During a recent conversation with a friend about life after my time inside of Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF), we began to discuss the fear that follows a survivor of a cult. At first, I called it a “fear orientation”, one that permeates every aspect of a survivor’s life. I related to this person that many decisions were made based on a fear of something or someone or something that would happen in the future if you did or did not do a particular thing. Some of the fears were easily seen, but many were not. This discussion was several days ago and the subject has been rolling over and over in my mind since that day. In this post, I will share my continuing thoughts on the subject of fear in the life during and after one’s time in a religious cult.
First off, this subject is not new to this blog. Several previous posts have dealt with the subject. Here is a couple for reference:
Does a “Fear-Based” Message Really Work? – https://religiouscultsinfo.com/?p=1310
Two Good Questions, Two Good Answers – https://religiouscultsinfo.com/?p=4769