The Integrity of Government

Seems odd to even question the integrity of a branch or level of government, right? How could one even ask the question regarding the integrity of a level or branch of government has been compromised? Well, a level or branch of government is made up of individuals who have been asked to perform certain duties. They are asked to make quality decisions based on their job description which hopefully accurately reflects the laws of the jurisdiction over which they have charge. Has the integrity of government ever been compromised? Of course it has. Why? Because the processes and services provided are only as good as the individuals who fill the positions in that governmental office. History is filled with examples of government failing the people they have been asked to serve and protect.

One example which continues to unfold is the drama unfolding in Cherryville, NC. The turmoil in the local government has caused the citizens to lose their trust in government. Several individuals acted in ways to crush any integrity which was supposed to be within that organization. The decisions of individuals caused the loss of trust and reflected in them a lack of integrity. Many of the misdeeds were over money and power. Here is an article from the Gaston Gazette which outlines the troubles and the outcomes to this point.

New Cherryville city manager must try to restore trust

Published: Wednesday, November 28, 2012 at 20:05 PM.

“When Ben Blackburn starts a new job as Cherryville city manager on Dec. 1, he’ll be taking the reins of government in his hometown for the second time, and he’ll face some mighty big challenges.  

(source link… )

As I reflect on this news, I can’t help but think of the drama playing out in Rutherford County. I feel relatively certain that the processes are in place to rightfully handle the egregious shenanigans of four Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF) members when they hindered the freedom of movement for Jerry Cooper. Yes, they have not had their day in court and are not “guilty” until pronounced so. However, the events outlined by Jerry Cooper are NOT dissimilar to ones I have witnessed both during my time in WOFF and my time now, on the outside of WOFF.

While inside, I saw those trying to exit– followed, harassed or otherwise watched or monitored. I recorded tag numbers while on watch at the church property and forwarded them to the key person in the church office. Later, I may be told who the owner of that car was. It seemed a normal course of business that as a WOFF member, we had the “right” to run tag numbers…right?

As recent and this past spring, I have been followed by Jason Gross, photographed by several WOFF members and scoffed at by Wayne Hall while I exercised my rights in expressing my opinions of WOFF.

So, the charges against the four WOFF members accused of misdemeanor stalking, false imprisonment and damage to personal property are NOT out of character for the WOFF security team. Can I get a witness?

After reflecting on the collapse of trust and integrity in Cherryville, I must question if there will be a similar collapse of trust and integrity in the courts on January 4th? Will the police officers who made the initial investigation stick to the facts of what they witnessed? Will they soften; will they spin or play down the seriousness of the charges? I certainly hope not. My hopes are that the individuals involved with make the choice to tell exactly what they saw and not back down. After the court session, will this be another “victory” for Jane Whaley and her crew, if there is no conviction? I am expecting the judge to make a fair and just ruling. Let the community finally recognize the relentless intimidation that has come to be a normal practice for WOFF members when dealing with former members.

The court date on January 4, 2013 is yet another chance for those who hold the public trust to make quality decisions and display the integrity which is required. For many years, I fear that certain individuals have made less than honorable choices when reviewing the often surreal events associated with members of WOFF trying leave or obtain custody of children or recover personal property that was held by the church. The laws are in place, the processes are available to properly deal with the maneuverings of WOFF or any other group. Will we follow the laws?

Another opportunity for individuals in the Rutherford County government presents itself concerning Michael Lowry and his complaint. Over the years, there have been many chances to get it right. I do not know all the cases nor all the individuals involved in the many WOFF dramas in Rutherford County. However, in the few I know about, I have seen some in government exercise great care to help and protect those being oppressed. Likewise, I have seen some who would appear to care, but, in another moment tell me how we can’t do any more… the case is closed. Could there be some individuals who are so concerned about making things go smoothly that they would dismiss or not even fully investigate complaints against WOFF or other groups? I would hope not, but, we all must face the reality of the world in which we live. The truth is some folks do not care to rock the Rutherford County boat for fear they may be thrown out.

Can we hope that Michael Lowry, present survivors and the ones that will come later- all will have the full protection of every level of the Rutherford County government? That hope is very shaken right now. In fact, that hope is literally on life-support. The next few days will determine if that hope will live or die.

WOFF members wanting to leave need help and in some cases it means the help of county officials. For whatever reason, call it lack of understanding, lack of knowledge of the workings of groups like WOFF, or just a hard time believing that someone as “sweet” as Jane Whaley could be hurtful to anyone; some survivors of WOFF have not been afforded that support or protection. However, the Michael Lowry case is yet another chance for individuals in government to make the right decisions based on the laws meant to protect citizens from harm.

For as long as WOFF operates within the county, there will continue to be people leaving with drama and people inside being treated as less than citizens who can fully exercise their rights. As long as there is WOFF-drama, government officials will be asked to walk in integrity and not turn a blind eye for fear of making some other group or leader of that group upset. Otherwise, one day there may be news articles written about Rutherford County as were written about Cherryville.

Thank you, for taking time to visit and read this blog. Please, consume the information on this site responsibly. The author is not a licensed mental health professional and encourages those that need professional help to seek it. The intent of the material is to inform and be a resource. Be sure to tell every member that you know at WOFF about this blog. There are readers at WOFF. Comments are invited from all readers, including present or former members. Polls are not scientific and no private information is gathered.

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Please, take time to read the Terms of Use for this personal blog. As mentioned, for posts written by John Huddle, any information about WOFF is from his memories and recollections as perfect as that may be or not be. Scripture references are Amplified Version unless otherwise noted. (Copyright © 1954, 1958, 1962, 1964, 1965, 1987 by The Lockman Foundation ) This is post number 419.

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