The Survivors Community Forum held yesterday was well attended and covered by several media outlets. My heartfelt thanks go out to so many people who helped in any way with the planning, set-up, providing support during the meeting and cleaning up afterwards. It took a team of willing volunteers to bring this message to the citizens who chose to spend their afternoon with us. I appreciate all the ex-members who attended whether they spoke publically or not. We were there for each other and I hope having the open forum helped each one in some way.
Thank you, to the present members of Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF) who came and listened to what for them must have been some new information and a fresh point of view. I regret we had to end the session at 4:00PM, however that was the block of time reserved. In future events, if at all possible, we hope for more open discourse and civil interchange between former and present members.
And to WOFF member Benjamin McGee; it was pointed out to me that I appeared rude in my response to you at your request to speak at the end of the session. That was not my intention and I hope you will understand I did not recognize you nor was I aiming any malice at you personally. You are welcome to call me anytime to discuss your concerns or questions. (828) 289-7923
The meeting was also attended by some of Spindale’s finest. We appreciate so much the Spindale Police who served in a very supportive and non-bias fashion. They made it clear to me from the start; their goal was to assure order. Thank you- very much.
All of the encouraging remarks and show of support from those who attended did not go unnoticed. The kind words did much to strengthen not only me, but all the other ex-members. Despite the WOFF-spin, I believe the event was a success and plans for future meetings along the same lines are being discussed.
There is a live feed replay on Citizens Against Corruption and Abuse Facebook page. One report from WLOS 13. Another report – report The AP report includes Saturday’s event. Thank you to all media sources who spent time covering this event.
The next speaking event for me is this Thursday.

Thursday- March 16th at Isothermal Community College – Library Auditorium 1:00PM
“Recruiting Techniques of Dangerous Groups- You don’t have to be a fool to be fooled”
The format will not be the same as yesterday. I will be delivering information on recruiting techniques and means of influence used by a number of dangerous groups. The Q & A right after the presentation will focus on the material. After that is over, I will remain for anyone wishing to ask further questions.
This event will draw not only upon knowledge I have gained over the years, but will include personal stories from my interactions with survivors of several different dangerous groups.
Saturday- March 18th at Adaville Baptist Church there will be a car wash with proceeds benefiting the Faith Freedom Fund and various needs of survivors. Weather permitting – the start time is set for 9:00AM. Donations are welcome, but there is no set minimum. For more information, contact me (828) 289-7923 or
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Thank you, for taking time to visit and read this blog. Please, consume the information on this site responsibly. The author is not a licensed mental health professional and encourages those that need professional help to seek it. The intent of the material is to inform and be a resource. Be sure to tell every member that you know at WOFF about this blog. There are readers at WOFF. Jane told me and Josh confirmed it.
Comments are invited from all readers, including present or former members. Polls are not scientific and no private information is gathered.
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Guest posts reflect the opinions of the writers. Their opinions do not necessarily reflect the opinions of John Huddle or any other persons affiliated with this blog.
Please, take time to read the Terms of Use for this personal blog. As mentioned, for posts written by John Huddle, any information about WOFF is from his memories and recollections as perfect as that may be or not be.
Scripture references are Amplified Version unless otherwise noted.
(Copyright © 1954, 1958, 1962, 1964, 1965, 1987 by The Lockman Foundation ) This is post number 595.
You are doing a great job helping to expose the real truth behind this cult that destroys so many peoples lives.
If there is anything I can do to help please let me know.
John, Thank you for your steadfastness to continue this forum and discussion and to take it to the public. To all the former WOFF members that spoke and those that did not speak…you are brave men and women and I honor your unending stand for what is right. In my five years at WOFF…if I ever did anything to any of you to cause emotional or mental distress or if you viewed it as abuse…I am more sorry than you will ever know.
Together we stand…for ourselves, for our families and for those still entangled in this web of deceit and abuse. Though I am not in the US to attend these functions…I have body spoken out on your behalf in the past…and will continue to boldy speak out for those who are unable to speak for themselves.
Thank you again, John Huddle. And thanks to all the individuals, churches, groups, law enforcement, government officials…thanks to all of you for believing and for doing everything you can possibly do to help the survivors of this group calling themselves a church.