The subject of this post is sad but, very true. The events clearly indicate the pure narcissistic obsession of Jane Whaley and her daughter with appearance. Just a few months after my departure from WOFF, I wrote my remembrances of this service and the happenings afterwards. Actually, I wrote pages and pages of notes about my experiences. All of it was done not knowing at the time that those writings would be the basis for such posts as this one.
In May of 2008, in a Sunday evening service that was “practice” for the graduation; the senior girls were up on stage. There were twelve girls in the graduating class. Jane cleared her throat, conferred with her daughter and proceeded to call the whole class of young girls- “homely”. There were many in the congregation who proceeded to snicker. Then Jane proceeded to tell them that they all needed “help”. Her daughter then chimed in “They all look like they are from “COG”. Think of this; high school girls getting ready to graduate and being told by the principal of the school, the Apostle of the church, the supreme leader who had all of the power for everything AND her daughter – that they were all “homely”. Was this the love of God that Jane and others had preached for years at WOFF? You decide. Here is a definition of homely: Not attractive or good-looking: a homely child.
Well, it was not a surprise that things would change quickly for this group after that meeting. Up until that Sunday meeting; it was a practice at WOFF that girls under 18 years old did not have their ears pierced or use colored nail polish. Also, eye-liner was reserved for those over 18. Under the age of 18, they were allowed to use foundation, light blush, lipstick of certain colors, clear nail polish, but no eye color. (Yes, these restrictions were not listed on the “Welcome to WOFF “do’s” and “don’t” list.) In the next few days, teased-up hair, french tips and pierced ears were the order of business. Things changed in order to chase away the “homely” look or “COG” look. The excitement to please Jane was at times surreal. What standard was shown to these young ladies as the goal?
The second part of that Sunday evening service included another teacher and leader of the school; one of the principals of the school – berating the parents for letting their girls leave the house in such a “homely” condition. “You don’t love you daughter if you let her walk around homely.” Most every parent of those twelve girls was in the second meeting. I don’t remember warm fuzzy “love of God feelings” as I left that night.
The graduation pictures showed the results. Yes, “homely” had been run out the door, but at what cost? Jane Whaley’s priorities were crystal clear at this meeting. After all, Jane Whaley said herself that, “If my clothes were laid out flat side by side, they would cover two city blocks”. This Sunday meeting, the results afterward and Jane’s ongoing comments about her dresses, shoes and clothes speak volumns. I do not have to add to them.
Please, consume the information on this site responsibly. Be sure to tell every member that you know at WOFF about this blog. It could very well save their life. There are readers at WOFF. I hope this is a help to them. Sometimes WOFF members could forget such meetings as this one.
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(Please, take time to read the Terms of Use for this personal blog. As mentioned, the information about WOFF is from my memories and recollections as perfect as that may be or not be. ) Here is a picture of hope…

All that “love and support” makes a person wonder why we all don’t rush over to be members of WOFF. NOT!!
John I just had to re-read this post!!!! I was struck by the statement about eyeliner and color reserved for those over 18. While I was there EYELINER AND EYE COLOR was not allowed for ANY AGE!!!! I was encouraged to have a make over ( at Belk’s, under the direction of a WOFF member) as I never wore much make up. I did and bought what I was instructed I needed. ( May I add this was not inexpensive and I am a single mom) Within a month the mandate came that it was not GOD to wear ANY eye color or blush!!!!! Go figure!!! I STILL do NOT wear much make up. Just not my way!!!
Jane dresses wonderfully and I know she buys her beautiful clothes on sale as I have family members that have sold to her personally (for example: Doncaster / Belk sales). I have personally heard her teach on how to shop “smart”. I am not a member of WOFF but why wouldn’t she want her parishioners to look nice. I am a member of a COG and they basically were tired of looking homely too. The COG has transformed themselves as well. (COG = Church of God)
Court Health,
I agree there is nothing wrong with wanting her members to “look nice.” It is the priority “looking nice” takes above other things that was my point. Also, as with other new revelations from Jane or her leadership- once it comes out the members are blamed for not knowing the “insight” or “revelation” ahead of time. We were told as parents the very day this came out that we don’t love our daughters to let them walk around “homely.” This was a shock as we were just following the rules as laid out by the leader up until the day this all changed. “Water flows downhill…” The regular members were the ones getting all wet when the new rule changes were made. It was a blame game and regular members regularly lost at the game.
Thank you, for taking time to read an comment. I appreciate it.