People Magazine Investigates: Cults – Word of Faith Fellowship

Monday, July 8th- 8:00PM, Investigation Discovery Channel

When ex-members of Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF) tell anything about their time in this group, WOFF views as “persecution.” Several ex-members have spoken out in recent years. Monday is the next chapter in this sad ongoing saga.

WOFF leadership and members become energized by “persecution.” It feeds the “us vs. them” position and many times rallies wavering members.

The magazine article in People magazine on July 5th (dated July 15, 2019) and the program airing Monday night may not directly cause folks to leave. But the WOFF effort to spin-it and interpret it for members- might.

My experience in WOFF was over a 16 year time frame. We did not see ourselves as impaired, but empowered. No one joins a cult. No one joins a group to become less of a person. People join WOFF and groups like them because they pursue touted benefits such heaven, favor with God, peace, love and prosperity. Many join with family and friends.

We were not focused on loss of personal freedoms, but the perceived gains. We believed we were living the ways of God. To think otherwise made for some hard days and long nights.

Outsiders see the “shine.” Insiders see the group inner conflicts and in order to remain they must rationalize, ignore (turn away) and/or accept the spin from the leader, Jane Whaley.

Outsiders see the smiles and nice clothes; many members, including children, smile on demand and go along to get along.

Outsiders see the solidarity and group loyalty. Faithful members dare not deviate from the WOFF path unless they are ready to separate. It is all or nothing- you are either all in or you are out.

No one individual is predictable every time. These observations and insights apply as an overall pattern.

The cure becomes the disease

I am convinced that WOFF practices attempt occupy your inner personal space by telling you why you think certain ways and do certain things; then giving you the cure for your “sinful wicked heart”- deliverance. This fear-generating signature practice always allows for another explanation of why you must stay and get more. This prayer doesn’t work until you put “your whole heart into it.”

The cure becomes the disease because it doesn’t work until YOU fully “submit.” The direction of deliverance comes from the group leader, but the receiver of prayer is burdened with the responsibility of the success of the prayer.

Your actions must change regardless of your inner thoughts. Members are told the self-dialog within them is the source of their problems.

“Take hold of your thoughts!”

You are told your thoughts are evil unless you are thinking the thoughts of God. How can you know? Ask Jane. How convoluted is that? Such a quandry.

You can’t say, “I hope I am delivered” or “I think I am delivered.” You feel pressure to say, “I am delivered.” While thinking, but ask me again tomorrow.

Once a leader says you are free or delivered; you feel the pressure to be different when in fact you probably will do or say or think the same thing soon thereafter. In that moment, the guilt and doubt cycle starts all over again.

You are now a sheep – never leaving the flock which “protects” you. All the while telling you the defined evil is in you and not around you for the most part. Or it may be outside of you as well. The answer is elusive. Thus, WOFF leadership can appear one step ahead of “sheep.” WOFF practices do not cure the essential ailment.

This causes individuals to lose any “self-determination” and live life walking down the directed group path as true sheep.

Members become easily manageable and more predictable -over time. The individual desires conform to group pressures and become frozen or die within the faithful member’s soul.

Outsiders express their disbelief that the smiling co-worker or neighbor could be involved in the dangerous practices which ex-members will talk about on Monday night.

“Members appear so kind and helpful. How could they scream at someone and hold them down and restrict freedoms or choices?”

Why do many onlookers easily ignore the facts? Believing instead the fantasy about individuals they barely know.

Your WOFF ‘friend’ or ‘co-worker’ or even acquaintance spends much more time inside WOFF than in your presence. Please, wake-up!

People are complicated. I will not pretend to know about every WOFF member.

Over the years and including last week, I learn about happenings inside the group which continue to shock me. I am amazed at the brute force exercised over children and some adults, physical force and psychological forces.

Members are loyal -until they are not. Something or someone wakes them and they leave.

Members are submitted – until they are not. Changes can come and people do leave WOFF.

Monday is another step. We appreciate ex-members risking their safety to reveal their struggles. It took courage to speak out. Thank you, let’s continue moving forward.

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Thank you, for taking time to visit and read this blog. Please, consume the information on this site responsibly. The author is not a licensed mental health professional and encourages those that need professional help to seek it. The intent of the material is to inform and be a resource. Be sure to tell every member that you know at WOFF about this blog. There are readers at WOFF. Jane told me and Josh confirmed it.

Comments are invited from all readers, including present or former members. Polls are not scientific and no private information is gathered.

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Guest posts reflect the opinions of the writers. Their opinions do not necessarily reflect the opinions of John Huddle or any other persons affiliated with this blog.

Please, take time to read the Terms of Use for this personal blog. As mentioned, for posts written by John Huddle, any information about WOFF is from his memories and recollections as perfect as that may be or not be.

Scripture references are Amplified Version unless otherwise noted.

(Copyright © 1954, 1958, 1962, 1964, 1965, 1987 by The Lockman Foundation) This is post number 665.

5 thoughts on “People Magazine Investigates: Cults – Word of Faith Fellowship”

  1. Excellent and informative as always. Thank you, John.

    Last night was a victory for all of us who have suffered under the control of Jane Whaley and WOFF. The show was very well done. Factual and unbiased. Thank you to those who participated by sharing their stories. Having to revisit the events that caused them so much pain could not have been easy. I think you can agree, they all did an excellent job. Thank you to all who participated and thank you, John, for your tireless work.

  2. I am former member of this church.
    All the services Jane acuses the group of Cooper, saying : “They are full of demons”…
    Jane threats the people don’t talk with the apostates.
    The service always is the same, never change. Always Robins says : “Getting hold our rules and if you don’t consider this, you are a traitor”.
    There i s no message of Gospel. Only rules and more rules.
    I live in Brazil and every week our church from Bicas-MG-BRAZIL, watches the service from WOFF-NC.

  3. Nicolas,

    Thank you for sharing your experiences. It is sad. What role did Bonnie play in running the churches?


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