Why Go Back? Part 2

     In a previous post, the question was raised- Why Go Back?- to WOFF. https://religiouscultsinfo.com/?p=2235

     Recently, I have had opportunity to speak with several former members of Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF) either directly or indirectly. These folks arrived and left the group in different time frames. All were present at some point during my 16 year association and membership in WOFF. Jane Whaley’s preaching emphasis may have been different for each one of them during their stay, but many of the same observations are present in their stories.

  In response to a recent post, I received an email from Jerry Cooper.  He has been mentioned previously in other posts, as he had two tours of duty at WOFF with a five year break in between. The second time he was in the group for one year. His testimony of why he went in, left and then returned is insightful and hopefully will help others. In his own words..In that journey I came upon WOFF during a crisis and turning point in my life. In my desperation I found a group of people (WOFF) who “appeared” to be seeking what I was seeking. I saw zeal and passion and experienced an emotional and fulfilling “God experience” that I jumped in all the way-bearing no resistance.”  

    I have found this a common thread in the testimonies of other former members including myself. When I joined the Greenville group in 1992 after a time of personal crisis, I was impressed with the “zeal” in the members to follow after and know God’s ways. Other former WOFF members have expressed the same thoughts; they came to WOFF to seek a deeper relationship with God and to be who He wanted them to be. “Fulfill the Call of God”…This would only make sense as many members have moved long distances to come and be a part of WOFF. There were/are several folks from other states and other nations. As many as 19 different nations have been represented in the congregation during my time there. Hunger for God is not contained only within one particular culture or national border. Though in time, I began to see that a zeal for God was not the only requirement to know God.


     The next statement from Jerry is similar to ones I found in other testimonies also… Over the course of my first 5 yrs @ WOFF I began to realize I was being slowly trapped, reeled in if you will by hearing what was my hearts cry (to know the True Living God) preached and taught but with a subtle enslavement that was actually destroying the precious gift of God inside of me. He goes on to use the analogy of the frog in a pan of water in which the temperature was gradually raised. The frog does not know it until it is too late. So has been life at WOFF for many folks. The changes were gradual in many aspects. The personal freedoms to walk as God directs and not solely in lockstep with Jane’s directives, died slowly for the group. For many, there never was any degree of freedom. New members would just acclimate to the “restraints” present when they joined. Seemingly with each passing seminar, new “revelations” of more stringent rules would come through- that’s right – Jane Whaley. Occasionally, someone in leadership would have God show them “that something was not right” and needed change; but it was not the LAW until Jane said so..  There have been several posts on this blog about the slavery at WOFF; here is one link… https://religiouscultsinfo.com/?p=558  As well intended in many cases, as the new rules appeared or sounded, it is hard to reconcile the outcomes with totally pure motives. The net effect of the growing “don’t list”, has been less individual freedom for “regular” members.

    Jerry goes on to say the reason for coming back after five years.. ,” I have to say there was an element inside of me that just had to know the truth. Either I was greatly deceived in thinking I could serve my God without attending WOFF, or those 400 people in Spindale, NC are the only people on this planet that have a relationship with the Creator of all things. And ( if I was not there) I was doomed to be taken over by demons and spend the rest of my life here on earth as a demonized, deceived, wicked man only to wind up in hell. Or,(possibly) Jane Whaley does not have the one and only direct line of communication to our wonderful God and I can hear the voice of God myself in and thru the working of His Holy Spirit which has been poured out on all flesh….”  His struggle to know truth about his walk with God and WOFF/Jane Whaley’s affect on that, reminds me of Martin Luther’s struggles. Previously, Martin Luther is mentioned in this post.. https://religiouscultsinfo.com/?p=561  

     In WOFF, members are told that WOFF is the only place they can “serve God”. See how confusing that would be to some, since in function, in many ways (in my opinion…) Jane Whaley serves as God to them. So, there is some twisted, subconsciously recognized “truth” in that statement for dyed in the wool, true WOFF believers.. That one hook has been used on many members to keep them at WOFF. I believe many WOFF members don’t see the power that statement has over them. Does Jane Whaley have the one and only direct line of communication to our wonderful God? If so, that would put her equal to Jesus or higher.. It pains me to even suggest. But, the question reveals the power that she has over her members. Did God give her this control over people? If not God, – then who? If you doubt she has this kind of influence, try talking to her followers about celebrating holidays, free access to the media, deliverance or some other signature practice for WOFF members. Or ask them if Jane Whaley is the only one who can hear God’s voice?   

     Recently, I heard that DD had gone back into WOFF after several years of being away. The obvious question is what crisis or question drove that person back in to a more controlled environment than when they left? Whether it is crisis, confusion or seeking Truth, in my opinion, there appears no good reason to go back into “one of the top five most emotionally damaging cults in America.” (see post here about Dr. Paul Martin.. https://religiouscultsinfo.com/?p=1570

From the archives.. “As I would not be a slave, so I would not be a master….Abraham Lincoln

Could Jane Whaley make the same claim in all honesty?

    Please, consume the information on this site responsibly. The author is not a licensed mental health professional and encourages those that need professional help to seek it. The intent of the material is to inform and be a resource. Be sure to tell every member that you know at WOFF about this blog. There are readers at WOFF. Comments are invited from all readers, including present or former members. Polls are not scientific and no private information is gathered.

    Look on the right side of any post for the option to subscribe by email for notifications or RSS feeds notifying of new postings. It is a great feature. Also, find more posts by selecting “Categories”.

      (Please, take time to read the Terms of Use for this personal blog. As mentioned, the information about WOFF is from my memories and recollections as perfect as that may be or not be. ) Scripture references are Amplified Version unless otherwise noted. (Copyright © 1954, 1958, 1962, 1964, 1965, 1987 by The Lockman Foundation ) This is post number 128.

2 thoughts on “Why Go Back? Part 2”

  1. WOFF has missed the whole concept of what Christ came to do- He was the ultimate sacrifice for sin and He came to bring the Holy Spirit which is our direct connection to God. We can hear from God and get direction and understanding. In the Bible we see so many people that prayed, listened, and obeyed the direction given to them by God through the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit is not just for Jane Whaley! Revelation says he who has an ear let him hear… The sad part is the feeling of WOFF being the only place that they feel that they can get that understanding or connection. I have a friend who was a part of a cult for years because her family was and that was all that she had known until she got older and began to question and was sent out because she questioned those in charge- she says that one feeling that is missed is the feeling that she belonged and was a part of something greater than she was and that they lived as a family unit operating as a team to serve God. I understand this feeling and I read you relating to this as well. It is a common thread that we all like to feel be it gang, cult, fraternity, sorority,or church.

  2. I agree with your point of view. Jane has become a deity to be feared at WOFF. I remember one time we were having a cook out at their house for the children’s seminar. My son’s class was playing softball. Jane came flying thru the yard on her golf cart ( she was really going fast) She yelled STOP, and we did. Everyone dropped their heads, “praying for forgivess”. I was wondering what we had done wrong (You know how I am) Jane was just going to her brother’s house down the side road and didn’t want to cause any problems with the game. Of course we all laughed. I stated I wondered what we had done wrong. People laughed, told the Greenville authority and of course I was told I was wicked!! If Jane had said stop, then it didn’t matter who or what was wrong, I should have just submitted without question. I still have problems believing some of the things I bought hook,line and sinker as truth from GOD!!!! Hugs and prayers

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