Jewish Leaders Pull Support for WOFF/WFCS Holocaust Museum in Florida

Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF) supports, runs, dictates and determines the direction, emphasis and content of the Word of Faith Christian School (WFCS) Holocaust Museum display. To make statements with intent to misconstrue or blur the obvious relationship is short-sighted, replete with fantastical thinking and borders on deception. How do we know this relationship to be true? The reason is there is no one higher in authority, rank or power in WOFF than Jane Whaley. She is the Principal of the WFCS and the leader of the WOFF. As much as certain individuals would attempt to deny or blur the intimate relationship between these two groups of folks, they are indeed one in the same. Children who attend the school and their parents are members in WOFF. If there are students whose parents do not regularly attend, support and confess agreement with the doctrine and practices of WOFF, they are indeed the extreme minority, if they exist at all.

Ron Shelton, a retired pastor in Florida, viewed the WFCS display in Washington, DC in 2010. He was enthralled, engrossed and possibly enamored with the entire concept and display. He was so moved, he contacted the Jewish Community leaders in the Cocoa Beach area and convinced them to join his vision and help sponsor a display of the WFCS exhibit at the Space Coast Convention Center. He is the director of those efforts as witnessed by the quote from the website

“The purpose of The Holocaust Museum Central Florida 2015 Project is to reverse the trend of ignorance and denial about the Holocaust. This museum is unlike any other of its kind, featuring the incredible artwork of students from elementary to high school age. Designed to be viewed by all ages, this museum tells a heart-wrenching story through the eyes, hearts, and hands of young people dedicated to searching out and portraying the truth of this horrific chapter in world history. The unique interactive nature of this museum allows visitors to speak to the young artists who share the true stories of the people and events portrayed in these artistic creations.
Ron Shelton
Event Director”

Ron has no doubt put in countless hours of hard work pulling this event together. There are civic leaders and local government leaders as well as many schools anticipating the arrival of WOFF/WFCS for the display April 19th-23rd. Flyers have been distributed, school groups have committed to attend. (The listing of schools attending is on the Facebook page for the event.) Local media has been used to advertise the event and solicit donations. I do not know how much of that money is directed to WOFF/WFCS. For the purpose of this post, the amount is immaterial. In no way am I slighting the efforts of countless volunteers or the education emphasis to improve awareness of the Holocaust and the history surrounding this tragedy.

The complete lack of disclosure on the above website for the direct connection of WFCS and WOFF is a stark irony to the statement: “…purpose of The Holocaust Museum Central Florida 2015 Project is to reverse the trend of ignorance and denial about the Holocaust.” Ironic that the leader of the effort wants to reverse ignorance but then hides the relationship between Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF) and the WFCS display. Why? What is the reason to distance the display from the origins? Hello- may I see the five indictments for the WOFF members in the Fenner case?

Add to this the statement: “..dedicated to searching out and portraying the truth…” Ron, when did you search out truth about WOFF? Or did you believe the spin because it “felt right?”

In an article on (here); the irony becomes more intense. An excerpt:

“Questions surrounding the Holocaust Museum and the Word of Faith church threaten to taint a carefully crafted relationship built over the years between members of the Jewish and Christian Zionists communities in Brevard.”

Could the “carefully crafted relationship built over the years” be based on keeping the Jewish people IGNORANT of the practices inside WOFF? How many years has the ignorance been used to CRAFT this relationship? Who chose this strategy? So, in a way, Ron has accomplished his goal by NOT speaking and letting others involved in the project find out about WOFF, the trend of ignorance has been reversed! Ignorance is being reversed with simple searching on the Internet!

No, I don’t think this was Ron’s plan. If this was the only irony in this scenario, I would stop. But, in a classic perversion of logic, the following statement is included in our resource article:

“Several Jewish members of Sister City’s board abruptly quit after the event organizer, retired Pastor Shelton, attempted to make concessions but ultimately chose to move forward with the event, saying it was too late to cancel arrangements or recoup the $30,000 in planning costs…

Sister City officials, led by Shelton, moved forward, saying that Word of Faith’s issues should not interfere with the greater vision for the exhibit, which is to teach against intolerance.”

