Spring Missions Project 2012 continued this past Sunday along Oakland Road. The weather was perfect and the immediate results were shall we say “encouraging”. We arrived just before noon and literally within a minute JC drove by in full security team mode. (Remember, he was the car chaser last time, see the previous post on this event for a picture…) He drove by with walkie-talkie in hand and acting very WOFF-ish (Word of Faith Fellowship-like). However, we were not surprised and waited for the fun to continue. Soon, possibly by 12:10PM, the cars started trickling out down Old Flynn Road. Immediately, we noted a switch. WOFF members were purposely looking at the signs rather than doing the heard jerk –which always did look painful. RS and LS were the first members I noted to obviously stare at the signs. He was actually gawking.
Well, soon the floodgates opened and slowly but surely, the cars kept coming and coming and coming- just as we had hoped. Oh, there were the obvious Security Team passes and activities. People set-up with cameras and who knows what other electronic listening equipment, taking their pictures and being real obvious. Still we noted WOFF members freely staring at our signs and at first it seemed strange. Later we would find out why this had switched.