Category Archives: Books, Resources

Books, Resources for learning about religious cults

How far will you go to protect “the will of God?”

In the previous post, I put forth the idea that faithful WOFF members keep the true inside dynamics secret from the outside family members. Secrets are also kept from co-workers and any acquaintances. This should be no surprise even for a group of that size. Today, I want to add two more concepts that will help explain why and how this could happen and how a WOFF member sees this as perfectly normal and “the will of God.”

Several months ago, I wrote on the difference between “brainwashing” and “mind control.” The post was titled- WOFF Members are NOT Brainwashed- Really? – found here . The supporting text for this was found in Steven Hassan’s book, “Combatting Cult Mind Control” (Copyright©1988, 1990- by Steven Hassan, Park Street Press, ISBN-0-89281-311-3). In short, the idea was that in a case of brainwashing, the controllers are thought of as adversarial or “… typically coercive. The person knows at the outset that he is in the hands of the enemy. … Abusive mistreatment, even torture, is usually involved.” (page 55)

“Mind control, also called “thought reform”, is more subtle and sophisticated. Its perpetrators are regarded as friends or peers, so the person is much less defensive. He unwittingly participates by cooperating with his controllers and giving them private information that he does not know will be used against him…. Mind control involves little to no overt physical abuse. Instead, hypnotic processes are combined with group dynamics to create a potent indoctrination effect. The individual is deceived and manipulated – not directly threatened – into making the prescribed choices. On the whole, he responds positively to what is done to him.” (emphasis added- page 56)
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Mind Control Forum Review – “This is what I want to see!”

Saturday, May 24th a forum was held at the Spindale House and the subjects included information about mind control and testimonies from Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF) survivors. The lead up to the meeting was intense for many of those involved. Materials were put together, videos were reviewed, meetings were held and in the end the general consensus was that it was a success. Admittedly, there is no way to recap all of what was said since I do not have a recording. The pictures taken will be added here at a later date. My goal for this post is to just hit what few highlights I remember and to give enough for those who did not attend to get the flavor and direction of the meeting.

There were no decorations, but we placed information and candy in the seats for the guests. We had waters for the taking on a table to the side. There were three tables up front for the panel and the large screen television. The attendees filed in and in that group were two WOFF members, Greg and Rita Burgeson. Several other WOFF members were spotted circling through the parking area, some waving and blowing their horns. We were prepared for more WOFF members, but they only sent two inside.

We began the forum a little late after experiencing technical difficulties with the PowerPoint® we were given from another advocacy group. This was just “warfare”, right? We had a back-up plan and were able to use printouts of the presentation. Mr. Rape began the session in prayer encouraging all that it was possible to be deceived and we would learn how that could happen through the material revealed tonight. He delivered an encouraging prayer as well.

Continue reading Mind Control Forum Review – “This is what I want to see!”

Hope is the Only Thing Stronger than Fear…

Not often do I think that a line from a movie is worth sharing. However, this one will not go away and it finally became an idea worthy of sharing here. Suzanne Collins’ book and subsequent movie- “The Hunger Games” had been out for a long time before I was convinced by a friend to see it. Contrary to what some in Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF) may believe, I don’t readily read or desire works of fiction. In order to appease this request, I agreed to watch the first of the trilogy by Ms. Collins. The main attraction for me was the story was filmed in Asheville, NC. Once I learned that, it made the thought of watching it a bit easier.

My purpose is here is not a full movie review. If you have not seen the movie, then make your own decision. Let me just set the scene and provide the quote. Somewhere on the North American continent in the distant future and after a rebellion is quashed; the ruling class sets up 12 districts called Pan AM and begins to rule with an iron hand. President Snow is speaking to the man in charge of the annual Hunger Games about the growing unrest in the outlying districts. The citizens there have no say in how they are governed. President Snow says, “Hope is the only thing stronger than fear.” And he goes on to admonish the games maker to not give the citizens too much hope.

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Hands Up!

Three survivors of WOFF Speak out
Three speak out in silence.


This picture has an impact that greatly overshadows any words I could write. Survivors of Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF) tell their message this time without saying a word. Often it is the hands that bring the abuse- today; it is the hands imploring abusers to stop! This sign language speaks louder than the voices of agreement or sympathy to the ways of WOFF. The abuses of children and adults alike must stop. This week, if you shake hands with a WOFF member or see them wave…ask yourself if that hand has abused anyone?

Congratulations to these three for speaking out to the community.  

See here for more survivors with their Hands Up!

And with that, let us remember:

It is never too late to wake up and leave and reclaim your life!” Steve Hassan

Continue reading Hands Up!

National Child Abuse Prevention Month – Candlelight Vigil April 12, 2014 6:30PM

Invitation to April 12th Rutherford County
Invitation to April 12th Rutherford County

This event is scheduled for the Rutherford County Courthouse area on Saturday, April 12, 2014. Please, come and wear blue as a sign to affirm your support. After a few speakers, there will be a time of memorial as we unify and become a sign of public interest in the effort to stop child abuse in Rutherford County. It has been asked that participants not block or impede the foot traffic on the sidewalks around the grounds.

This event is being hosted by the group sponsoring the Facebook® page- “Citizens Against Corruption and Abuse.” It is hoped for an orderly and informative gathering. I plan to be there to answer any questions about the purpose of the Faith Freedom Fund. Please, consider your attendance to signify your admonishment for the County Government officials to carry out their lawful responsibilities to protect the children of the County. Let us rally around the need to protect children, those with us now and the ones yet unborn.

For those that need more information, you may email –

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ICSA Conference in Washington, DC July 3-5 2014

In an effort to provide information about resources that can be a help to those affected by high demand faith groups or any control group, this post shares information about the International Cultic Studies Association (ICSA) Annual Conference in Washington, DC. The Conference will be from July 3rd through the 5th of this year. Preconference workshops will be opened on Wednesday, July 2nd. The information is explained here at the ICSA website.

The theme of the conference is “Government, Human Rights, and the Cult Phenomenon.”  However, talks are by no means limited to this theme.”

Who should attend? The program will be varied with numerous sessions pertinent to former members of cultic or other high-demand groups, families, helping professionals, researchers, and others. A track within the program will include sessions addressing aspects of the conference theme of government, human rights, and the cult phenomenon.”

(After you click to read the rest of the post, the Registration Form comes up. Use the slide bar to backup and read excerpts from the Agenda.)

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Have you ever been shunned or disfellowshipped?

This week had a wide array of experiences and I found some of them to be related in some unusual ways. In town where I live, there is a shortcut to the local grocery store that has sharp turn that ends at a traffic light. If you are going to the store this way, you may end up being held at the light until it turns green. While parked in the first position at the light, other cars leaving the main road turn right in a tight spot that requires them to make a sharp turn to the right in order to stay in the proper lane. While those folks are negotiating that turn, they come awfully close to the driver’s side of those who are waiting!

One day as I was the person making the right turn, I saw the concerned face of the driver going the opposite direction. They looked as if they were expecting me to hit them! Of course, I did not. But, as I drove away, I mulled over their expression and realized it was for the most part totally unfounded. I had just as much desire to NOT hit them as they had desire to NOT be hit. It works the same on a two lane road. The constant flow of drivers going 55 mph in opposite directions with only a few feet of space between them works for a few reasons. One is proper training, but the main reason- each one desires to live and not have an accident. All things being equal and with no one operating a handheld electronic device while driving; this common desire to survive; keeps drivers safe and traffic flowing. When this desire to survive or continue living becomes shaky, then people have used vehicles to commit suicide or worse- car bombings. Yes, tragic but true.

Continue reading Have you ever been shunned or disfellowshipped?