What Shall We Say? What Shall We Do?

     There is a need for pause as I come to a bend in the road in my search for answers. What happened to me and others I knew during the 16 years under the influence of the teachings, methods, and practices of Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF)? What did the leader, Jane Whaley do to affect so many of her members in a negative way? Were there any positive effects? If so, do we dare list them alongside the negative effects and tally both sides? Is that how the effectiveness of a “Christian” ministry is to be determined? Do we weigh the “good” against the “bad” and if the apparently good effects outnumber the bad ones, then WOFF is a success? Would that be a Machiavellian approach? Do the “ends justify the means” at WOFF?

    For many, it seems so. For some, they never doubt the “quality” of WOFF-life because they never encounter the emotionally detrimental effects on those inside or those who have left. This is all part of the plan. I have seen the eyes of the visitors as they are wooed and wowed by the “presentation” during a special meeting. The orchestrated singing, music, crowd movements and message all are systematically generated by Jane Whaley or someone she has closely trained and chosen. The nice cars, the nice clothes, the practiced looks, the canned replies, the robotic responses to the questions from visitors; all are meant to deflect the prying eyes and soften the peering, searching inquisitive looks of those who truly want to know what actually goes on at WOFF.


     Jane was very skilled at raising the level of content and sheen at “show-time”. There were some very detailed rehearsals and major cleaning efforts before meetings where chosen visitors and the public were allowed inside the WOFF grounds. While I was inside of WOFF, I had little objection to this practice. Only a few times, did I see the efforts as obsessive-compulsive. The toothbrush to clean the bathroom grout in the floors of men’s room was excessive to me. But, I did the job and counted it as my effort to “honor God before the people”. Later, I learned how to get placed on other details. How many nights did we clean, paint and “fine tune” the buildings, the parking lot and landscaping before the next special meeting? What was the real purpose of all that activity? Who really took the credit for the beauty of WOFF-land? Does anyone else remember Jane telling the public the list of things that got cleaned, painted or replaced before they came? One wedding of her adopted granddaughter, I think she told about the new carpet and chairs, is that right? But, for the most part, it was just expected as “product presentation”… a part of the WOFF-image. Why did this not raise a red flag in my thinking? Did I live this way in my personal life? Did WOFF members live this way when it came to their own house and outside visitors? I think we would have to confirm that as a yes.  

     You may ask, “So, John, what is the point?” This has all been mentioned on the blog before. One post about this subject is listed here from April 2010… https://religiouscultsinfo.com/?p=1394

    The point is this. While in WOFF it was easy to believe the lie that the things owned and used by WOFF members mattered more than the entire well being of the members. In reality, for the majority of the time, we obsessed with things and image and not with true “heart-healthy” ways to help people. Oh, we were told that it was so vital to “keep your heart open” and “expose your heart to those in leadership”, but because the information given was used to accuse, castigate and “blast devils” out of people in an environment that did not practice rational approaches to complex situations or questions, several folks did not receive the help they needed. There was not the realistic, balanced view on helping folks. One size does not fit all when helping people with needs on many levels. This is not to say that WOFF never helped folks. Several members were helped with financial matters and ways that “improved” their living status. Some came in destitute and learned to work the WOFF-system. Others did not for whatever reason (?).

    As in many other instances in life, those who ask the searching questions and tell what was meant to be kept behind closed doors (secrets) become the enemy. Over the last few months, this is one thing I have become painfully aware of in my life. When seeking honest answers to very difficult questions, there are those who will be offended just at the simple search and turn their heads in denial. This is unfortunately a very sad truth. For years while in WOFF, there was the supposed “search for Truth”. However, the “truth” was never found if it reflected negatively on Jane Whaley or WOFF-life. Jane would recount to WOFF members how she “gave truth” to those on the outside. While in WOFF, this was not surprising to hear. It served as a confirmation that we were in the right place and living the right life, since Jane had “the Truth” and in reality, we followed Jane.

   Certainly, I do not claim to have learned how to tell what happened while in WOFF and not offend someone. But, writing/telling my experiences is one thing that has helped sort them out and learn what really took place. While in the controlled environment of WOFF, the reality and dynamics of everyday life becomes clouded and hazy. Life in WOFF is so “busy” that weeks, months and years can pass as a blur. Understanding what measures are being used on individuals and the group and being able to clarify them against the stated purpose becomes difficult. It is much easier to let things happen and only deal with what directly affects you. This was the real trap of WOFF-life. Being there and “going with the flow” robbed vital years from the lives of members. As I look back, there are very few things about WOFF, that when examined in light of Scripture and the net results on the lives of many- stand up as beneficial and good for members and/or their families.

     But, where do we draw the line and keep things quiet? Why should we draw a line and not ever mention what really happens at WOFF? Why should the doings behind their doors be beyond questions or scrutiny? Why should we overlook the condition of former members and the separated families that have become the results of MANY members of WOFF? Is this protecting religious freedom or religious shenanigans? Who is to blame for the destroyed individuals and families at WOFF? 

    No, not everyone is deceived and thus hurt at the same level while inside of WOFF. But are we here to state that since some have stayed and not left, then we assume that the net results are GOOD? My heart beats fast at the lie that this logic represents. The hurting lives of the folks that have left should be a great indication of the hurting lives that still remain at WOFF. For those that at this time feel no pain, God bless them. For those that are in the state of controlled personal confusion and don’t see a way to safety, I pray for them and hope to be a help to them in some way.  

    Some have cautioned me that by telling my experiences, “Many innocent people could be hurt….” to that I say… many people have been hurt from the WOFF system as it is now. I believe if folks say nothing or only vent in anger, then WOFF will surely continue and grow– worse. If former members will take the time and energy to share their search for answers, then others could be helped.

    Honestly, I do not believe that regular members inside WOFF regularly read this blog. They get excerpts preached to them by Jane for her “good” and her controlling purposes. The ones who I know have said they were helped are the ones who left. Shall I ignore them? Shall we former members continue to bury the past and make vein attempts to forget the happenings while inside WOFF? Stuffing the past will not cure the ills. Seeking help and open dialogue about what happened and what happens at WOFF is the way for answers, healing, and peace to come. Now, we take the bend in the road.

      Thank you, for taking time to visit and read this blog.  Please, consume the information on this site responsibly. The author is not a licensed mental health professional and encourages those that need professional help to seek it. The intent of the material is to inform and be a resource. Be sure to tell every member that you know at WOFF about this blog. There are readers at WOFF. Comments are invited from all readers, including present or former members. Polls are not scientific and no private information is gathered.

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      (Please, take time to read the Terms of Use for this personal blog. As mentioned, the information about WOFF is from my memories and recollections as perfect as that may be or not be. ) Scripture references are Amplified Version unless otherwise noted. (Copyright © 1954, 1958, 1962, 1964, 1965, 1987 by The Lockman Foundation ) This is post number 202.

One thought on “What Shall We Say? What Shall We Do?”

  1. My husband and I were members of a Bible-based cult in Dallas, TX and had similar experiences to yours. I agree with you that if former members will take the time and energy to talk about these spiritually abusive groups, others would enter knowing the risk to their emotional and spiritual health.

    We facilitate a support group in the Dallas area for ex-members. If anyone is interested more information can be obtained on our website: http://www.dallascult.com.

    Keep up the hard work of maintaining a blog!

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