Simply to avoid any hint at overkill, I have not posted about every adventure during the Spring Missions Project. But, today’s happenings are worth sharing and hopefully there will be some feedback. Let me go back to Friday. There was a wedding at Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF). How could you tell? There was a SIGN out front that let everyone know where to turn for the wedding. It was no big secret. I spent about 40 minutes at the road in my spot near the driveway to the Tuscany Italian Grille. There were a few folks giving the thumbs up and one phoned in complaint to the restaurant for letting me stand there. How do we know it was not a regular WOFF member? Because, WOFF members do not support places like Tuscany Italian Grille. The Grille serves alcohol. So, it could have been the people in the car I saw go straight across the road from the restaurant to Old Flynn Rd. If that was the case, then they were for sure not regular WOFF members.
Sunday evening was graduation for the high school at WOFF. I may not get these events in order, but, I will do my best. I arrived about 5:50PM and soon thereafter “took my place”. The WOFF members were continuing to file onto Old Flynn Road to make their way to the church grounds. Some would glance my way but most ignored me altogether. Did I expect any different? I saw several folks with out of state license tags. The states included SC, TN, FL, GA and maybe PA? That was great. Many folks in those cars would turn and at least attempt to read my sign. Maybe they got the gist of it and asked questions inside? After all, what does “BLIND ZEAL” really mean? I would love to hear a regular WOFF member explain that concept. Would the answer go like this: “Oh, blind zeal? I am sure I don’t have it. That guy with the sign is crazy…” Yes, I am fairly certain that my activities on days like today give Jane Whaley fodder for her preaching cannon. However, Jane, you helped me with much of the content of this post. Please, continue reading and find out how that happened.
A few WOFF members took time to do more than glance my way. A man from Brazil acted like his car was on automatic and spent several seconds looking at my new sign. Did I see his lips move saying… Blind Zeal??? Anyway, he made it into Old Flynn with no casualties. Whew… I was glad to see that. Some folks reading my sign would veer into the wrong lane when making the turn from Oakland Road. I make no apologies for that. They can come back and ask me questions, if they want.
A review of the evening would not be complete without mentioning the L.K.’s that attend WOFF. That is a father/son duo with the same name. Both took time to read my sign. The father read it and I could not see his reaction. He was concerned about making the turn correctly. I will mention him later as his name came up again later during the Mission. The son read it with great intensity and then hung his head to do the head-wagging thing. His comments, however critical of my efforts, will be betrayed by his overwhelming interest in my new sign. Either of them is welcome to call me or email me with questions. They are both long-time members who have been through their own times of testing under Jane Whaley.
At some point before 6:30PM, a group of folks moved from the restaurant parking lot to the driveway in order to move across Oakland and enter Old Flynn. These people put their windows down to talk to me. One said they would say an extra prayer for me. I need that. Thank you. Another said told me they were headed to the graduation and I reminded them to “keep their happy faces”! I told them there are some nice folks in WOFF and pointed them to the blog address on my sign. It was a warm exchange for the most part. There were many visitors to WOFF this evening, I was so glad I had the new sign and was helping present another view of WOFF and WOFF-life. However, I know not everyone could see the sign or would even agree with my statement about “blind zeal”. It was okay, the evening was about to take a very interesting turn.
Shortly after 6:30PM a car went by with two young girls in it. They read the sign and put their hands out the windows with a thumbs-up! Now, it may not be on the “WOFF Don’t List”, but, giving the thumbs up is a no-no at WOFF. After the car past the Security Team stationed to monitor me, the Security Team left their post to follow the two young girls down Old Flynn. At that point, I lifted my sign above my head and enjoyed a few minutes without the peering eyes! A few minutes later, I looked up and saw the car coming back down Old Flynn. That was odd. The driver came across toward my direction. She asked, “Hey, you got a sign we can hold?” I asked if they had been kicked out. They said “yes” and began to explain. I said wait, let me get the sign. At this point the curiosity was all over me! I retrieved my first sign form the car, they took up a stand beside me and began to tell their story and ASK QUESTIONS. (Thank you, Jane. This is where Jane helped me with this post!)
The information came so fast, I may not get it all right, but, here goes. The driver was a friend of a cousin of someone graduating. She also knew someone else in the school. She had been at WOFF last year and was treated well. She wanted to go back and see “M”, her friend’s cousin, who was graduating. I had heard of this young man and called his name. She was shocked I knew of him. I asked her to tell me what happened and how they both were treated. She said they had been approached and they told that person who they knew and they were there to see the graduation. Then the person who has hair like Jane (BC) said- Jane said you are not welcome… [on her Facebook® page, the quote, in answer to the question was posted as — “Word of faith is lame, they said me and J(name deleted) did not have love for Jesus-(edited):)”] I would not repost FB comments usually, but, that SOUNDED like a WOFF answer and I believed it to be accurate.
