Unforgettable Day in Asheville (video)

US District courthouse 100 Otis St.

Thursday, I drove to Asheville and took pictures of the courthouse and asked questions of those working in order to be prepared for Friday. Friday would my first trip to witness a session in this courthouse and I wanted to leave nothing to chance. This move turned out to be worth the time and effort.

Friday’s schedule included a 9:15AM plea hearing for Jason Gross and a 10:00AM plea hearing for Dr. Jerry Gross. In front of these two hearings, another man was before Magistrate Judge Dennis Howell. This man was already incarcerated and was facing additional charges. His hearing ended and Jason Gross and his attorney took their appointed seats.

Before the Judge could address the plea agreement, he moved through several required steps including an initial appearance hearing and an arraignment. Jason was advised of his rights, informed of the charges, advised he could have a public attorney and told the difference between and indictment and bill of information. Jason had already secured David B. Freedman as an attorney. Upon entering the courtroom, the Judge acknowledged Mr. Freedman and said it had been years since he had seen him. This was typically southern friendly.
Continue reading Unforgettable Day in Asheville (video)

Scheme or God’s plan?

Dr. Jerry Gross and his son, Jason Gross take plea deals in US District Court.

My first memories of Jerry and Bobbie Gross are from a visit they made to the Greenville church in the early 90’s. They came preaching a Word of Faith – Kenneth Hagin type of message. Even then I could tell they were not fully on board with the Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF) message. Their delivery conveyed their background and that was all about to change.

As we learned later, they cashed in that traveling preacher gig and moved to Spindale. Jerry took up a broom and began “getting to know God” as he swept up constructions sites for Carlson Farmer. If I remember right he talked of how it felt to earn minimum wage. Sweeping up sawdust became a spiritual adventure for him. Do others remember his journey?

Occasionally, he was allowed to speak in front of the congregation. He told stories of humbling himself and learning the ways of God. As the years passed, Jane would help him hear the next step was to reapply to medical school and become recertified as a podiatrist. He had closed his practice in the mid-west years ago.

As the months and years passed, Jerry shared stories of “taking a stand for righteousness” amidst the medical community. He shared stories about Doris. Was that her name? His dry sense of humor was moderated by an occasional redirection or rebuke from the front row of the congregation. Jane.
Continue reading Scheme or God’s plan?

Anderson vs. Anderson – First Day in Court (audio)

After long delays for one reason or another, the Anderson vs. Anderson custody case began this morning in front of the Honorable Judge Thomas McAvoy “Mack” Brittain, Jr. in courtroom 3 of the Rutherford County courthouse. There was a full day of testimonies from several folks. For this post, I will summarize a few key points and expound on them in the mp3 file included. I am not promising this format from here on out, but I am hoping it will be quicker and a better use of my time. Not sure you would call this an official podcast, but I will do my best to edit the audio to make it pleasant to listen to while including much more information than if I wrote out today’s adventures.

Here is a short recap of a few of the vital issues on the table. Plaintiff Nicholas Anderson filed action against Sarah Anderson after she left the Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF) February 26, 2016. The son, Aden Brock Anderson first left with Sarah and on a subsequent weekend of agreed visitation for Nick, he did not return the child as promised. March 7, 2016, he filed for divorce and child custody. He first listed he desire for primary care and custody, but also listed a shared custody option.

March 16, 2016; Judge Laura Powell signed a Memorandum of Judgment outlining joint custody and the parameters. Included in this order was the following:

“e. Neither party shall subject the child or allow anyone else to subject the child to abuse, including yelling, shaking, striking or any form of physical abuse.”

I was in the court room that day and felt this was a victory for Sarah. Not a guarantee it would never happen, just open acknowledgment that the Judge was aware it could happen and may have previously. Unfortunately, Judge Powell recused herself February 28, 2017 the day after the first article from the Associated Press outlining allegations of abuse from ex-members.

April 4, 2016- Sarah filed an Answer to Nick’s Compliant. She stated in her motion after telling Nick her intention to not return to WOFF and not allowing their son to return; she was denied access to the marital home “if she would not submit herself to church scrutiny and discipline.”

Also, in this document, under the “Child Custody” section:

“34. That the Defendant has maintained the primary care of the minor child through the date of the separation when the Defendant voiced concerned about the safety of the infant child being subjected to secretive church practices of physical mistreatment in which the Plaintiff was unwilling to intervene and provide protection for the minor child.”

These two points and more were the basis for much of the testimony today. Nick’s attorney, Alan LeCroy from Morganton has a previous commitment on Wednesday. Court is set to resume Thursday morning at 9:00AM.

Hope you enjoy the audio file.