I read this and could not believe the double speak. The organizers of this event are saying because of MONEY they plan to continue in this charade? When do “WOFF issues” become great enough to overrule money, pride and reputation? Let’s say the event goes on as planned and just one of the five accused are convicted on felony charges this summer. Will that make the exhibit okay since the conviction was AFTER the display but stemmed from events previous to the display? If these charges result in even one conviction of any level of abuse, what will the public statement be then? Do the indictments speak about individuals or the sub-culture of abuse? If this was a standalone event, then we may say it is about individuals. Since abuse allegations have been ever-present, this is another episode in the long history of this group.

“We believe that all people should be treated with dignity and respect. We unequivocally reject any acts of bigotry and prejudice against any group of people or individuals,” according to a statement issued by Sister City about the allegations.

The practices of WOFF are fully compounded on teaching intolerance! Does Ron Shelton, the civic leaders who have continued their support and others is this drama understand the INTOLERANCE which is a foundation of WOFF when it comes to former members who dare tell WOFF secrets? Family relationships are NOT TOLERATED with ex-members who tell their story of abuses while inside WOFF. Former members are cut-off for something as harmless as having a Facebook page.

Ron’s answer to the complex problem: (from the resource article)

“I refuse to let this color who I am. I love God and I love people,” said Shelton, who has been to Israel several times, most recently as part of an interfaith group of Jews and Christians who traveled to Beit Shemesh, an Israeli city west of Jerusalem that is also a sister city to Cocoa. “I confessed that it was a leadership flaw that I didn’t pick up on it when one of the Word of Faith organizers told me in (January) that we might see something about them in the papers. I didn’t pick up on it and I didn’t go to the board. I apologized,” Shelton said.

So, an apology was supposed to restore the compromised relationships and violated trust caused by “a leadership flaw?” ? How about resigning? How about refunding and canceling the event?

Yes, I read Josh’s statements. (read the entire article)

Without WOFF, WFCS would not exist. That is a plain and simple fact. Without direction and complete oversight of Jane Whaley; WOFF nor WFCS would exist. Does anyone dare mention also that Jane Whaley teaches her grandson’s class at WFCS? She requires those students of all ages who need to learn God’s ways to attend her class. I am not saying she is directly involved in the crafting of the projects, but I believe she approves the final display.

The website- posted the entire Open Letter explaining the withdrawal of Jewish support here.

The letter was delicately worded and clearly meant to honor the children, yet stand firm in their beliefs. Who would expect anything else?

What happened? Where did the axe fall into the water as WOFF leaders say? My theory is that Ron Shelton so wanted to believe in the magical atmosphere surrounding such an astonishing display that he ignored any knowledge or suspicions of questionable doings behind closed doors at WOFF. He so wanted to believe in children who can make amazing intricate detailed reproductions of Holocaust time pieces; that he overlooked the obvious. Or at a minimum, he did not do his own research into either WFCS or WOFF. He followed his faith in Word of Faith to be all the good and right that they portrayed to him they were. Jane and her leadership can spin a tale. Trust me, I know. I was taken in for years. Now, not so much. For a group that doesn’t profess a belief in the magic or fantasy or Santa Claus; they ask outsiders to believe some pretty amazing things, right?

David Pelzman, president of Temple Beth Sholom synagogue in Melbourne added: “It’s a very difficult thing, …But the Jewish community is not advocating and not supporting the museum. People should research this and make a decision for themselves. This is not holy.”
“All of the leaders of our united Jewish Community after several long meetings … along with much personal soul searching, angst and pain and in the spirit of continued cohesiveness in our Christian and Jewish communities, requested Pastor (Ron) Shelton to cancel the event,”

If you attend the display and are a visitor allowed “to speak to the young artists who share the true stories…” Be sure to ask them who helped them with their project? Were there any adults involved? Ask them how long they practiced their speeches? Ask them which projects were made by those who no longer attend WFCS or WOFF? Ask the young artists if they know when the International Holocaust Remembrance Day is this year? Ask the young artist if celebrating the birthday of a Holocaust Survivor is important? Ask them when they last celebrated their birthday?

