The months pass so quickly as each of us in turn becomes overwhelmed with the minutia of daily living, daily drama and the struggle to make sense of it all. Some say that happens quicker as you age. As I have said on this blog before, losing track of the months and years happens even more so when you are a member of the Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF). There is a constant flow of life which passes by or around WOFF members as they navigate the intense struggle to survive within the group—emotionally, and for some- physically. This all plays out as swirls of emotions, unanswered questions come and go. It does not help that they are required to forget about and certainly not talk about those, who have left the group. Why does this happen? Jane requires it to be so. I heard it several times from Jane: If you want to know about someone who has not been seen in a few services, or is not here anymore, then come directly to me and ask. Many found it easier just to ride out the day and not ask about the missing member, no matter how involved they had been with them.
For this reason and others, I felt it necessary to have a theme to the Spring Missions Project of 2012. The theme has evolved as “Remember Michael Lowry!” We have told part of his story on this blog including his exit drama as well as him filing a report with the Rutherford County Sheriff’s Department. Here are the links to those posts-
Another Exit Drama Unfolds…-
Former WOFF Member Files Report of Assault –
We will not retell that part, but, focus on another part of his story. This part is the affect his exit has had and will have on WOFF members and the surrounding community. Michael was born and raised in Rutherford County and actually spent his years there – well within the walls of WOFF. He has become a product of that group and that fact cannot be denied. And yet, as I know the workings of the group, his exit will be lumped in with the hundreds (?) of others since 1985, which have left WOFF. Who has the actual count? Jane Whaley may have that number, but would she share it? In my opinion, unless WOFF members and the community are reminded of Michael’s plight, it will be hushed and forgotten even though there are, as of yet, many unresolved questions about his time there. Most of these questions center on the happenings in the fourth building and were outlined in the report he made to Rutherford County.
For some reading this blog, I do not wish to discount their personal drama from time within WOFF. No, each person who passes into and then out of WOFF, should have the opportunity to tell what happened and how it affected them. Sadly, most do not take their opportunity to tell their experiences. I believe this is because of the intense fear instilled in members to keep what goes on behind those doors as a secret. They are told, “Those who are not walking with God will not understand.” When in reality, that idea has been used to cover abuses that would not be tolerated elsewhere in our country. Michael has taken steps to tell what happened to him and for that reason; I count it an honor to allow him to tell, here on this blog, what happened to him .
Sunday, myself and two other folks who wish to remain anonymous, held signs out on Oakland Road. I will call these helpers- #1 and #2. Their masks were interesting, but not unique. Read about them here: . As it turned out, I started holding my sign after I monitored traffic turning down Old Flynn Road. I took a position at the stop sign at the end of the exit ramp from Highway 74. Here is a picture taken as I stood at that position:

About 30 minutes later, the two others took a position on Oakland Road setting up chairs and holding two signs a piece. Here is a picture showing the signs and #1.

Within ten minutes or so, the Spindale Police arrived. They were kind and considerate but, explained the deal. Stay off the road, stay away from the road and don’t “impede traffic”. In essence, stay on private land. This message was given to #1 and #2, first. Next, the kind officer made his way over to me. He was very respectful, but told me his supervisor did not want me at that spot. He explained other complications with the area and asked me to move. The officer was very polite and showed respect for our rights. Honestly, several WOFF members had already viewed my sign and moving did not cause me grief. I actually, enjoyed talking to him as I am sure he had other things more important to do… I moved over with #1 and #2.

As far as the sign goes, I used it to hide from the sun at times and knew WOFF members were looking… Why? Because they did the inadvertent head jerk motion and possibly some were saying, help me, Jesus. Some did not look, but, overall for the entire time we were at our posts, MANY looked. Of course there were the stares. A few actually waved and smiled, Thank you- Sam. Thank you to the rest who encouraged us on our Spring Missions Project for 2012.
There were a lot of horn honkers, thumbs-up and peace signs. One man, who got the fan of the day award, stopped with his friend and asked for a picture. I asked him if he was planning on putting it on Facebook®. He said yes, and I said come on! He talked honestly and sincerely about his life and some questions he had. It was hard to not be drawn to his openness and great attitude.

What do you talk about on a picket line? Well, when I am by myself- not much. I did call the names of many WOFF members who drove by… But, with #1 and #2, we talked about those who had died to give us a right to protest and speak freely our opinions about WOFF or any other issue. Untold millions have served this Nation and have sacrificed for us to be there on Sunday. We also talked about the WOFF members taking pictures of us and wondered why they don’t share them- with us. And of course, we talked about Michael and his struggles, his bravery and his victories. If not aloud, at least in my thinking, I also considered how many other “Michaels” there are that need help to leave WOFF.
All in all, the weather was nice. No one expressed anger toward us that I know of and it was generally a peaceful time. Oh, except when we were leaving. #1 and #2 had pulled to the end of the drive, to exit onto Oakland Road. A WOFF member seemed to be frozen in time, waiting for the next eclipse, in a position across the street. Apparently, this did not happen fast enough and he drove across Oakland Rd. and came down in behind #1 and #2, to read their tag. I think he was not successful, but here is a picture I captured of his efforts.

Now, I must add that everyone on the Security Team at WOFF knows me. Why would this same car chaser attempt to follow me, but, he did. He pulled out and acted like Buford T trying to catch the Bandit. So, I made a Top Gun move and quickly pulled over into the Dollar General driveway allowing him to pass right on by. I got behind him and accelerated quickly to let him know he was tagged. He attempted the same move about a quarter mile down the street and I pulled in behind him real quick to take another picture. Well, fumble fingers here got the picture and then erased it. But, same guy, same trick, only different outcome. Hey, Jason, next time you want to know where I am going- call me. DON’T follow me and attempt that move again. You and the other car chasers at WOFF have been warned. That goes for the Audi tailing #1 and #2 on the Bypass. Ah, life in Whaley-dale.
Thank you, for taking time to visit and read this blog. Please, consume the information on this site responsibly. The author is not a licensed mental health professional and encourages those that need professional help to seek it. The intent of the material is to inform and be a resource. Be sure to tell every member that you know at WOFF about this blog. There are readers at WOFF. Comments are invited from all readers, including present or former members. Polls are not scientific and no private information is gathered.
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Guest posts reflect the opinions of the writers. Their opinions do not necessarily reflect the opinions of John Huddle or any other persons affiliated with this blog.
Please, take time to read the Terms of Use for this personal blog. As mentioned, for posts written by John Huddle, any information about WOFF is from his memories and recollections as perfect as that may be or not be. Scripture references are Amplified Version unless otherwise noted. (Copyright © 1954, 1958, 1962, 1964, 1965, 1987 by The Lockman Foundation ) This is post number 400.
Awesome!!! You go John and all your troops!!!
I too had an experience with this family while in Tulsa, OK . Many flaky things happened. I spent many years in a church in Illinois that was in many ways very similar. Abuse in the name of God and church is never right. I does need to be exposed for what it is. Thanks!