Before we get to the results for the “Best of Rutherford 2013” survey, let me explain certain mistakes I generally make. First, I make the mistake of thinking that others outside of Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF) and the drama circle around them even care about it. It is apparent to me as time goes on, that not everyone in Rutherford County first off even knows about WOFF and second- even care. And furthermore, just because someone has been touched by Jane Whaley’s gift does not make them perceptive enough to understand the darker side of the activities inside of WOFF. So, when you don’t know and you don’t care to know- then you don’t have a reason to pay attention to any of the happenings concerning WOFF or its members.
All that has been said to help explain that Matt Clark, editor of the Daily Courier, has given me no reason in the past to think he has an opinion one way or the other about the drama surrounding WOFF. In times past, he has been non-responsive to any issues I have introduced. A few days ago, I again made the mistake of thinking he had a reason to care. My opinion is now that he has a newspaper/website/Facebook® page to oversee. After considering what I had to tell him, he must have thought it of no concern since he already knew the results of the survey and he knew I did not. I respect him for that and will go forward with that understanding.

Now, as far as the results, it was not a sweep for WOFF or their favorites. Actually, the results were sobering in that regard. Oh, there was some success for the WOFF effort. After seeing the insert telling the results and looking at the advertising that had to go along with it; I see that this must have been in place long before I even called Mr. Clark. The WOFF member-owned companies and participants in the survey knew several days ago if they were selected as “Best of The Best.” Again, I was late with my information and it was of no effect. Well, the results are still worth noting. I will not run down them all but, only the ones of importance as I see it.
Café at The Mall sweeps Best Restaurant, Best Dessert and Best Fast Food goes to Café to Go…
Liz Rose has a half page ad on the back of the insert. She puts out a fine product and is certainly qualified to make nutrition tasty. The last time I went to Café at the Mall it was clean, NO music and the food was very good. Now that I am out of WOFF, I have no confidence Liz would even serve me. She makes it a practice to even guard her parking lot as well from known WOFF survivor advocates. Don’t just park in that lot or expect to be served in her establishments if you are “of the devil!” Now, I have never even tried Café to Go??? Would that work?
Peterson’s Auto Service gets picked OVER McCurry Deck’??? Well, it is at least a THREE-peat for Peterson Marchetto, a Brazilian come to America. How does he do it? I have never been there but would suspect it is a clean and well run shop. When I worked with him in years past at Two Mile Properties, LLC, he paid attention to details.
Another THREE-peat winner, Mark Morris! Mark has a quarter-page add with a fine picture. I have seen him at work in the courts several times. The slogan for the Tomblin, Farmer & Morris law firm shows as “Integrity, Experience, Results.” We should not forget that Mark was named by Michael Lowry in his original complaint in February of 2012. If my memory serves me right, Mark was named as one in leadership over the happenings and discipline(s) administered in the lower building. We will share more about Michael Lowry and have an update on him soon. In that update, we will provide a copy of the un-redacted complaint obtained from Rutherford County Sheriff’s office as well as Michael’s version of his recapture, forced recant and second exit. Don’t miss that post.
Best Nurse- Ester Wright. Wow- this is the first time I remember her name showing as a winner. Wonder why Jane picked her? I have not spent time around her.
Best Police Officer- Leon Godlock. Here is a link showing Lt. Godlock receiving an award. Link He apparently has worked hard and does much for the county. I have no idea how he came to be favored by Jane Whaley. She must like him. Wonder if he has any future plans for a higher office? If so, does Jane approve? Coming in second was Chris Atkins.
Best Pastor- Senior Pastor Bobby Gantt of Florence Baptist Church. No, Jane Whaley did not get voted as Best Pastor this year. Maybe there was some confusion because in years past Jane has worn the title of Apostle. Could that have confused the survey takers? It was confusing in years past for me.
I did not see any other WOFF service providers in the results. If I missed anyone – please, forgive me. That was not my intention. Several names offered by WOFF survey takers did not make the cut. Well, maybe there is next year.
Does this survey pay any real dividends to the winners? Do folks new to the county pay attention to the results and make their product and service choices based on this survey? I have no idea but, if there is data on that I would appreciate it being forwarded to my email address:
And with that, let us remember:
“It is never too late to wake up and leave and reclaim your life!” Steve Hassan
Thank you, for taking time to visit and read this blog. Please, consume the information on this site responsibly. The author is not a licensed mental health professional and encourages those that need professional help to seek it. The intent of the material is to inform and be a resource. Be sure to tell every member that you know at WOFF about this blog. There are readers at WOFF. Jane told me.
Comments are invited from all readers, including present or former members. Polls are not scientific and no private information is gathered.
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Guest posts reflect the opinions of the writers. Their opinions do not necessarily reflect the opinions of John Huddle or any other persons affiliated with this blog.
Please, take time to read the Terms of Use for this personal blog. As mentioned, for posts written by John Huddle, any information about WOFF is from his memories and recollections as perfect as that may be or not be.
Scripture references are Amplified Version unless otherwise noted. (Copyright © 1954, 1958, 1962, 1964, 1965, 1987 by The Lockman Foundation ) This is post number 457.