The Deceptions I Lived Under While at WOFF (2)

      In the previous post, I outlined certain deceptions that were foundational to continued membership in Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF) in Spindale, NC. For a review, I spent a total of 16 years under the direct or indirect teachings of Jane Whaley – the leader of WOFF. In order to make it clear, I do not assume that I see all or know all of the deceptions I lived under while in that group. For sure, not every group which may practice a level of deception could automatically be labeled a destructive “cult”. However, I would say that every destructive cult does practice deception as its core operational methods.  Also, this post is not meant to hurt or harm or impugn others who have been a part of that group in the past or who are a part of that group now. This post is purely reflective of my search and struggle for Truth that brings emotional and spiritual stability and life. Recently, it has been brought to my attention that WOFF members see these posts as an attack on their choice of religion or their faith. That is not the intent; my purpose includes telling the deceptions I believed and the Truth I now understand.

     Since my departure from WOFF, I have realized that I was steeped in the WOFF deceptions. Those deceptions have been in me through and through. It was a major change in my life to begin to see that Jane Whaley and the life at WOFF were not true or based on Truth. The deception which is the basis for WOFF member’s relationship with God is predicated on Jane Whaley and her “gift” of deliverance and her “hearing God”. We covered much of this in the previous post. We now will list other deceptions which are evident in WOFF-life either from what was done or not done, said or not said.


     Though it is obvious now, it has not always been so. For many years, regardless of any doubts I harbored, I practiced the WOFF form of loud prayer, blasting and deliverance. This signature practice of WOFF is not the pivotal key to a Christian’s salvation. God is not limited to the WOFF brand of prayer in order to help His people. The love of God is not limited to the practices that man deems paramount or critical in order for God’s people to know Him. Our doings or non-doings cannot limit Him and His nature. We do have choices to make, but His choice has already been made. He pursues us. From the activities that for many years I participated in at WOFF, one could easily get the impression that a person did not know God, was not born-again or saved unless he received and/or helped others receive WOFF prayer. Is that really the case?

      During my years at WOFF, I lived in and furthered by my participation, a WOFF caste system. There was Jane Whaley- considered above everyone. Next, there was a core group of Jane’s family and certain ones who were there from the beginning. Certain ones of this group made decisions and were in regular contact with Jane. Then there was “leadership”. This group was given more “responsibilities” and yet more freedoms than regular members. Inside this leadership group there were different levels. Some were leadership for years, others ebbed and flowed in and out of that group depending on the “sin” they manifested at the time. Jane was the one who determined all of this. Lastly, there were “regular members” who often would do the work and give their time and sing the songs and do whatever was needed to “fulfill their call”. These were those who were full of sin – presumably and who Jane would mention as maybe on their way out. I was a regular member in many regards and not in regular personal contact with Jane. I talked to someone else in leadership in order to get questions answered from Jane. I see now it was set-up to allow the “power of the group” to flow through the top- Jane Whaley. I allowed myself to participate in this system that be it mere existence hindered members from knowing God and allowed others to think more highly of themselves than they should. The Greenville church had a miniature version of the system and it in no way portrayed God’s will.   

    For several years, Jane and Sam Whaley called themselves Apostles. This should have been a clue for me that there was just something not right. I allowed myself to believe this could be true. I continued deceived and did not say anything about the deception. Of course, a person can call themselves whatever they want, but, I said nothing and from my actions appeared as if I believed it and agreed with it. I deeply regret that I went along with this mockery.  

  For now, I will close. There may be more of the deceptions of WOFF-life in future posts. Comments are welcome. If other WOFF members remember other deceptions, please let us know.

     Thank you, for taking time to visit and read this blog.  Please, consume the information on this site responsibly. The author is not a licensed mental health professional and encourages those that need professional help to seek it. The intent of the material is to inform and be a resource. Be sure to tell every member that you know at WOFF about this blog. There are readers at WOFF. Comments are invited from all readers, including present or former members. Polls are not scientific and no private information is gathered.

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      (Please, take time to read the Terms of Use for this personal blog. As mentioned, the information about WOFF is from my memories and recollections as perfect as that may be or not be. ) Scripture references are Amplified Version unless otherwise noted. (Copyright © 1954, 1958, 1962, 1964, 1965, 1987 by The Lockman Foundation ) This is post number 185.

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