It is certain that these last few weeks and months have been filled with events bringing Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF) into the national spotlight. Monday, December 10, 2012 will serve as another chapter in the ongoing saga. An honest observer of WOFF life would be hard pressed not to admit that DRAMA is the norm in Spindale. Let’s review the drama that is in the public eye right now…
Monday, Michael Lowry was supposed to testify in front of a grand jury in Rutherford County. Just before the proceedings were to begin, Michael was standing in the hallway and noticed a WOFF church member walking in as part of the jury. The member was RM. It was reported to me that RM was clean shaven and had been decked out in a fine leather coat. Former members also noted that his wife had served in the church office and was charged with counting the offerings. What were the odds of that? A WOFF member, who has a spouse working in the church office, (or did at one time…) was picked and allowed to serve on the grand jury which was scheduled to hear a case about a former member of WOFF?
Yes, it would be a tricky maneuver to screen potential jurors based on religious affiliation. Since the influence of Jane Whaley and her group is felt far and wide in Rutherford County, does this not require a change of venue for Michael’s case in order for him to receive due process in the hearing of his complaint? The process could be moved to another county- similar to Jane’s situation a few years ago when her trial for simple assault was moved to Polk County. After the inherent weaknesses were made evident on Monday- this appears as the only option. Do you agree? If it is not moved, the next hearing will be January 9th in Rutherford County for Michael.
Here is the video link for today and one previous —–
The next drama which is also scheduled in Rutherford County involves four present WOFF members being charged with various infractions including misdemeanor stalking, false imprisonment and damage to personal property. These charges stem from recent events which these four members attempted to impede Jerry Cooper’s freedoms in a local parking lot. The four accused members are Jason Gross, Gilbert Carmona, Sr., Randy Fields and Chris Hall. There has already been one court date which the defendants were granted a continuance until January 4, 2013.
In my opinion, this is cut and dry. It either happened or it did not. The present WOFF members are either guilty or they are not. No amount of Jane’s community influence should be able to cloud the verdict. But, what has been learned in the last few years and confirmed on Monday? There is never an “open and shut” case when WOFF is involved. There are “variables” that come into play and when Lady Justice is supposed to be “blind”, someone succeeds in lifting her blindfold and showing her Jane’s picture or this sign…

We love all People…. Right? We just can’t stand former members who tell what happened behind our doors…
What do all these dramas being played out in public tell us? I firmly believe that anyone seeing these events should realize that the outward events are but reflections of the intense internal dramas going on daily at WOFF. Reflecting over my years at WOFF, I remember the personal realization that the intimidation and physical force exerted in closed door meetings was considered normal and accepted practice as being the pivotal moment when I knew I was in the wrong place. That understanding occurred in a closed door meeting in RF’s office on April 9, 2008. (Here is the link…”What Thoughts Helped Me Leave WOFF?? Part 1″- )
It is NORMAL for Jane and her leadership to use whatever means they feel are “the will of God” in order to bring someone to “repentance” or into “submission”. I have witnessed the screaming, the physical contact and the restrictions to personal freedoms while inside of WOFF. While it is happened to others, one could rationalize and excuse it as necessary…right? When those measures are turned on you, then you have a decision to make… stay or go? If a member chooses to leave, they may not have the means to leave and feel very stuck in WOFF.
The dramas behind the doors constitute the day to day molding and forming of members into the image Jane has for them. THOSE dramas are many times worse and many times more detrimental because they are done under the guise of “God’s ways”… under the guise of “living the way God’s people are supposed to live…” or required to show you are faithful to Jesus… faithful to God and are serving the Lord with all your heart… Members often become very disillusioned with the WOFF-Jesus being forced upon them.
The catalyst for the drama-engine has to be the daily administration of the hundreds of ever-changing unwritten rules within WOFF. This must be considered the real signature or DNA that demonstrates the purposes of the group. A sign can be made to say “We Love All People”… but really, how is that “love” shown everyday? The “love” they show to each other includes the forceful socialization into the sub-culture in the name of WOFF-Religion, under the heading of “the call of God”… for Jane’s edification and support… Think about it- those who reject the socialization into the sub-culture after once being a part are shunned, slandered, ostracized from family, prophesied unto death and destruction…. Yes, reject their “love” and feel their wrath…Who can deny this is Truth? If there are this many “public” dramas, consider how many other tense dramas are being played out behind the lily white doors of the sanctuary or doors of the WOFF homes…
Thank you, for taking time to visit and read this blog. Please, consume the information on this site responsibly. The author is not a licensed mental health professional and encourages those that need professional help to seek it. The intent of the material is to inform and be a resource. Be sure to tell every member that you know at WOFF about this blog. There are readers at WOFF. Comments are invited from all readers, including present or former members. Polls are not scientific and no private information is gathered.
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Guest posts reflect the opinions of the writers. Their opinions do not necessarily reflect the opinions of John Huddle or any other persons affiliated with this blog.
Please, take time to read the Terms of Use for this personal blog. As mentioned, for posts written by John Huddle, any information about WOFF is from his memories and recollections as perfect as that may be or not be. Scripture references are Amplified Version unless otherwise noted. (Copyright © 1954, 1958, 1962, 1964, 1965, 1987 by The Lockman Foundation ) This is post number 418.
These last couple of posts have left me speechless. Are all the local municpal agencies run by ignorant “hillbillies”? (seriously, what is going on? is it in the water?). Thank you for writing these posts and sharing the links. Jane always had a way with bullies. Now they run her security. Still bullies. Just Jane stood them down. (think maffia… the Godmother? running a dynasty, corrupting local officials, sworn to secrecy? “We love all people” is that the front?) Sorry for ranting. Arthur