Tag Archives: Prudence Welch

Cult Survivor Blogs and Other Resources

   Over the last few months, I have run across several blogs written and sponsored by survivors from other cults. These cults may or may not be religious in nature. The religious cult survivor blogs do catch my eye more than others. Suppose we all have our interests spawned by our own circumstances. Anyway, the list of these types of blogs seems to be growing. It is only one of countless niche blogs that have been started over the last however many years. Most of this growth could be credited to the invention or provision of “free” blog hosts. In this post, I will review methods for finding such free blog hosts and finding cult survivor blogs, as well as listing a few of the blogs I have read and/or enjoy.

    Three of the more common free blog hosts would include wordpress.com, blog.com and blogger.com. A way to find more is to simply search “free blog hosts” in any search engine. The word “blog” is short for weblog– an online journal, usually in date order or chronological order. To blog is simply to write journal entries of personal experiences or other things of interest. Blogs usually center on a theme or topic. The subjects are as varied as the human race. I have a few other blogs around a central theme at wordpress.com. The presentation themes are varied. My main work is done here on this blog. One caution if you begin using a “free” blog host, read their rules of conduct on subject matter, usually included somewhere in the Terms of Use. Just a caution, as any blog that is hosted for “free” can be suspended without warning for violation of their Terms of Use.

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