WOFF members: “…they were “hammered” by the “ministers”…

The following post was submitted by Lee Buris. He tells his exit drama in this narrative. He has also sent a second narrative with insights reflecting life inside of this group. For survivors of WOFF and other controlling groups, I welcome your submissions for posting. As mentioned, I firmly believe writing out the experiences can help in the healing process. ______________________________________________________________________
Recently, I have became reunited with John’s website and sent him a short message to tell him how much I appreciate his piece on writing to sort through one’s thoughts; to come to terms with one’s self. Another description may simply be “doodling with words.”

Writing is a wonderful tool and a powerful tool. The founders of our political nation used writing extensively to persuade loyal British subjects to rebel against the Crown. I, myself, have employed writing since my early teenage years to help gain access to, and by gaining access to, understanding my inner emotions. Writing became a friend which helped me through tumultuous teenage years. Later in life I would sometimes enjoy writing to another friend (person) to use him or her as a sounding board to express myself, my thoughts, and my emotions. So, writing is not only a tool, not only a weapon, but also a friend.

There are so many places to begin, so many subjects to cover and so little time and space to write it in. And I know each word is critical to other people. I must ask God to help me choose carefully, as if my own family will be reading this. I will begin my story as such.

Much has happened since my escape from Word Of Faith Fellowship (WOFF). I have traveled many roads, learned many lessons, and have experienced many things both good and bad. All those roads, lessons, and experiences have culminated in my arrival at this particular moment whereas I am writing this particular piece.

Upon my escape from WOFF I asked God to show me the “Truth” about WOFF. When one leaves his/her espoused family behind to escape from this sort of environment, his/her life begins a great series of metamorphoses. Every aspect of one’s life goes through massive changes. Emotionally, Spiritually, and yes, even physically.

Most of the Spiritual changes had already occurred while I was held captive of that environment. I liken it to a particular prisoner imprisoned in Nazi-occupied France during WWII. She escaped from prison by turning herself inwardly, denying the dangers of her predicament and escaping inward. She would curl up and entomb herself within her own body while reciting verses and poetry to keep her inward self in-tuned to her own reality. This is the way she coped with the weeks and months of imprisonment. My own spiritual person responded in the same manner to all the “spiritual” tortures bestowed upon us. It was as if I had entombed myself inside this spiritual cocoon as a protection against the hostile elements.

The most valuable lesson I’ve learned throughout the years since my escape is that Jesus Christ will never forsake you. The Holy Spirit will be there with you through every adversity. That is one song I can sing from deep down in my spirit (is that a Jane-ism?).

“I thank Him for the Mountains and I thank Him for the Valleys, and I thank Him for the Storms He’s brought me through!!!…..”, then, “Through it all, through it all, I’ve learned to trust in Jesus, I’ve learned to trust in God!!!…..”. Please, correct me if I’m wrong, but wasn’t the writer of this song one of those who “opposed” God (according to WOFF.)

Only Trust in Him! Only believe in Him! He is truly a Friend who will “stick” (adhere, glue Himself to you) closer than a brother! Jesus Christ.”

I considered WOFF a hostile environment. I’ll not presently go into the details about how my family and I arrived into this hostile environment, but I will go into some details of the conditions of that environment at the time when I left.

“The decision to escape from WOFF was the most difficult decision I have ever made in my entire life. The difficulty wasn’t about leaving WOFF, but about leaving my family. I am one who believes in a mate for life. “For Better or For Worse as Long as You Both Shall Live” was the vow we both made to one another in the presence of God. And then the vow goes on, “Forsaking ALL Others.” I have had many years to consider these things again and again. To this very day, I still see myself as having had no other option, but to escape hoping that one day, perhaps others would want to escape, too.

I think it’s ironic that while the Whaleys use these very same vows in their WOFF weddings, they advocate breaking apart and splitting up of families and marriages which were not established or sanctioned by WOFF itself. Another part of the marriage ceremony is the scripture which reads, “What God has joined together, let no man (or woman) put asunder (or permanently separate.) This applies to Jane also.

Keep your hands off peoples’ marriages!!! God said it!!! There will at some point in time be an “accounting” for all the families this group has caused to split up. I truly do believe this.

My wife and I had been shifted from one “household” to another for the approximate two years we had been there. It was a year and half before we had an intimate encounter and this was only on one occasion. I seldom saw the children. They had been dispersed to other households where they could receive the deeper aspects of indoctrination. Essentially, they take the children from parents who aren’t soundly indoctrinated and disperse them into “households” where “handlers” are placed in charge of them. WOFF didn’t refer to them as “handlers”. I don’t recall the WOFF term. I later learned some interesting things about these “handlers” from one who had been one.

All this is in close relation to a movement known as the “Discipleship” movement. Whereas some discipleship based churches are genuine and sincere about helping others in their walk through life, WOFF does not. This is evident in the amount of failed marriages, the number of broken families, and destroyed lives in general.

While writing this, just now, this thought returned to me. If you wanted to observe a true “zombie” in real life, observe a WOFF’er. WOFF’ers often appeared to be in a “stupor.” This was because they were “hammered” by the “ministers” to “get it right; to just BE right.” The minister staff just didn’t understand why you and I (the lower class) couldn’t be perfect just as they were/are. So, if a WOFF’er seems to be in a daze, they are. It’s much like a drug. Jane and her cohorts work extra hard to keep your thought process confused.

There are so many “Do’s and Dont’s” pumped into a person, the average WOFF’er is constantly analyzing him/herself to make certain they are doing everything exactly according to WOFF doctrine and rules. Then, too, they are always looking behind themselves to see if someone is watching them or listening. The slightest slip up could get you into some very deep trouble. Understand the leaders are watching for the small mistakes. This is indicative of how well each person is conforming to their doctrine. And, too, the person who goes to the leadership to “rat” on you is supposed to be your “True Friend.” They are “helping you” if they cause you to not see your children, if you lose your job, or if your family is broken up. There are some who “rat” continuously, and have personalities of a weasel, to gain extra points. Family members are encouraged to “rat” on one another. This helps keep family members aloof of one another and helps breed contention inside families.

I will conclude this session. As I stated earlier, there are so many directions to go and so much to be said. Please don’t take offense at my use of the term WOFF or WOFF’er. It is simply an abbreviation for the term “Word Of Faith Fellowship” and a “Word of Faith Fellowship member”. Truly, Word Of Faith Fellowship of Spindale, N.C. should not be compared to other Word Of Faith Fellowship churches throughout the U.S. and other parts of the world. I will soon write a short history on the use of this name, “Word Of Faith Fellowship.” So, readers please do not look upon this term, “Word Of Faith Fellowship” negatively and do not associate WOFF Spindale with other WOFF churches.
Thank you, for taking time to visit and read this blog. Please, consume the information on this site responsibly. The author is not a licensed mental health professional and encourages those that need professional help to seek it. The intent of the material is to inform and be a resource. Be sure to tell every member that you know at WOFF about this blog. There are readers at WOFF. Jane told me and Josh confirmed it.

Comments are invited from all readers, including present or former members. Polls are not scientific and no private information is gathered.

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Guest posts reflect the opinions of the writers. Their opinions do not necessarily reflect the opinions of John Huddle or any other persons affiliated with this blog.

Please, take time to read the Terms of Use for this personal blog. As mentioned, for posts written by John Huddle, any information about WOFF is from his memories and recollections as perfect as that may be or not be.

Scripture references are Amplified Version unless otherwise noted. (Copyright © 1954, 1958, 1962, 1964, 1965, 1987 by The Lockman Foundation ) This is post number 492.

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