Permanent Dependent Underclass? at WOFF? (2)

     Towards the end of the last post, I wrote this about Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF) – This is the closest thing I have seen or been apart of, that would be classified as the development of  a “permanent dependent underclass”. Jane Whaley needs “regular” members to be submissive, “stay in their places”, “tithe and give offerings” and not stray, so others can grow dependent on her “spiritual”, as well as natural provisions. 

     After reflecting on these words, I do not want others to get the wrong impression. For the most part, on the outside; these WOFF members who helped others in the church performed their services as a ministry of helps, with a great attitude. Not once did I hear grumbling from a WOFF member about helping others. Many would donate the labor and use of their tools, if the receiving member could pay for the parts. At times, a person helping another member, would even donate the parts or supplies. There was great sacrifice for many folks- since who has a water heater start leaking in the day time or during the  weekdays?? Some repairs were planned, but many were needed right away.

     Many folks would volunteer to watch your children on the spur of the moment, no charge. Others would cook and provide meals. Some community folks and relatives of Jane Whaley, would be the benefactors of WOFF ladies cooking during family funerals or sickness situations. Jane always wanted to be made aware of who in your neighborhood might have a serious issue where WOFF members could “reach out”. WOFF even put out a cookbook years ago. I have mine! Yes, there has been outreach to non-members on occasion. One person in the community voiced there shock to me, when they heard of WOFF donating several gifts at a baby shower to a non-member. Actually, this person regularly attends another church. Many folks giving the gifts were not known by the mother-to-be.


       It seemed the “work projects” in the evenings would come in waves. For weeks certain folks would be out late at night helping others and not spending time with their family. It had to be monitored and some folks would rotate out to rest and catch up with their children- sometimes.  If you did not have a wife or children – then you could be out many nights in a row, as one fellow called it, “Living life to the fullest”. That was his code for long days, longer evenings and very little sleep.

     Jane’s adopted daughter or the co-owner of a construction company in the church, would stand up after a service and say, “Okay, here is what we need. We need painters and carpenters at this person’s house. Who are those folks? He would recognize the folks who raised their hands.  Then many times, he would call for more. He would start naming folks and asking them what they were doing that night? Then, if the project was running close to deadline,  he would say something like- “others help you, time for you to help others”. So, if you have a needed construction skill, you may be called out in front of the whole church to “donate” your time. If you balked for any reason, you were subject leadership calling you out and saying, “What do you have to do that is more important the finishing this project?” There was not any room for a bad attitude – your attitude was subject to change and maybe with some “prodding”. 

     When I first moved to WOFF, I donated some of my evenings for painting. After my work schedule exploded with the property management company, I had fewer hours with my family and fewer hours to donate. Then, I would donate a night a week to “watch” at the church. (That is a post for another day.)

     So, many folks without the skills would depend on others in the church to provide a service or skill or need. If a WOFF member needed something, they were expected, exhorted and in some cases outright told- to go to the approved source for that need- in the church. That could get you a quick answer, but not in all cases did a WOFF member get their need met in the church. When outside sources were needed, you better go ask someone at the office or the leader of your household; who is the right person or company in the community to use. There may be some “issues” you were not aware of from the past… After all – Jane had already warned a lady about her doings in the community- “Your sin affects me!” If you were out in the community and “there was a hit”, then your were going to hear about it. A “hit” meant anything negative said or done that reflected badly on WOFF, its reputation or Jane Whaley’s personal reputation in the community. “Don’t cause a hit!”

    In summary, there are lots of sources for help for the WOFF member. Many, if not most needs one would have can be filled with a person from the church. This presents a nearly complete WOFF “community service plan” that is “second to none”. A person could get “hooked” on that feeling of nearly everything comes from WOFF and/or  WOFF members. This being said and noted; why after certain folks would leave,  would Jane Whaley or others say things like-  “After all we did for them, they turn around and attack like that! We gave them a place to live, a job, clothes, money. We even helped them get a car and straighten out their credit. They were a big mess when they came and we help straighten them out!”  It seemed like if the help was out of love, it would not be recounted as a debt owed to Jane or WOFF. After FM died, it was told that while she was at WOFF, she was lazy, sitting around eating nuts all the time. When a young girl who was a local, left WOFF; it was recounted as a debt all the clothes, make-up, money given to her and she leaves and attacks? So, members of WOFF – listen to this- all that glitters is not gold. What is being done for you, is marked down as a debt for you to repay with your allegiance, obedience and if you ever leave- keep your mouth shut. For sure don’t put up a blog and begin to tell what amounts to WOFF “family secrets”! Okay, WOFF would not help you do that- but I would. 🙂

     Please, consume the information on this site responsibly. Be sure to tell every member that you know at WOFF about this blog. It could very well save their life. There are readers at WOFF. Comments are invited from all readers, including present or former members. Polls are not scientific and no private information is gathered.

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      (Please, take time to read the Terms of Use for this personal blog. As mentioned, the information about WOFF is from my memories and recollections as perfect as that may be or not be. ) This is post number 89.

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