Often I will have a thought or an idea for a post and write it down on the nearest piece of paper whether envelope or receipt or whatever. This has been done at the oddest moments, such as just when I am trying to start sleeping or even riding down the road. This past weekend I was out of town and wrote several notes on envelopes or whatever was handy. This week, I hope to use these notes to write a few posts.
In the previous post, I mentioned the work of Andrew Murray. He lived from May 9, 1828 until January 18, 1917. Most of his years were spent in South Africa. Here is a resource link for more about his life. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andrew_Murray_(minister) . During his life, he is credited with writing over 240 books. Many of these works are still widely read today. One such book is “God’s Best Secrets – Daily Devotional Meditations” (reprinted by Zondervan by special arrangement with Biola Book Room, Los Angeles, CA, this version is from 1967) Recently, I was rereading the Introduction and learned something that helped me greatly. Here is a short quote:
“The more I think and pray about the state of religion in this country, and all over the world, the deeper my conviction comes that the low state of spiritual life of Christians is due to the fact that they do not realize that the aim and object of conversion is to bring the soul even here on earth, to daily fellowship with the Father in heaven. When once this truth has been accepted, the believer will perceive how indispensable it is to the spiritual life of a Christian, to take time each day with God’s Word and in prayer, to wait upon God for His presence and His love to be revealed….The first thing is that they (Christians) must be convinced of the great need for daily fellowship with God.”