Recently, I received the following information about a new and timely International Cultic Studies Association (ICSA) presentation. Over the years, many survivors have voiced questions about what options they have in relation to their previous group. This presentation is a resource for answers to those questions. DO NOT MISS this opportunity!
Phil Elberg, Esq. has experience that is a valuable resource for survivors of controlling groups. I am excited to hear his story and draw from his wealth of knowledge.
Please, don’t pass up this opportunity. You can view from the privacy of your home. It is FREE! There is no requirement to donate. If you are able, please, consider a donation to support this educational project.
Webinar: Let’s Talk About Cults and the Law
Saturday, November 7th, 12PM US EST – Free ICSA Online Zoom Webinar (Donation requested but not required)
Registration now open, click HERE to register! The webinar will fill up quickly, so register soon!
Hour 1: Stimulus Presentation by Phil Elberg, Esq. “Cults and the Law: A Practical Guide”
Hour 2: Interactive Roundtable Discussion with Phil Elberg, Esq., William Goldberg, LCSW, PsyA, Patrick Ryan, and Joseph Kelly. Moderated by Ashlen Hilliard, ICSA
A year ago, Phil Elberg, former president of ICSA and winner of the first Margaret Singer Award for Advancing the Understanding of Coercive Influence spoke at a meeting of ICSA’s New York Chapter. For the first time in a public forum Phil told the story of how while looking into a case in his law office against the leader of a drug rehabilitation program, he made the cultic connection to his sister’s involvement with an abusive cult leader, and how making that connection led to his success in exposing the cultic nature of Kids and Straight, Inc. Phil’s fascinating and moving talk included a discussion of his advocacy work in the troubled teen industry and other cultic groups, including NXIVM, and focused from the perspective of a practicing lawyer what “cult law” is and is not. It concluded with a discussion of the legal issues that people concerned about cults focus on.
- Keeping a family member from joining a toxic group;
- Getting them out if they are in;
- Once they are in preventing a loved one from turning over financial assets
- Attempting to speak out about a cultic group (particularly on the internet) after leaving as part of the healing process and with the goal of helping others;
- Suing the group or its leaders for economic and emotional damages arising from cult involvement;
- Dealing with family court issues of custody and visitation when one parent remains and one leaves;
- Using proof of brainwashing to excuse criminal conduct, mitigate a criminal penalty or convince prosecutors to pursue a prosecution of a group or its leader.
ICSA has decided to make Phil’s talk available on the internet as a stimulus presentation and to then provide an interactive discussion with Phil Elberg, Bill Goldberg. Pat Ryan, and Joseph Kelly moderated by Ashlen Hilliard in which legal and related issues associated with these topics can be discussed.
Register for this webinar now, while tickets are available.
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(Copyright © 1954, 1958, 1962, 1964, 1965, 1987 by The Lockman Foundation ) This is post number 681.