Ask the young artist why there is a chain-gate to pass through before one can visit their church or school? Ask them what happened to men and boys who went to the lower building? Ask them if Jane ever screams during a church service or school class? Ask them if being blasted is fun? Ask them if they ever hide their toys or belongings so leadership does not take them?

Ask them if Jane’s grandson has ever blasted them or struck them while giving them correction? If you have not been asked to leave by this point, a few more questions- ask them if there is ever a good reason to leave WOFF once you join and learn God’s ways. Ask them if they want to be in the military to defend this country’s borders or vital overseas interests?

One of the blessing of a free country, we don’t have to fear asking questions. Do you agree? What questions will you ask the WFCS students? I hope you can ask the freely.

Thank you, for taking time to visit and read this blog. Please, consume the information on this site responsibly. The author is not a licensed mental health professional and encourages those that need professional help to seek it. The intent of the material is to inform and be a resource. Be sure to tell every member that you know at WOFF about this blog. There are readers at WOFF. Jane told me and Josh confirmed it.
Comments are invited from all readers, including present or former members. Polls are not scientific and no private information is gathered.
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Guest posts reflect the opinions of the writers. Their opinions do not necessarily reflect the opinions of John Huddle or any other persons affiliated with this blog.
Please, take time to read the Terms of Use for this personal blog. As mentioned, for posts written by John Huddle, any information about WOFF is from his memories and recollections as perfect as that may be or not be.
Scripture references are Amplified Version unless otherwise noted. (Copyright © 1954, 1958, 1962, 1964, 1965, 1987 by The Lockman Foundation ) This is post number 510.

7 thoughts on “Jewish Leaders Pull Support for WOFF/WFCS Holocaust Museum in Florida”

  1. First off, you are too ignorant to realize what you are writing. You think you know about this story but you have no idea. Do you honestly believe that it is right to question these children who have no influence on a church? This event is to inform people about the holocaust. Are the five people who are being investigated, not convicted, going to be there? No. Are the children going to to make you join a cult? No. This is simply an experience to attend in hopes of spreading the facts and events of the holocaust. Ron Shelton has put his time, his sweat, and his heart into this event regardless of what happens at a church. Is it right? No. But this event isn’t about the church, it’s not about the people who attend the church. It’s about the holocaust. If you are to shallow, close-minded, or just plain stupid to realize this,then I hope you stop writing meaningless garbage on the internet.

  2. Carson,

    Thank you for taking time to read and write a comment. After reading your comment, I must take issue with a couple of points you make. Jane’s grandson does influence the church. He IS given liberty to correct adults and children. The children are used to garner favor and monetary support. The children as a whole are held up as shields to deflect the curious gazes and inquiring minds and in that respect- they are used as recruiting tools. Also, at least one of the children (JD) who is set up as a “young artist” has spent lengthy amounts of time in the lower building apart from his parents. This was to deal with his “unclean.” Tell me, “Carson,” with this information, is the event in FL about the Holocaust or about the practices of the church? These children live under oppressive conditions in submission to their all knowing leader. Is the irony lost on you?


  3. It’s about the Holocaust. Are you that incompetent that you think this event is about some cult or some church? This is about the remeberance of the murder of millions of people. Have some respect write a post about that instead of putting it in the shadow of some speculations.

