The following list of posts will be the most concise way to help explain the issues with Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF) which is run by Jane Whaley. This is in reference to the information known at this time. In the future, further understanding may come or events may unfold that would cause the author’s perspective to change. Remember, I write these posts after having been inside the group for six years close and the previous ten years to that, coming to many meetings. Until I moved into the group in 2002, my understanding was limited. Please, take time to read these posts and consider the information presented. Write with your questions or make comments after each post. I can be reached at
Everyone Loves Jane and Jane Loves Everyone- Sorta
Why Many Locals Do Not See the Mind Control at WOFF
Hope for Those in Cult Mind Control Groups
A Summary of FLDS vs WOFF posts
Permanent Dependent Underclass? at WOFF? (2)
Again, value abounds…. two bonus links to posts…
The Toilet Paper Revelation
Jane Whaley makes $600 a month (sorta)
Yet, as I review the posts already submitted, I see that the series on “Loud Prayer, Blasting and Deliverance” has not been completed. Installment number 7 in that series is coming soon… Also, I will begin posting about the wonderful WOFF website. So much material, so little time.
Please, consume the information on this site responsibly. Be sure to tell every member that you know at WOFF about this blog. It could very well save their life. There are readers at WOFF. Comments are invited from all readers, including present or former members. Polls are not scientific and no private information is gathered.
(Please, take time to read the Terms of Use for this personal blog. As mentioned, the information about WOFF is from my memories and recollections as perfect as that may be or not be. ) This is post number 96.