A Knock at the Door… A Visit from WOFF Members

     Recently, while working from home, I received a knock at the door. This in itself was strange as the number of visitors has been limited. The door to my place had been recently replaced and thus no peephole installed. So, I asked, who is it? The person identified themselves and I knew it was a WOFF member. So, I opened the door to two WOFF members. They expected an invitation inside, but since they had given no call ahead of time, I refused them entry and we talked in the hallway. I asked them why no call ahead of time? “We could have met somewhere”. The reply – “We just wanted to show-up.”  There were smiles at first, but they soon faded.

     Before I go any further, let me say that I was not recording and have no real way to tell everything that was said on either behalf, mine or theirs. So, upfront know that this post is NOT a full account of this encounter. Also, I am leaving some parts out on purpose to not reveal the identities of the two ladies. For now, it does not add to the purpose of the post to identify them.  For sure, you the informed reader will understand the main points and get the gist of the events. I purpose to make it plain as possible.

     The first lady admitted she had been reading this blog. She then went on to assess the content as being “lies, full of lies!” I asked which part? She said “All of it. It is all false!” I got the message she did not like my blog. 🙁 I mentioned to this person that I was telling my experiences. (Remember, my experiences cannot be taken from me. Learned that at WOFF.)  She asked at some point, “How could you have slipped so far?” She gave me the impression that she thought I was “backslidden”.

    Then the second lady said the piece I wrote about her was wrong and false. She claims to have spoken in person to me on a Saturday morning about the thoughts I was having. ( I disagreed..) She did not dispute that I was “put out of the Church” with a phone call. At this point, she was “gagging on gnats”, as far as I could tell. She said many things about losing the “call of God” and “blaspheming God”. She made light of the place I lived. “What are you doing here?” She gestured with her hands as if to mock the place of my residence. From my memory, this was a common tactic to use on those who have left WOFF. The fact is most everyone in WOFF lives in very nice houses, but at what cost? The main difference in the place I live now  and the one I left, is just that- I live here. No one from WOFF, ” in authority” had to approve of my decision. In that regard, this is a beautiful place to live!

     The next door neighbors came up the stairs and I introduced the two ladies at my door. I told them that these ladies said I could not or should not have a blog about my previous experiences at the cult church. The neighbors were a little taken aback, nodded and went inside. This comment set these two ladies off into a rant. They again gestured with their hands and said “See there, why did you have to add the last part?” I asked isn’t that why you are here? You think I post “lies”? You want me to stop, right?  No, “We are here to encourage you to find God and the call of God.” “We are not telling you that you can’t post on your blog.” The second lady began to recount my previous “evangelistic” activities while at WOFF.  I told her I gave those folks so much “false religion” because that was what I was hearing. I repeated what I was told. She looked a little more upset but, did agree that “we have all given others religion, that is what we came out of…”

     They went on to say that I was using the books for sources over the Bible. That I had slid way off the mark. I asked them, “Are there were no other books to read beside the Bible?” They did not answer that one but, they said, “Truth is in the Bible! Not other books.” (okay, so, I will put more scriptures in my posts. I have resisted for not wanting to sound “preachy.”)

     At one point, I told them that when you list the characteristics of other cult groups and chart them against my own personal experiences with WOFF, there are so many similarities! They had no real knowledge of other groups so they could not comment on that point.   I told them that several other folks said I was very accurate! Though I did not volunteer names. 

     The second lady claimed to care about me and the many years our families had spent “in the things of God”.  I mentioned that this was the third time we have talked since I left in July of 2008? One of those times, I paid the her group a surprise visit and that one does not count.  So, if she cared, why so few contacts?  Then I  asked her about her husband?  She had mentioned he was glad to know that I had showed -up at the surprise meeting. “He wished he could have been there”.  Would he talk to me? She said,  “I don’t know.” Then I asked, “Would he be allowed to talk to me?” She did not answer as I feel certain she truly did not know. 

     During the conversation, my landlord came through the hall wanting to enter the apartment across the hall. I again introduced the ladies but, this time left off the “blog and cult” remarks. Then I turned to the second lady and said, “Better?”

      A little later during this exchange, one of my neighbors came back out and asked a question. He said, “Excuse me, you mentioned you had a blog on religious cults. My girl-friend and I would like to read that. What is the address?” At that point, I gave him the address and mentioned I could answer any of his questions. That comment was a surprise to me. It was a question of his own.    

     The second lady did most of the talking and stayed more calm. In fact, she spoke very sincerely and I told her so. The first lady spoke a rehearsed type of speech that obviously had been approved. She got upset and shook her finger at me. She also mentioned my jeans. That bothered her very much. The conversation did get heated at times. At one point, I asked them if they ever had doubts that Jane Whaley heard God perfectly every time? To which there was no reply. (you may read more by clicking the prompt)   

     After that I believe the second lady asked why I was “shoving them to the side?” This is where I missed my opportunity. Because, for sure I have been misunderstood in the posting of these experiences on this blog. At this time, let me set the record straight. There are many fine good-hearted folks at WOFF. They are sincere folks that adhere with intense fervor to their beliefs. Regardless of how they treat myself and others who leave or have left; I still hold many of them in dear affection and have love for many of them in my heart. How can I not after so many years? The second lady had struck a chord and I was not quite sure how to answer the note.  

