Those Who Do This … Are Deceivers
The book “Out of the Cults and Into the Church” (copyright 1994 Kregel Resources) by Janis Hutchinson has provided us with many insights and direction in previous posts. This book was recommended to me from a couple that had spent many years in the “Worldwide Church of God”. That group was reported as a cult and at the minimum had unusual behavior control practices that permeated their doctrines and everyday life. The first post on this group stemming from a lunch meeting with the husband can be found here.. It was a fun meeting to say the least. Later, the wife referred me to this book. It had helped her in years past.
The most recent post about the insight in this book can be found here: WOFF Contradictions – Part 4: . In that post, we looked at the net effect of many scriptures quoted at WOFF. “In my opinion, the net effect negated true relationship with God and furthered a subservient relationship to Jane Whaley and the leadership at WOFF. Scriptures were not intended to be tools to make one person a servant to another.” Please read the entire post in order to obtain the context for the quote…
Today, the subject at hand comes from chapter 8 of this book. “Deadly Doctrines Tough to Divorce” The author uses her experience from Mormonism to explain her views since she was in that group for over 30 years. Hutchinson explains that as members leave religious cults, they have a tough time separating themselves from the doctrines that enslaved them while in the group. It is not obvious to many that observe a person’s exit from such a group, why the struggle would exist. Can’t you just lay down the sacred stories and start believing the truth? From the author’s experience, she relates that the Mormon’s sacred stories were taken from orthodox Christianity. The Book of Mormon “borrows from Matthew, Mark and Paul’s writings, and parallels New Testament stories.2” (page 154) This would have drawn folks in to believing and also can keep the exit process slowed as an ex-cultist struggles to replace the Mormon stories with Christian scriptural truths.