Please, let me know your feedback.
Continue reading Anderson vs. Anderson – First Day in Court (audio)

Hate Speech or Free Speech?

In the Wednesday version of Word of Faith Fellowship speaks out, Karel Reynolds, Christian Whitbeck and Justin Davies continued with their assessment and free advertising for the Community Forum held this past Saturday in Spindale. Karel again called the efforts of survivors to tell their experiences a “conspiracy against our church.” She claimed the purpose of the meeting was to “attack our church.” She reviewed her definition of a conspiracy and not too far into the program she gave a plug for this blog. Karel reminded folks that I was in the meeting and claimed I use this blog to spread “bitterness and hatred.”

After listening to this program I began to consider what constitutes hate speech and free speech. Let me briefly explain my thoughts.

On a broad scale, I believe WOFF would like to find someone in government to agree with them that my writings, my book and my public meetings are indeed hate speech. Then, they could petition to shut me down or shut me up. They would have me censored and held to the same strict censorship dynamic which exists inside their group. No one inside WOFF speaks freely every time on every issue- unless there is 100% agreement to subject their words to the review and approval of the leader.

After surveying the culture and climate in this country, I don’t see this happening any time soon. Continue reading Hate Speech or Free Speech?

Cause or Conspiracy?

The Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF) radio program Monday morning included Karel Reynolds, Justin Davies and Christian Whitbeck. The purpose of the show was to retell the content from the Community Forum held this past Saturday afternoon at the Spindale House. There were some common themes which emerged at the characterization of the content from Saturday. Justin and Christian were “appalled.” They were shocked at the “hate speech” used by ex-member survivors of WOFF. They said the language used would incite hate towards them and they felt unsafe going out in the community with their children. Karel wrapped it all up in a few statements calling the ex-members as ones leading a “conspiracy to shut the doors of our church.”

Listening to them go on about their shock and bewilderment was at first hard to grasp. Then I remembered that in their world, all things fit and the rationalization to “call things that are not as though they were…” allows them to survive. I have written about it here before. There are facts and there is truth inside of WOFF. Facts are superseded by the Truth that Jane hears from God about a situation. If you see a fact- one person pushed another during deliverance, and then you question Jane about it, she could very well spin the deed as “love.” “Doing whatever it takes to keep that person in the will of God.” (i.e. – a member of WOFF)

Karel defined conspiracy as “telling lies, distorting the truth and then demonizing people to make them look like something they are not, attacking people, attacking individuals of an organization to demonize them and thirdly-they create an “us and them” within the community. And that has been the attempt of this group- to create an “us and them” against the WOFF.” Continue reading Cause or Conspiracy?

Forum Reflections… (Video)

Thank you, to each and every person who helped with preparations and supported the Community Forum on Saturday. We appreciate those who attended and each one who asked a question or spoke. These events take a team effort and we certainly had that in the days leading to and during this event. There is also appreciation for those who came to listen and support. As mentioned during the session, we understand that those who attended from Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF) may have found it difficult to attend. We appreciate them coming regardless.

This first video is of John Cooper telling how the Rutherford County Department of Social Services failed him as well as the children at WOFF. Thank you, to WLOS for posting this video and covering the event.

Next, Micah Cooper explains text messages from WOFF.

Continue reading Forum Reflections… (Video)

Community Forum April 7th- What to expect…

The next Community Forum allowing ex-members of Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF) to introduce themselves and answer questions will be held Saturday, April 7th at 1:00PM. The location will be the Spindale House. All are welcome.

The proposed agenda includes these speakers. We will begin with an introduction by Ben Cooper. He will give our guidelines for the meeting which will include explaining the role of the moderator. Next, Micah Cooper will list the characteristics of cults- high-demand, dangerous groups. She will draw from her personal experience as well as her extensive reading on these types of groups.

Nancy Burnette and Matthew Fenner will follow by reviewing their documented experiences which include the failures of local authorities to protect the children of WOFF. Next, Christina Bryant and Jamey Anderson will tackle a few of the most prevalent fabrications and misstatements publicly put forth by WOFF. This effort to dispel lies and tell the “secrets” of WOFF is not captained by one disgruntled family.

I will take the podium next and provide an overview and update on several of the court cases which WOFF has been a part of over the years. There will be information from the Associated Press articles of 2017 as well as an update on the Fenner case.

After these subjects are covered, former members will be given an opportunity to introduce themselves and bring out their unique perspectives as seems fit.

From here, the moderator will oversee the question and answer period. Please, be prepared to ask your questions. We will accept the written questions and answer as many as time allows. We ask everyone to be aware that questions on subjects which require more transparency than our group is able to provide may be passed over and handled in another venue. Continue reading Community Forum April 7th- What to expect…