     [One member of WOFF asked me a few weeks ago, “How can you say you love us and still say we are in a cult? Who in their right mind wants to associate with people in a cult?” To which I say now, being in WOFF does not keep your relatives or true friends from loving you. It may hinder how we can show love. But, it does not decrease the God-given love in my heart or others for folks inside of WOFF. I love many in WOFF and am hoping that by posting my experiences and things I have learned, someone will be helped and may make a choice for freedom. Regardless, “If none go with me, still I will follow…”- the leading of the Lord. ]

     The second lady said, “You are just slanting the facts to prove your agenda!” I asked ” What agenda is that?” She did not answer directly. The first lady mentioned by name the post, “Am I Wrong…?” and made reference to her view that I was wrong. I asked her on what facts? She never mentioned a fact to prove the post content was wrong. Here is the link: https://religiouscultsinfo.com/?p=117

     Concerning my “experiences”, the second lady said that 10 people would see the same thing and take different things from the experience. She was saying that my experiences were not the whole truth. Because the content of most posts are based on my experiences and that there was no note taking during services; (see post- https://religiouscultsinfo.com/?p=434 )   I have made it clear that total accuracy is not available.  Just because these memories are mine, does not mean they are INVALID! Yes, I may have missed some details of different meetings or sermons; but, I have retained enough to validate the material and main content of each post.

     As my visitors were leaving, I encouraged them to keep reading. I do appreciate their encouragement to me. After all they did say that they were not telling me to stop posting. 🙂

      Please, consume the information on this site responsibly. Be sure to tell every member that you know at WOFF about this blog. It could very well save their life. There are readers at WOFF. I KNOW for sure.  To my two visitors: Please, take time to comment in the section below.

     Look on the right side of any post for “Categories”, select the drop down box and view any previous post by selecting “Uncategorized”. Use the slide bar on the right to scroll down to the bottom. Select “Previous Entries” to review older posts. As always, comments welcome.

      (Please, take time to read the Terms of Use for this personal blog. As mentioned, the information about WOFF is from my memories and recollections as perfect as that may be or not be. )

8 thoughts on “A Knock at the Door… A Visit from WOFF Members”

  1. Lived there done that we got out with just our children. It sure taught us one thing Jesus is Lord NOT jane W. Glad you got out

  2. I am saddened at the pain and suffering that goes along with leaving a cult. Having grown up in one and remaining for almost 30 years, I can certainly sympathize with your love for the individuals, yet have anger (you seem quite calm when compared to some exiting cult members I have witnessed).

    Very often people in a cult don’t realize its a cult. It was humiliating to me to admit I was in a cult when things seem so positive (as long as you go along with the teachings). Questioning leaders is quite often seen as a mark of rebellion – which was clearly labeled “Satanic.” Challenging leadership is not always bad. There are Biblical examples for respect and challenge to leadership (Moses and the sons of Korah; David and Saul; Jesus and the Pharisees – Matt 23; Stephen and the Sanhedrin – Acts 7).

    I would challenge exiting members to be honest with the truth, patiently endure challenges, and as a last resort be angry and sin not. Jesus and Stephen both, as well as Paul take up name calling at times for stubborn religious leaders.

    It took me years to admit I was in a cult, but I read in the Bible that God beautifies the afflicted ones (and spiritual abuse can be a serious affliction) with salvation (Psm 149:4). That was encouraging.

    When my eyes were opened to Jesus, there was no way I could go back and I could not deny my experience with Him – just as the blind man’s healing in John 9, when the Pharisees cast him out of the temple for telling others about his experience. Jesus met that man and saved him (John 9:35-38). His salvation was then in Jesus not in a religious cult. Praise God!

  3. Oh John how sad to have to endure this knock on the door! And how just like WOFF to do this. They come when they want ( or are told by ‘authority’ to come and try to make us ( that have left this CULT) see the “light”! Only this light is from the this CULTS flashlight! and not from FATHER GOD!! You are always in my prayers ! You are a brave man for using this blog as you do. I pray for others in WOFF to really see the light from FATHER and come out of the cult to HIM!!

  4. I’m so proud of you for staying strong and realizing what you went through. Do not let anyone make you think you are doing the wrong thing. You have came so far! Stay strong!

    I am still laughing about your quick thinking about the “blog” and the neighbor coming out to ask you for the address!

  5. I have a son, daughter in law, and grandchild who are all involved at WOFF. Looking at their website it appears that this cult literally has an army of people(men and women) involved in prison ministry. My son was in fact recruited by a district attorney in the legal system, and that began while he was in prison. I am involved in a legitimate prison ministry myself and can state that the size of their prison team is huge even for a church much larger than WOFF. It is evident that much effort is concentrated in this area. Can anyone explain why?

  6. Sir, The prison ministry both in Morganton and locally had a big push from within for folks to participate. Morganton was a more regular event but, because of the timing and distance, fewer folks were involved. The prison ministry locally, the push for folks to be a part was pretty intense. It was also not held as often. Pretty much anyone from WOFF could be a part, selected folks would give testimony and everyone would sing. While in Greenville, I went to Dutchman Correctional for several months with the Pastor and his son. It was a learning experience that I will post about – now that you reminded me. The short answer- there was pressure from the top to participate in prison ministry and it was also a “safe” outlet for regular members to release their pent up desire to tell someone about Jesus. Prison ministry was definitely a “Jane approved” activity. Also, WOFF had the resources to help folks when they got out and would gladly help folks after their release. The leader of the prison ministry in Morganton, not Jane’s son-in-law, has been with Jane Whaley since the mid to late 70’s. He started by washing and ironing her clothes and cleaning her house. He told quite a story. That is a post for another day. The folks you read about in this post- were trying to get me to stop posting, not come back to WOFF. Hope that was clear. Let me know if you have any other questions. You can send direct email to “author@religiouscultsinfo.com”. I did not participate in the prison ministry at WOFF. That can be a future post – just explaining that.
    Thank you, for reading and asking your questions. – John

  7. Admin stated in a comment, “The folks you read about in this post- were trying to get me to stop posting, not come back to WOFF.”

    We say that is so sadly typical. They didn’t want you. But they wanted to control you. That is not of God. Keep up the good work! Truth always liberates!

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