Rough days are here

This morning, I woke with a desire to start early. My plans for the day soon exploded in another direction..

 At 8:18AM, I looked at my phone and realized today was a Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF) radio program. Contrary to my custom, I prepared to listen.

I joined the live stream video just before 8:30AM. Jim Bishop processed a few short announcements. The WOFF technician prepared the table by setting up the microphone. Jim Bishop wiped the microphone and table with a disinfectant. He left the booth and Larry King, Jr. entered dressed in a suit and tie. You could see the exchange as polite. Jim reentered, started the prerecorded intro and left the booth. A COVID-19 requirement since it is too small for proper social distancing.

Larry King, Jr is a long-time member of WOFF. He came in before I started, after leaving a college baseball career. He spent time in Brooke Covington’s home while working meager hourly jobs and attending the WOFF Bible school. He is married with two children and a stepson who is not in WOFF any longer.

While I attended WOFF, Larry would speak and share scriptures on occasion. His parents were in WOFF and so was his cousin, Trina Elliot. Trina was raised as his sister. His father and mother retired from the local school systems. All are apparent true believers.

As he introduced his message, I noticed he was stammering and not appearing to “flow” in the scriptures. He touched on some basic themes as praising President Trump for pointing out “FAKE NEWS” and exhorting us to realize that no matter what we see or hear; it is not always how it looks at first glance. He said we are to practice “vetting our sources.”

As he began, he started coughing and taking sips of water. He blamed this on “strong pollen.” I began to wonder. Could he positive for COVID-19? Anyone would wonder that during these days we live in.

He tried to continue, and several times stopped to cough and drink water.

Of course, somewhere in this dissertation about “Judgement, he warned of the social media “gossip” blowing up with no “truth.”

It was obvious he was struggling to present a cohesive message. This was not like I remember him. He seemed nervous and uncomfortable.

Once he was finished, I began my work for the day. All the while still bothered by Larry’s struggles.

Then, shortly after 9:00AM, my phone begins to blow up with information about a WOFF member dying last night of COVID-19. I did not know him. He apparently was there in the 90’s, left and returned.

For a short while, my phone was quiet. Suddenly a flood of text messages with counts and names of more WOFF member’s in ICU or struggling with COVID-19. One more is (possibly) on a ventilator.

One member reportedly struggling with COVID-19 – is someone close to him. Could this have been why he was so disjointed? Did he tell Jim Bishop of the WOFF member dying last night? If not, why not? That would be common courtesy to let Jim decide if the show needed to be delayed. Was he told not to tell and that made him anxious?

This is all very sad. True, Larry could have a battle with “strong pollen.” Has he inquired about being tested? Why promote him to be on the radio if he has symptoms which could be confused with the Coronavirus?

There is no way for me to know the level of angst and fear rolling over WOFF members. For faithful members, there is a spiritual kinship that gives you the feeling of unity. The foundation is continued belief in the spoken and unspoken required beliefs. My sources are different in origin and there is more which I don’t have confidence in sharing.

The consequences of ignoring government guidelines may become too difficult to manage. If/when that happens, I hope that reach out for help – sooner rather than later. As our President said, these will be some rough days ahead. He made no exclusions.

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Please, take time to read the Terms of Use for this personal blog. As mentioned, for posts written by John Huddle, any information about WOFF is from his memories and recollections as perfect as that may be or not be.

Scripture references are Amplified Version unless otherwise noted. (Copyright © 1954, 1958, 1962, 1964, 1965, 1987 by The Lockman Foundation) This is post number 677.

4 thoughts on “Rough days are here”

  1. This is so sad, John. There are good people in that group that are suffering for no good reason. There are many who have seared their conscience with a hot iron but those at the top are profiting off of the suffering of many. Most of them had no idea what they were getting into and now people are dying because of what appears to be gross negligence at the least. This sickens my heart. JW and the other figure heads are playing this down by calling it fake news unlike our president that has acknowledged how deadly this is and has put out social distancing mandates and has been proactive in saving lives. WOFF, on the other hand, played this down and put lives in danger. This whole thing is an unnecessary tragedy. WOFF has become the hotbed for Covid19 in Rutherford County and now of course they are in damage control mode. The sad thing is that the members are so brainwashed that they are trapped in a deadly situation with no link to the people outside who can help them.

  2. I lived with Larry King, Jr. all the years I was at WOFF…he does NOT have allergies.

  3. Thank you again for a timely update. This is terrible news. If loud forcefull singing could spread the corona virus in a choir how much more could “hitting the heavens” or participating in(or being subject to) a long deliverance session with a group screaming, shrieking and touching one another (pressing in…) spreading the virus? My heart is filled with sorrow. Of course, Jane would say my tears are from one or another devil but despite more than 22 years passing there are still many in there that are dear to me. I can truly relate to the pain and insecurity many are feeling. For such a time as this….

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