steven Hassan explains that “People are given only the information they are deemed “ready for,” or as much as they “need to know” to perform their jobs. Cult ideologies allow for many levels of “truth”.  (page 49) Why would he know this? Steven Hassan is a survivor of the Moonies and has helped over 1,000 folks deal with their time in mind control groups.

     We must forge ahead with our list. In the clothing department; WOFF members don’t wear cargo pants or anything else baggy. Many of the don’ts were discussed in services usually when a violator was discovered and needed help to know the “don’ts”.  Don’t wear a t-shirt with a slogan. For men- Don’t leave the house without a white t-shirt under your top shirt. The Holocaust teacher said, “Men are not fully dressed unless they have a white t-shirt on.” Over the years, the acceptable choice went from full neck to v-neck.  It was not WOFF fashion to let the t-shirt show. Also, if you wear a baseball hat- DON’T wear it backwards or even sideways! Doing so would warrant a scalding for sure.  WOFF members don’t wear  black tennis shoes or even “boot like” high-cut tennis shoes.

     Previously, we mentioned cars. WOFF members don’t have bumper stickers. (except during political season..) Also, they don’t have any dingle dangle type things hanging from the mirror,  no stickers in the windows. They don’t have a flashy front license plate. Well, one of Jane’s relatives used to drive a vehicle with a trendy slogan on the front license plate. But, we don’t talk about that. WOFF members don’t own sporty racer type cars. NO PT Cruisers. Don’t even ask. “What is in you that would want a race car or worldy looking car?” Get that “race car devil” out of you! To WOFF members, cars are a big source of accomplishment. Sam made sure of that.  WOFF members don’t speed. (sorta)  If you do and get a ticket, Jane Whaley could call you out in a service and give you what you deserve. I saw it more than once. Read more as there are yet more don’ts to share…

Continue reading The WOFF “Don’t” List – Part 4