Tag Archives: Stockholm Syndrome

Stockholm Syndrome at WOFF? (1)

 During this last week, I heard the term “Stockholm Syndrome”. Though I had a vague idea what the term meant, I took some time to read more and found a very informative resource article titled: “Love and Stockholm Syndrome: The Mystery of Loving an Abuser” The article was four separate pages with the link to the first page found here- http://counsellingresource.com/lib/therapy/self-help/stockholm/ .

The article was written by Dr. Joseph M. Carver, PhD. The website was labeled as “Counseling Resource”.

For this series of posts, I will review the parts of the article that help explain how and/or why many members of Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF) act as they do toward and in defense of the leader, Jane Whaley. We will review the characteristics of the Stockholm Syndrome and also hopefully gain some insight as to why many WOFF members cut-off and walk away from their family members and friends.

   As the author introduces the subject, he begins by remarking when people make changes away from certain behaviors or destructive relationships, they sometimes look back and find it hard to believe they once had dark thoughts. They may even miss those negative controlling relationships. Why would this be? Socially it makes no sense to long for that which was destructive in your life. The answer may be found in understanding the Stockholm Syndrome.

   In order to bring the question closer, how many times have WOFF members heard Jane brag that former members longed to fellowship with present members?  She announced as some sort of endorsement or badge of validity that she must be doing something right! Ex-members still want to be around her as long as she didn’t “hit their sin”. Again, I believe the answers don’t validate Jane and her practices, but in truth, the answers point out just how destructive WOFF-life has been on many folks. Let’s continue.

Continue reading Stockholm Syndrome at WOFF? (1)