COVID-19- No Shame in Testing Positive…

Recently, a former member of Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF) reminded me of the shame and stigma associated with being sick while inside WOFF. They went on to explain they would go to great lengths to hide symptoms that truly needed medical attention. The consequences of being found sick could be drama-filled.   One obvious reason for seeking medical treatment is we can be deceived by how we interpret our feelings and the causes. That is why we need trained medical professionals to examine us and run tests if needed.

For many who are not familiar with the dynamic, the admonition within WOFF would ebb and flow but the main theme- if you are sick, you are in sin. There is hidden sin in your heart and your need prayer and deliverance. Many times, prayer first before a doctor visit. “Otherwise, your witchcraft rebellion would keep the doctor from hearing what is wrong with you…”

Apparently, a similar social stigma occurs in other places for other reasons.

In an article from South Africa, the writer is encouraging those with the Coronavirus to come forward and tell others.

 “It is the most valuable information you can share voluntarily and without force in this crisis and there is no shame in it.

While a person’s medical history is confidential and under normal circumstances people seek privacy in their physical ailments, this situation requires a different approach.

By not disclosing, you are potentially putting many more people at risk who may find the opportunity to meet and interact with you.”

Instead of shaming a person who comes forward, we need to reinforce their willingness to help others and encourage them. There is actual love in telling others you have been in contact with so they can be tested.

In Rutherford County, the total count as of today is 21. An increase of 6 cases from yesterday. The exact number of positive cases who are inside WOFF- I don’t know. However, this I do know. Leaders and health experts tell us this virus is spread through “behaviors”. If the behaviors inside WOFF have not conformed to the guidelines laid out by our Governor and medical providers- then there is more sorrow coming.

Here is the list again which we all have heard before….

Consider your own safety as well as the safety of the ones you love. Social distancing is a small price to pay to curb the spread of this novel virus.

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Thank you, for taking time to visit and read this blog. Please, consume the information on this site responsibly. The author is not a licensed mental health professional and encourages those that need professional help to seek it. The intent of the material is to inform and be a resource. Be sure to tell every member that you know at WOFF about this blog. There are readers at WOFF. Jane told me and Josh confirmed it.

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Scripture references are Amplified Version unless otherwise noted. (Copyright © 1954, 1958, 1962, 1964, 1965, 1987 by The Lockman Foundation) This is post number 676.

2 thoughts on “COVID-19- No Shame in Testing Positive…”

  1. These are dangerous times. Thank you for writing about Covid-19. I remember being sick at a minister’s meeting. Staying in bed was not an option. At this time we are also seeing an economic down turn. Tithes and offerings are still be collected. The last scheme, hearing the Lord, resulted in felonies and unfortunately jail time. I hope that everyone ill has a personal blasting session with the Jane leading. I mean she hears God and has the gift of an apostle and can heal them immediately through the laying of hands. Of course this isn’t happening. She has seen the news and is probably in hiding. “to protect herself from the sin in the church”, Most of the leadership is at risk because of age, underlying medical conditions and with some, obesity, so sad. Please stay safe.

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