So, two young girls who did not meet Jane’s standards are given some “lame” excuse and told to leave. They come across the street and joined my stand. After a short explanation of my story, they were full of questions. These were nagging questions that they needed answered. The very folks who needed answers were told to leave and that they “did not have love for Jesus”? What can be said except WOFF proves itself to be a closed, controlling, religious cult community – again. Jane, you pushed away two young people who will never consider your “church” a place to find answers, but, a place to be judged and rejected. You are who you are and as of today, you have not changed.
Many of the questions these two young girls had were based on rumors and some were not. I answered the best I could and made sure to dispel any rumor that was false. Some questions were answered affirmatively. Yes, some things that folks question ARE true. I also told them that I do not have to make things up, the truth about WOFF and its practices are surreal enough without making up things. Overall, I hope I helped them come to some accurate knowledge of WOFF and the life their friend lives every day. Each question was immediately followed with a plea for and honest answer! It was touching to see such hunger from them to talk to someone who could divide the truth from the lies about WOFF.
Here is the irony of the whole deal. The driver was/is a student in the school where LK, Sr. worked/works as a Principal out in the County. She told him before she left that they had been kicked out of the church. How does he face her on Monday, explain himself and make it right? Will he make excuses for Jane Whaley and WOFF practices? Will he ignore these two young girls and hope the whole situation fades away? How does he reconcile his membership in a group that kicked his students out because they “did not have love for Jesus”? Did Jesus come for the “well” or for those that needed help? Did Jesus come for the ones who already had the answers or the ones who had sincere heartfelt questions? How does LK, Sr. face himself in the mirror when he remembers the look on this young person’s face as she told him they were kicked out of his church? Will the “blind zeal” continue its devious work within LK or will light come? Whatever comes out of this, I was so glad just to be a source of help to two hungry young people who had sincere questions about Jane Whaley and WOFF practices. Why should I be shocked, MANY folks have questions and never get a chance to ask? Send your comments or questions to author@religiouscultsinfo.com .
Thank you, for taking time to visit and read this blog. Please, consume the information on this site responsibly. The author is not a licensed mental health professional and encourages those that need professional help to seek it. The intent of the material is to inform and be a resource. Be sure to tell every member that you know at WOFF about this blog. There are readers at WOFF. Comments are invited from all readers, including present or former members. Polls are not scientific and no private information is gathered.
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(Please, take time to read the Terms of Use for this personal blog. As mentioned, the information about WOFF is from my memories and recollections as perfect as that may be or not be. ) Scripture references are Amplified Version unless otherwise noted. (Copyright © 1954, 1958, 1962, 1964, 1965, 1987 by The Lockman Foundation ) This is post number 301.
Baptists often get a bad rap for being an argumentative group. What most don’t understand is that this stems from a core belief in the Priesthood of All Believers; 1 Peter 2:9. What this means is that every Christian has direct access to God and the truths of the Bible without a hierarchy in between.
As a pastor, I am often questioned about an interpretation of the Scriptures I have made during a sermon or a Bible study. Rather than be offended by this, (or asking them to leave!) I welcome it because we all have the responsibility to individually stand before our Lord and account for our beliefs and our lives.
Additionally, God speaks to the body of Christ; His church, not just to an individual. As I am questioned and held responsible for sound teaching, we all grow and are refined in the process.
I surely do not write this to say that Baptists are ‘the way’. Rather I write to say such zeal for an earthly teacher is simply unbiblical.
1JN 2:27 As for you, the anointing which you received from Him abides in you, and you have no need for anyone to teach you; but as His anointing teaches you about all things, and is true and is not a lie, and just as it has taught you, you abide in Him.
John, your sign is right on target. We need to have zeal for our Lord, not for an earthly teacher. As always, I am proud of you!
Thank you pastor, for sharing that with us, actually it was a baptist church, and the very doctrine of individual priest hood that helped me so much taught by Mark in our Sunday school class that helped me so much when I left woff so many years ago. It helped me to realize that God has made me responsible for my life, not Jane, not Karel not Leonard (gone now from woff, himself) but that I was responsible — one doctrine that all woffers need to know. Why? because once you realize that even if you give your authority away God still holds you responsible for fulfilling your call. You can go with Jane but in the end you will be the happy or a not so happy camper that answers to God for every deed, and even if Jane and Karel and who ever says it is ok, and has their stamp of approval, if God does not offer it, you are then standing on your own on judgement day. You will stand without them, you will. Adam, Mark, whoever even if Jane said it was ok, what does your heart say about it? If you are troubled in your heart then God has not approved it, perfect peace is your umpire, no peace No God, No God then no real forgiveness unless you ask. There was no God in what is happening to some people at woff especially ml. It will be a scary thing to fall into the hands of an angry God. God is angry when innocent people are hurt no matter what, He is faithful to move. You win if God lets you but, when the party so to speak over, in His time it is over, you will see. On another note Jane, you owe me an apology for the things that you said about my son, as your grandson is wiggling more than C boy did at age 3, and you demonized him for just being a boy. When I look at your grandson, he is just being a boy but, he is wiggling more than my son did. Way more and he is way older !!! Just saying, cause I know you are reading this!!!