Tag Archives: Writing to Heal

Writing to Heal- Dr. James Pennebaker – Review by Vive’ Griffith

“Research shows writing about emotional experiences can have health benefits.” Review by Vive’ Griffith – Office of Public Affairs – resource link – here

The title should not surprise any who reads this blog. In October of 2008, I began a writing journey that continues. I had no knowledge of the studies which show there can be benefits to writing about emotional experiences. My original intent was to inform others, relatives and friends, of my experiences while inside Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF). The first offerings included simple explanations of the group’s leadership and the group dynamics which many considered absurd. As I began the process of sorting out my experiences, the first benefit was simple- clarity. The traumatic nature of many events inside WOFF served to cloud the time frame and context of the scenes. By writing and purposely remembering the players, the sights, the smells and words spoken, clarity has come to many a confused memory. It has given me further confidence that many a memory has been confirmed by other survivors from WOFF.

From our resource article:
“For nearly 20 years, Dr. James W. Pennebaker has been giving people an assignment: write down your deepest feelings about an emotional upheaval in your life for 15 or 20 minutes a day for four consecutive days. Many of those who followed his simple instructions have found their immune systems strengthened. Others have seen their grades improved. Sometimes entire lives have changed.”
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