What Are The Questions? (1)

     Several times on this blog I have mentioned my “search for answers”. However, I have not shared all the questions or gathered them into one place. In this post and possibly one more, I will gather as many of the questions as I can remember and share some of the answers I have at this point. During the 16 years of being under the teachings and influence of Jane Whaley, there have been many questions. Life at Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF) was not centered on asking questions or getting answers; it was centered on obedience to Jane. All of this was disguised as “obedience to God” or “the call of God”. However, how did you know you were obeying God? Jane would confirm it or voice her doubt and/or disapproval.

    One reason I believe that WOFF is subject to being called a “cult” – the members show more fear of Jane than God. This I realized in May of 2008. It helped me along in my exit. ( see related post here.. https://religiouscultsinfo.com/?p=1396 )   Some would doubt the question and some may doubt the answer. However, if they do, you must ask – are they in WOFF or out? How long were they in (if, so) and what level of faithfulness to Jane did they “enjoy”? Certain members were VERY faithful to Jane and Sam. As with any group, you have different levels of commitment and in WOFF, different degrees of adherence to WOFF-isms.  So, for now, the first question- Why is WOFF subject to being called a “cult”?

   Other questions include- What is life like inside of WOFF? In a previous post, I answer some of that question. (see link here… https://religiouscultsinfo.com/?p=2440 ) However, life for different ages or groups of folks could look different in some ways. Those who work during the week would have a different schedule than those who do not work and are involved in activities at the church every day. There were always places to “be a help” or errands to run or tasks to do for those that did not have a regular job. Life at WOFF was not sedentary. Life in WOFF is highly regulated, to say the least. Refer back to the previous paragraph/question.


    What are some of the rules of WOFF? ( see post here https://religiouscultsinfo.com/?p=650 .) Why do they have 24/7 security? Why is a trip down Old Flynn Rd. a highly watched event? Why are strangers on that road watched sooooo closely? Which houses are WOFF owned on that street? It is easier to point out the ones that are not WOFF owned. Can any new person go to any service at any time? Not likely. You will have to pass muster first. (see post about a visitor here https://religiouscultsinfo.com/?p=3062 )

    My exit from the WOFF grounds was June 2008. Some of these questions could be outdated. However, we move on. Why does Jane tell her followers to not watch TV while she watches TV? Regular members do not have free access to other forms of communication with the outside world? Why? What does Jane accomplish by funneling news through certain leadership to regular WOFF members? What is the justification for stifling the freedoms and rights of regular members? Why is it necessary for regular members to give up freedoms guaranteed in the US Constitution in order to follow Jane and be a member of WOFF? If this is “God’s will” do other churches practice the same measures?

    WOFF claims to be a “Protestant, non-denominational church…( as defined by classical Christianity) with traditional, evangelical doctrines”. Okay, where are the other churches that practice WOFF-life or things similar? We have listed a couple in previous posts. Certain practices of WOFF are similar to other churches or movements like FLDS. Some practices are very similar to the former Peoples Temple. There are many other groups that have certain practices like WOFF, but is that a badge of honor? Do WOFF members want to be grouped with the Jehovah Witnesses? Are there other traditional, evangelical churches that practice loud, blasting prayer? There are other churches that practice deliverance from demons. Is it normal or expected for a “Protestant, non denominational” church to practice so much daily control over their members’ lives? I experienced it. But, looking back, it all came on very gradual since I was there for so many years. How do new members adjust to such a stringent lifestyle? What is the first non-Christmas like for a new member? How do new members now, tell their relatives that they will not be seeing them for the holidays? How do new members go from daily freedom to daily monitoring and rebuke for non-compliance to WOFF-rules? How do new members give up wearing their own choice of clothing? What do new members tell their relatives when they are not wearing jeans any longer?

   How do new members view the frequent meetings the multiple offerings and the constant fund raising? For a church to preach prosperity, they seem to go to the well of their members’ pockets quite frequently. How many yard sales has WOFF had in the last two months?  During the services I was there with multiple offerings, we usually just heard announcements until the last offering was counted. Usually, there would be the announcement- “We need to take up another offering!” or we can go home now; “We have met the budget”. Sometimes Jane would preach between offerings. At least one service, I counted four times the plate passed my way. Was it a WOFFtax on members or an offering?

    Where did all that money go? Sam said WOFF needed $20,000 a week? Does that sound right? Why were regular members never told where the money was spent in any kind of detail? Did Jane really only make “$600 a month”? Did the church ever pay for other expenses for her? If so, what? If so, how often? If so, then why were we regular members never told just what her benefit package was? Would regular members be astounded, shocked or upset if they knew? Would her total benefits be so much more than regular members earn, that maybe it would cause some tension or at least some questions? How could she buy a dog for $700 when she only made $600 a month? She must be a “money saver”… Why was the emphasis at WOFF on the outward things rather than on inward holiness and a personal unhindered walk with Jesus? Why did every decision have to be “checked out with Jane” and “locked under authority”? Did Jane NEED to know everything for a reason? Did she get some sort of pleasure out of controlling so many folks? Did she really only watch TV – “when God says so”? I have heard from two folks who visited the Whaley home, Sam had a TV in his bedroom which was separate from Jane. Does he watch TV only when “God says to”? To repeat a worn out WOFF-phrase, “We have yet begun to scratch the surface on this…”. Just asking questions does not always bring answers. We will list more questions in another post.

   Thank you, for taking time to visit and read this blog.  Please, consume the information on this site responsibly. The author is not a licensed mental health professional and encourages those that need professional help to seek it. The intent of the material is to inform and be a resource. Be sure to tell every member that you know at WOFF about this blog. There are readers at WOFF. Comments are invited from all readers, including present or former members. Polls are not scientific and no private information is gathered.

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      (Please, take time to read the Terms of Use for this personal blog. As mentioned, the information about WOFF is from my memories and recollections as perfect as that may be or not be. ) Scripture references are Amplified Version unless otherwise noted. (Copyright © 1954, 1958, 1962, 1964, 1965, 1987 by The Lockman Foundation ) This is post number 209.

One thought on “What Are The Questions? (1)”

  1. So I will ask….why do Sam and Jane have seperate bedrooms? Are their lives so separated? It sounds strange to me. Where DOES 1,040,00.00 (dollars) go a year? And Jane and Sam’s combined income from WOFF is only around $7,200.00 yearly? Something is rotten in Rutherfordton, if you ask me. But no does ask me…anymore. All those that love me are just glad I made it out when I did. Love this post. Hugs and prayers to you my friend.

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