Tag Archives: Ben McGee

New Page Added- Quick Links to Posts

Yesterday, I spent about an hour talking on the phone to some new readers. In answering their questions, I found myself referencing certain posts. Unfortunately, I also realized these posts were in essence buried among hundreds of other posts and not easy to find. The solution has been to set up a page for vital links to previous posts of interest. The “Quick Links” page header at the top will take you to a page of links to previous posts grouped by subject. We start with survivor stores and at the bottom of the list are posts about the WOFF obsession with the Holocaust.

Today, I realized I had left off the post about the Mind Control Forum last year and have added that link. In the future, I may add other links or pages with certain themes. The Matthew Fenner case may one day have its own page. The story is about to explode again in the media on April 1st. Revisit this blog in the near future for other exciting news about the drama of destruction called Word of Faith Fellowship.
Continue reading New Page Added- Quick Links to Posts

Findings of Fact….

During many years of the history of Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF), there have been several drawn out custody battles in which church practices became a main focus. In 2000, there was the McGee custody battle, Ben McGee- plaintiff; in which an eleven page “Findings of Fact” was rendered on or about December 5, 2000 by Judge Randy Poole. The case was heard in Rutherford County General District Court – case #FILE NO. : 00 CVD 0686. Included in this ruling from the court were definitive statements about church practices and their danger to children. I will include a few here. After each one, I will offer my opinion about the “fact”. Remember, during this hearing, I lived in Greenville, SC and only attended special meetings. For certain, this material was shared on a “need to know” basis. Let me also point out that when/if some or all of these “facts” had been shared with regular WOFF members, there would have been major spin presented and a dare put out there to question or voice any agreement with the “facts”. Does that sound plausible? If you showed or expressed questions or doubts– that was your invitation for an open rebuke and/or church discipline.

16. There is a hierarchy of control and authority within the WOFF organization. Subordinate members are encouraged to report any perceived aberrant behaviors of other subordinate members to higher authorities within the organization.

This was such a common occurrence at WOFF, who would dispute the validity of this “fact”? We were all required to tell the sins of others or “that sin was in you!” and you were as guilty as if you had committed the act. Yes, this could be a reason it is hard for present and former members to trust – ANYONE.

Continue reading Findings of Fact….

Additional Memories Leading to Exit Drama- Ben McGee

The following material was provided by Ben McGee. He pulls back the curtain of self-protection and reveals his innermost concerns and thoughts leading up to the previously posted exit drama. Please, do not miss the transparency and the honesty with which he tells his story. These reflections should be a help to us all in managing our own host of memories- however painful they may be.



In order to set the time frame, let me say that these memories are from the period just two weeks before I was forced to leave.  I removed myself from the church, and would not attend regular services, but stayed in the church discipline room because I struggled with a conversation between Jane Whaley and myself.  The one statement that troubled me the most was when Jane stated that if I decided to move off church property- I would do so alone, as she began poking her finger into my chest.  I took this to mean that she was going to keep my family from me, if I attempted to move away from the church property. (I must ask- would Jesus make a threat like this?)

I struggled with this threat for some time. Pam was not present for this event.  I knew we could not afford to leave, but desired to do so and decided money or no money we were not going to stay trapped.  I wanted to discuss with my ex-wife how I felt but, she was alienated from me completely.  She would not listen to me and would go straight to the church leadership and tell them everything I had said which was a pattern already well established in our marriage.  This probably became extremely important for her after the confrontation with Jane.  I must confess I did likewise to her when she would get out of control and abusive in the past. I was afraid of her past use and abuse of drugs.

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My WOFF Exit Drama- Ben McGee

The following is a brief narration of events leading to the exit of Ben McGee from Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF) in Spindale, NC. Though my family had not moved to Spindale before these events took place, we knew Ben, his wife and children. Since we were living in Greenville, the details in this story were not conveyed to us, as far as I remember. As I learned, this exit drama was not unusual for WOFF families. If there are other former members who would like to share their story, please contact me by email- author@religiosucultsinco.com


My WOFF Exit Drama- Ben McGee


In or around the early 90’s my wife and I moved from Jacksonville Fl. to Rutherfordton NC. for a number of reasons. Close friends from a bible study group we attended had been to a seminar in Florida WOFF had hosted and told us how wonderful it was and they were going to move to go to bible school in North Carolina. I trusted these friends; I could see and feel their zeal to do God’s work unselfishly. My wife was recovering from destructive crack and alcohol addictions which if we stayed without the help of close friends, I feared would return. I had my own demons but not the violent addictive behavior openly displayed by my ex-wife. Many will sit in judgment of my actions and decisions but the fact is the majority of people have problems they aren’t aware of or refuse to acknowledge and deal with or simply don’t know how. Please, bear in mind this is a blog and not a book so all the dynamics of my life and choices are not discussed or explained. In faith, we packed all our belongings in a truck and my wife drove the car with our 4 children. Contrary to WOFF’s made up perceptions we were not on the verge of divorce. Why on earth would we go through all we did if it weren’t the hope in our hearts of a better life? We did not ask to come; we did not know anything about Word of Faith Spindale or Rutherford County. We came in faith.

Continue reading My WOFF Exit Drama- Ben McGee