  4. Carson,
    WOFF has had this exhibit for many years. It includes art works of those that left the church. Upon leaving the church, the church will not talk or allow any contact of past friends with the people who leave the church. They count them as enemies of the church because they leave, even on amiable conditions. Yet, WOFF kept their art work and continue to display it. The Holocaust exhibit was started to give legitimacy to the church and to allow the church to go into areas that they would never be allowed. WOFF has sent members to be part of one church that is important in the Israel support. This church’s pastor was called a false prophet by Jane Whaley, but now she is allowing her church to be involved. It is called “good press.” If you do a search of all of the lawsuits against WOFF, you will see that something is not right there. I was once involved there and also involved in the art work that they so proudly display. Many students had help from adults and they would work on the art all day instead of having school. At other Holocaust presentations, Jane would have her grandson pray and sing for the public. Again, gaining “good press”, while he is allowed to hit and get demons out of other children in the church. It is sad that WOFF has always used the children to put forth a good face for the church. I have sat through many of the practices with the children before they appear in public. The children would be threatened and “dealt with” if they did not perform to the standard that Jane expected. It is all about the children, they are abused and if you could see past the big smiles, you would see the unhappiness. Fortunately, there are more young adults leaving the church now. They are finally seeing some light, but many are forced back into the church, forced into marriages, forced into working in church sanctioned businesses and living under total control in communal homes. Many children are separated from their parents because the parents are deemed unsuitable to raise their own children. It is real and unfortunately many are trapped in the church and cannot get out.

  5. Randall,

    Thank you for sharing. And now for a breath taking moment- see this link- and read the schedule. Topics of discussion- “Museum director Karel Reynolds will add insight on connections between bullying and the Holocaust.” That is right folks! Karel will give her direct insight into bullying. Will she lead a lab class? Will JW’s grandson “demon”strate? LOL. This is ridiculous and sad.


  6. You are a pathetic piece of garbage. Arguing with someone on the internet isn’t worth lifting my fingers to type the words. Hate the church for all I care, just don’t waste space on your blog ragging on people involved in bringing the event to a city. Thanks!

  7. Carson,

    Amazing! You are adamantly condemning the blog’s administrator for expressing his concern over an issue that has been going on for 25 years. I too was in WOFF for over 4 years. People like you do not understand the fear, torment and pain a survivor goes thru…thus revealing to me you don’t have any understanding of the holocaust. I do not dare compare the abuse and control that I have witnessed at WOFF to what happened in the holocaust. But what I do know is this…The same tactics used by Hitler and the Nazi party to hide the horror of what was really going on in the concentration camps is exactly the same tactics used at WOFF to deceive the public…it’s called propaganda. How can you justify your comments about not acknowledging what WOFF does and still say you have empathy or sympathy with holocaust victims? If you go to Word of Faith Fellowship’s official website you will see perfect smiling children…all happy…all beautiful…no flaws. Just like the pictures and videos Hitler released to the public when accusations were made about what was going on in the camps. When WOFF comes down…and it will come down…the horror of what has happened to thousands of children, families and individuals will astound the world…and people like you who so freely criticize and minimize the pain survivors suffer…will be known. But it will be too late then for thousands…just like it was too late for 6 million Jews. Shame on you, sir…Take your blinders to see the bigger picture here. What will it say about the Central Florida Holocaust Museum when all this comes to the light and how will those involved that kept the origin of the WOFF museum feel when finally…like a giant volcano…WOFF is exposed for who they are? Will you have any remorse for the children’s lives that have been destroyed or the survivors of that place who live in torment and mental anguish for what they suffered at the hands of their “captors?” Will the public and authorities regret that for so many years they turned a blind eye to what is happening at the hands of power hungry abusers? The holocaust was horrible. Hate is horrible. But mind you…Jews are not the only victims of such heinous crimes. It is happening now…right under your nose. The holocaust museum is a reminder of what happened when people didn’t see the truth and speak up and demand it stop. But maybe more importantly is should inspire us to be active in making sure something like this doesn’t happen again…not just to the Jews…but to the innocent who can’t help themselves. Selah

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