Simply to avoid any hint at overkill, I have not posted about every adventure during the Spring Missions Project. But, today’s happenings are worth sharing and hopefully there will be some feedback. Let me go back to Friday. There was a wedding at Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF). How could you tell? There was a SIGN out front that let everyone know where to turn for the wedding. It was no big secret. I spent about 40 minutes at the road in my spot near the driveway to the Tuscany Italian Grille. There were a few folks giving the thumbs up and one phoned in complaint to the restaurant for letting me stand there. How do we know it was not a regular WOFF member? Because, WOFF members do not support places like Tuscany Italian Grille. The Grille serves alcohol. So, it could have been the people in the car I saw go straight across the road from the restaurant to Old Flynn Rd. If that was the case, then they were for sure not regular WOFF members.
Sunday evening was graduation for the high school at WOFF. I may not get these events in order, but, I will do my best. I arrived about 5:50PM and soon thereafter “took my place”. The WOFF members were continuing to file onto Old Flynn Road to make their way to the church grounds. Some would glance my way but most ignored me altogether. Did I expect any different? I saw several folks with out of state license tags. The states included SC, TN, FL, GA and maybe PA? That was great. Many folks in those cars would turn and at least attempt to read my sign. Maybe they got the gist of it and asked questions inside? After all, what does “BLIND ZEAL” really mean? I would love to hear a regular WOFF member explain that concept. Would the answer go like this: “Oh, blind zeal? I am sure I don’t have it. That guy with the sign is crazy…” Yes, I am fairly certain that my activities on days like today give Jane Whaley fodder for her preaching cannon. However, Jane, you helped me with much of the content of this post. Please, continue reading and find out how that happened.
Continue reading Spring Missions Project on Graduation Night at WOFF