Welcome New Readers – This is a personal blog focusing mainly on my experiences while at Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF) which is lead by Jane Whaley. The “About Author” page gives more information about me. I do encourage you to read and comment as you come across material that raises questions or sparks a memory. The list below contains links to the first post in a series that will help explain WOFF, my experiences and what I have learned since my time ended in July 2008.
Why Should Others Outside of WOFF Care? Part 1 – link here https://religiouscultsinfo.com/?p=2038
From the post, “But to many others without friends or relatives involved at Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF), there may be some times when it becomes difficult to pay attention to the goings and doings of Jane Whaley, Sam Whaley and the members of their church.” This was written June 27, 2010.
What Are the Possible WOFF Defenses? Part 1 – link here https://religiouscultsinfo.com/?p=2723
From the post, “I made the point that it is not the beliefs by themselves that come under scrutiny, but those beliefs which are used to support the practices which experts believe are tied directly with mind control and/or the control of others.” This was written July 7, 2010.
“Know the Marks of Cults” Part 1 – link here https://religiouscultsinfo.com/?p=2841
From the post, “The author (Dave Breese) writes about his belief that it is a hunger to go “beyond” Christianity that leads people into side paths or error.” Post written July 24, 2010.
WOFF Members Get New Identity – Part 1 – link here https://religiouscultsinfo.com/?p=2402
An excerpt from the post, “Later in the service, Jane spoke up to correct him (Sam). She told him that all he had done before getting deliverance and getting truly born again was WICKED!” Post written: May 24, 2010.
Continue reading Welcome New Readers- More Selected Series August 2010